I actually live with an AW, let's call her K and I hardly say anything to her these days, I notice that she can't look me in the eye since she hooked up with my room mate , lets call him S...and I still find it very puzzling that she wants to stay on after he leaves next weekend.
I have no idea what goes on in this crazy girls head but I and many others I have discussed this with all agree on one thing, she hooked up with my room mate to get at me and too hurt me for whatever reason I don't know.
I told her I liked her months ago and she told me she didn't feel the same way and has told me that there is really nothing that she doesn't like me about it's just that the physical isn't there...
which is fine to me as she is very high maintenance and quite a piece of work...but I am just not caring anymore I don't see the point, she has completely turned me off her and I actually dislike her a lot and wanted her to move out but she said she will eventually but that it is hard to find a place (lies) and that she really enjoys living where she lives now...so here is the build up to her hooking up with my room mate (ex best friend of 9 years).
who actually told me that he saw her look like a sister and that she was like a sister to him.(ewwwwww)
I invite a young girl to a show k meets this girl and gives me an interesting look, goes all quiet while we are waiting in a line then once inside takes off for the night with S.
We all meet up later and all K does is try and belittle me in front of this girl
The next morning she talks about this girl and refers to her as "your
girl" and says **** about her, like about how she talked a lot and
there was never a dull moment.
The next weekend when a musician friend stayed over this same girl was going to come around and join us for drinks and I went outside too see if she was on her way, when I walk back inside K gives me a very interesting sideways look and stoic expression and nothing was said.
As I had drunk too much I got the spins and had to go to bed, while I was in bed this girl rang my place and K lies to her and told her that I had already gone to town for an emergency???
I wake up later and hear K in the lounge talking **** about this girl and syaing how young she is and why does she put up with my ****
I later send K a txt and she txts me and tells me that the girl was at the show waiting for me...she never went to the show.
A few weeks ago I had a date and K
calls home next morning about someone coming over too look at
the room and straight away asks me how the date was and who was it
with. and I said why do you need to know? and she said "I'm just making polite conversation"
K and I talk later in the lounge and k refers to these girls
as 'interesting people' and that she wishes she had 'options' like I
K and S hook up next weekend.
Coincidence?...or just a bitter, jealous game playing *****?
My question is how should I be to her once S has gone, should I just keep my distance or just be civil and treat her like a kid sister?.
sorry this was long and yes I know I got played like a fiddle but I'm really building up a resilience to all this now.
and lastly I see no chemistry or any romantic notions between K and S it's really wierd really.