I have to respectfully disagree with the “at least it’s not blue pill simp advice” so I will break down the 3 types of advice down..
Toxic Advice- I am mainly targeting black pill and content from Andrew Tate and Fresh and Fit. These guys seem to offer a really dystopian doom and gloom scenario for men to where everything is screwed unless you are this or that, but they are somehow the exception. However, they just say offer extremely vague self Improving advice such as ”improve yourself”, ”buy a Bugatti”, “be six foot or taller”. 1). How one improves himself is going to differ by person to person. We don’t know this individual’s situation or the hands in his deck, so just by saying “improve yourself” or ”become rich” is extremely vague. 2). No man is immune to a woman’s BS, so even if you were this 6ft 2, millionaire, Chad chiseled jawline, with a Bugatti, there will always be problems with women.
Constructive Advice- The three content creators that helped my game and improve myself the most were Alpha Male Strategies, Playing with Fire, and Coach Greg Adams. These content creators have videos with actual constructive advice on dating, improving your life, and learning how to deal with women long term in general. I am not aware of a single video where Fresh and Fit, Andrew Tate, and Wheat Waffles offer any detailed constructive advice on dating or improving yourself. All I see them doing is crying about women in their own echo chambers while throwing out vague and already popular advice methods. “Go to the gym”, no fvcking shvt, were they the first people to tell you this?
Blue Pill Advice- TBH, I do not even know what this is, so I need further elaboration. There is no centralized aggressive narrative of blue pill advice coming from CNN or any main stream media. Is this just bad advice you hear from a family member or friend? Is this against traditionally good advice that our parents, grandparents, and so on have followed? I can turn on CNN right now and I guarantee you guys that no one is going to be trying to sell me the “idea of blue pilled marriage” as opposed to turning on a Fresh and Fit podcast and immediately being blasted with information about some toxic Miami thot they found.