This post was inspired in part by posts relating a story of the poster knowing a guy who has no discernable advantage to the poster, e.g., height, looks, "game", etc doing much better at attracting women. The other guy might actually be at a disadvantage in almost every noticable way, e.g, in height, fitness, style, game etc but still have much better success with women. And to also get to the nitty gritty of what really causes attraction to happen/causes atraction to not happen.
Attraction opens the door and is basically essential to getting compliance from girls and for getting anything you want from them. We can't say attraction is random and totally subjective because we all know that some guys have much more success constantly with women and the opposite is true for another guy know matter how hard he tries or what way he tries to go about attracting females. If attraction was random and totally subjective then one guy wouldn't constantly have more success than another would.
To say well attraction is dependent on looks and personality is too broad and nondescriptive, as is to just run down the list of every quality a guy could have that should attract women. Because we all know guys who are lacking in many of those areas and still do better than a guy who is lacking in few if any of those qualities.
Now that I've set the stage for my argument, I want to try to come to the realization of what factor is the fundamental factor that causes attraction or lacking it causes attraction to be very hard to get. Most people conclude it's confidence, but confidence is so subjectively interpreted. I would argue that this X-factor is either having at least above average facial symmetry or having good facial expressions. Maybe both are required, for example, at least slightly above average facial symmetry plus good facial expressiveness. But the issue is neither are easily to conscously realize or change for the guy. It's something a woman notices almost subconcously and responds to basically emotionally.
Let me give you a good example. What are people interested and like? They like actors. Actors tend to be very symetrical or photogenic and they are very expressive. Their expression communicate moods very clearly. Even if you turn the sound off you can still see the appeal. At one time movies were even silent yet still entertaining.
This also goes to idea in NLP that the other person models and feels emotions based on nonverbal cues and body language. And the rule of thumb that communication is 80% nonverbal. And the, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it." Now I know none of this is exactly new but the idea that attraction is mostly due to having "good" facial expression and facial symmetry I think is. And the idea that nothing you say or do nor any game will overcome a lacking in these areas.
I know there's more to attracting and closing girls but I think this is the necessary foundation that is needed. I think anyone who is having trouble with pick up needs to basically learn how to be expressive like a good actor. I realize there's not much you can do about facial symmetry however.
Attraction opens the door and is basically essential to getting compliance from girls and for getting anything you want from them. We can't say attraction is random and totally subjective because we all know that some guys have much more success constantly with women and the opposite is true for another guy know matter how hard he tries or what way he tries to go about attracting females. If attraction was random and totally subjective then one guy wouldn't constantly have more success than another would.
To say well attraction is dependent on looks and personality is too broad and nondescriptive, as is to just run down the list of every quality a guy could have that should attract women. Because we all know guys who are lacking in many of those areas and still do better than a guy who is lacking in few if any of those qualities.
Now that I've set the stage for my argument, I want to try to come to the realization of what factor is the fundamental factor that causes attraction or lacking it causes attraction to be very hard to get. Most people conclude it's confidence, but confidence is so subjectively interpreted. I would argue that this X-factor is either having at least above average facial symmetry or having good facial expressions. Maybe both are required, for example, at least slightly above average facial symmetry plus good facial expressiveness. But the issue is neither are easily to conscously realize or change for the guy. It's something a woman notices almost subconcously and responds to basically emotionally.
Let me give you a good example. What are people interested and like? They like actors. Actors tend to be very symetrical or photogenic and they are very expressive. Their expression communicate moods very clearly. Even if you turn the sound off you can still see the appeal. At one time movies were even silent yet still entertaining.
This also goes to idea in NLP that the other person models and feels emotions based on nonverbal cues and body language. And the rule of thumb that communication is 80% nonverbal. And the, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it." Now I know none of this is exactly new but the idea that attraction is mostly due to having "good" facial expression and facial symmetry I think is. And the idea that nothing you say or do nor any game will overcome a lacking in these areas.
I know there's more to attracting and closing girls but I think this is the necessary foundation that is needed. I think anyone who is having trouble with pick up needs to basically learn how to be expressive like a good actor. I realize there's not much you can do about facial symmetry however.
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