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There’s A Scientific Reason Why Women Are Attracted To Taller Men


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Height gets a man in the door easier. That’s it.

Shorter men need to over perform in other areas; looks, money, game, status, and be jacked. If a short man has most of these he is more than fine with women. It’s just how things go…
I would say being jacked is mandatory in that list. All of the other areas are of course important, but being jacked should be the first priority if you're short. Got to shore up the biggest weakness (physical stature) first.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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So ideally all of Sosuave‘s advice on how to attract, secure, and make love to women should have the disclaimer:

’Get tall first, THEN work on the fundamentals and learn the principals of seduction, Because if you are not tall, your clothes, your job, your money, your home, your body, your speech, your having fun, won’t matter,”

Funny how they don’t teach us how to gain height in school, they teach us to memorize math formulas. Powers that be know what they are doing.
What about being stretched by a pair of monster trucks? That can usually increase your length.


Don Juan
May 29, 2022
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Always the same mistakes by these "there is a scientific reason for x" i.e biological determinism and positivism making people overlook sociocultural reasons for absurdly high standards currently in vogue. People ignore the massive cultural imposition originating from the higher classes height had since centuries ago as necessary.

If you cut that off and the cultural and political engineering happening to make women standards skyhigh, height and looks will be way less important and game comes back. There are other ways intelligence, dominance, strength, mental health are shown by humans to others. We're not bonobos.

fun trivia: notice how the article makes the case that a girl may accept a shorter guy easier when she gets old but innately expects the shorter guy will accept her saggy tits.


Sep 10, 2014
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It is true that being tall gives you an edge , but it is only this … an edge

With or without the edge , you still should be fine

You can not just have an edge in everything
Being taller allows you to be uglier and attract the same woman. If you are shorter you will need to be better looking than a taller guy to get the same level woman. Sometimes significantly better.

However, the shorter the women, the less tall you need to be.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Height is not the one all be all. Despite taking advantage of it myself, I would say the fundamental rule is that emotion creates attractiveness. A tall person creates excitement, anxiety, and sometimes fear in both men and women. Women confuse it for attraction cause all emotion is attraction to them. But there many other ways to create this feeling. Michael Corleone from Godfather was a short man, but every woman and man felt intimidated when he walked into the room cause of his status alone.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Funny because the media does not highlight 34C women in the same respect as tall men. In contrast, petite women seem to be more in favor these days but I would expect our biology to prefer a woman with a curve bottom and prominent chest.
I don’t see this. Petite women were in in the 90s (Jennifer Anniston, buffy the vampire slayer). Now it seems it’s all about having an enormous ass and BBLs.

words cannot explain how revolting I find “thicc” chicks.

On the general subject, I a fraction below 6’3.Am wide like a tank (but currently overweight too!). I’ve always liked petite women best, excluding actual midgets, petite is better. Current wife is exactly 5 foot.

I don’t know if it’s opposites attract but I find smaller women very feminine and it kind of amplifies my masculinity to see the difference.
It’s pretty cool that I can military press my wife. I’m more than double her weight.

There are some disadvantages to being big. For a start, my little man is the world average. It’s nothing to write home about. On my frame it looks small.

In bed, make one wrong move and your partner is screaming in pain as you accidentally Pinned her leg with 250lb of your knee.
Also if you’re a chill chap like me, little guys see a big guy with a good nature and they think easy pickings. Win win. If he wins he’s supposed to but a good chance to prove a point.

Overall though it’s mainly a good thing.
However, my friend who’s 5’8 was always the chick magnet in our group, not me. He has kind of Italian looks. This was always WAY more powerful than my slightly ginger agricultural anglo Saxon look

There is a certain look, in the same way the blonde chick is an archetype - you look at any movie, any famous rich woman, they always go for the same guy. White; black hair, slightly Mediterranean looking. Always. This look is orders of magnitude more powerful than a blue eyed fair coloured giant.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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So ideally all of Sosuave‘s advice on how to attract, secure, and make love to women should have the disclaimer:

’Get tall first, THEN work on the fundamentals and learn the principals of seduction, Because if you are not tall, your clothes, your job, your money, your home, your body, your speech, your having fun, won’t matter,”

Funny how they don’t teach us how to gain height in school, they teach us to memorize math formulas. Powers that be know what they are doing.
If this were true. I’d be an incel. Height is good. But it is not decisive.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Yeah. I’m a sucker for the George Clooney type.

But my fiancé is dark blonde, blue eyed and Norse looking. He is tall at 6’3” but trim at an athletic 175 lbs. He’s not my typical tall dark & handsome but he’s definitely tall and handsome. I’m 5’6” so we are very near that 8 inch differential in height. I wear very high platform heels often, and am still shorter than him, which is fabulous.

My own son is around 5’8” and he has no issues with women. His gf is 5’1” or 5’2”. He’s good looking, charming and socially adroit, which makes him a standout among his peer group at just under 21 years of age.

Height is one of those things you just are not going to fix. It has to be accepted. I mean I’m never going to be Asian and some men prefer Asian women, so it is what it is.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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The girls I met that were obsessed the most about height were shorter chubby girls.

In my life the majority of long term relationships I had were my height or close to it (Im 180 /5'11) and had no issues with it, probably cause my uncaring aloof behaviour around them convinced them that I was good enough to hangle them or probably cause they knew our kids were coming tall thanks to them anyway.

My current almost girlfriend is my same height probably a little bit taller actually, I told her she can wear heels if she wants cause I dont give an F if she will look taller with them....I told her that Im comfortable with that and actually kinda amused to leave people surprised.

I also notice that taller girls are way less drama and much better at problem solving.

The only issues are during intimacy actually, very hard to handle them and you need to be irrationally confident according to the position.

My d1ck size is average btw.


Dec 30, 2022
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So ideally all of Sosuave‘s advice on how to attract, secure, and make love to women should have the disclaimer:

’Get tall first, THEN work on the fundamentals and learn the principals of seduction, Because if you are not tall, your clothes, your job, your money, your home, your body, your speech, your having fun, won’t matter,”

Funny how they don’t teach us how to gain height in school, they teach us to memorize math formulas. Powers that be know what they are doing.
Nah not necessarily. Like I mentioned in that same reply, " more average looking people are in relationships than ever superficially hot people. Should tell you something. " -- What I meant by this is, while we all have superficial ideas about what we want in a partner.. Normal people tend to be more realistic. Because face it, tall guys who make good money are a small percentage of the population. Not only that, A mans height won't mean his personality is great, won't mean that he isn't possessive, or not good in bed, or that he has good manners and social etiquette, isnt a douchebag, isn't a player, etc etc.

Women are widely aware of the vast amount of variables that come with any person.. because they lived a whole life as a gentle , sensitive, weaker gender that had to be way more careful than males.

The height thing is just something women are biologically predisposed to look after because back in "survival times" when humans were primitive, a taller guy /stronger/bigger overall meant the best mating partner/ best hunter / best protector/provider.

I wouldn't say worry about height at all, I would say worry about exuding qualities of a weaker man .. perosnality wise and with muscular density.. ie: don't be a scrawny twerp because you will be canceled out of the equation by many women


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Yes. Being attracted to tall (generally) is probably inborn.

But being hung up on a specific height say 6’ or X inches taller due to her wearing heels is social programming.

It’s analogous to this… The caveman might have naturally attracted to big boobs. But he didn’t come out of the cave demanding a 34C minimum. They didn’t have measurements then lol.
In the United States, women have been hung up on that 6'0" number since they started experiencing abundance with online dating websites, even before swipe apps. That's the social programming effect you mention. I would estimate the 6'0"+ fetish for USA women has been a thing for nearly 15-20 years at this point. It used to be that the average 5'4"-5'5" woman was fine with a taller man, like someone even 5'8"-5'9". That's the thing that has changed massively in the last 15-25 years. As a 5'10" man, I have felt this.

Numerous 5'0"-5'3" women have been requesting 6'0"+ men due to social programming, whereas without social programming, they'd likely be fine with 5'7"-5'8"+ men.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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I would say being jacked is mandatory in that list. All of the other areas are of course important, but being jacked should be the first priority if you're short. Got to shore up the biggest weakness (physical stature) first.
Blind men & the elephant.


Sep 10, 2014
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In the United States, women have been hung up on that 6'0" number since they started experiencing abundance with online dating websites, even before swipe apps. That's the social programming effect you mention. I would estimate the 6'0"+ fetish for USA women has been a thing for nearly 15-20 years at this point. It used to be that the average 5'4"-5'5" woman was fine with a taller man, like someone even 5'8"-5'9". That's the thing that has changed massively in the last 15-25 years. As a 5'10" man, I have felt this.

Numerous 5'0"-5'3" women have been requesting 6'0"+ men due to social programming, whereas without social programming, they'd likely be fine with 5'7"-5'8"+ men.
Most women don't even know what 6'0" looks like. You can easily put 6'0" if you are 5'10" and would maybe get called out once every 100 times.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Most women don't even know what 6'0" looks like. You can easily put 6'0" if you are 5'10" and wouldaybe get called out once every 100 times.
There is no "putting" since I haven't been using swipe apps. In real life, I could "say" that I am 6'0" and maybe you're correct that I wouldn't get called out on it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I've seen tons of hispanic men, who are quite a bit shorter than the average non Mediterranean white man, that are in relationships with very attractive hispanic women. Some of this is cultural for sure, it's normal for hispanic men to be like 5'4" lol so their women don't think much of it. Hell, I'm 6'4" and athletically built and I have a difficult time in my latino dominated area lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Height gets a man in the door easier. That’s it.

Shorter men need to over perform in other areas; looks, money, game, status, and be jacked. If a short man has most of these he is more than fine with women. It’s just how things go…
That’s why most short people on this forum and my short friends smash the gym so much. I see more jacked short/average height men than I do at 6’2+

Just get jacked and target short women problem solved, most of you midgets can’t even do that. Too lazy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Hell, I'm 6'4" and athletically built and I have a difficult time in my latino dominated area lol.
Because you look feminine/weird. You’ve been here years saying the same thing. Yes you’re tall, yes you go to the gym, but you have a queer look, no hair and pluck your eyebrows. Women don’t like that. They also don’t like socially awkward weirdos that can’t hold a convo and give off desperate psycho vibes.

Hope that helps.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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There is parable that has been around for thousands of years about six blind men examining an elephant. For those who do not want to listen to Natalie Merchant sing one of the most famous versions (and in such a mesmerizing voice), the short version is this: six blind men examine a different part of an elephant and reach a different conclusion as to what the elephant is like. And because each has their own experience informing their opinion, they argue about who is correct. Generally, the point of the parable is that all six are correct within their limited experience, and incorrect in having a complete understanding of what an elephant is like.’’