WOOOOOOOO first workout stacking Animal Rage + Animal Pump and I gotta say I felt like a fvcking silverback gorillia throwing weight around! I was soo tempted to just start going heavy but that's what tomorrow is for lol
So here's what I did:
Bench/Squat Supersets
B: 15 x 135 lbs
S: 10 x 185 lbs
B: 15 x 135 lbs
S: 8 x 205 lbs
B: 10 x 185 lbs
S: 6 x 225 lbs
B: 10 x 185 lbs
S: 5 x 275 lbs
B: 15 x 135 lbs
S: 5 X 315 lbs
S: 5 x 335 lbs
S: 4 x 355 lbs
S: 3 x 365 lbs
S: 1 x 385 lbs (new PR)
Bent Over Barbell Row
10 x 135 lbs
8 x 165 lbs
6 x 185 lbs
2 x 12 (no weight)
Dropset Curls
10 x 85 lbs
10 x 75 lbs
10 x 65 lbs
10 x 45 lbs
Hammer Curls (each arm)
10 x 30 lbs
8 x 35 lbs
6 x 40 lbs
Shrugs (barbell)
10 reps x 225 lbs x 3 sets
10 x 75 lbs
8 x 85 lbs
6 x 95 lbs
Ab Rollouts
3 sets of 10
Mini Circuit Finisher (3 rounds)
30 sec jump rope
5 pullups
10 pushups
I felt like sh1t all weekend because my lower back was so tight from deadlifting last week (1st time doing deads since HS), and was just soo damn painful I could hardly do anything besides sit and lay down. I was hoping it wasn't a strain or tear....and luckily it wasn't. I didn't go out at all, just worked and slept all weekend. The rest did me good because there's not an ounce of pain left in my back, so I think I'd just attribute it to soreness from starting a new lift.
Edit: I did use a hex bar for the deads, and I know my form wasn't bad because I had buddies watching me making sure it was good, and the pain is gone now completely, meaning it wasn't an actual injury. I only say this because I have a feeling there could be some comments that bad form caused the pain. I will however pay extra careful attention to my form even more because of this.