I'm one of those "looks don't matter" guys and people keep misinterpreting why it needs to be said
"looks don't matter" isn't so much saying that looks don't have an effect as it is saying, if you don't have the social skills, how you look makes no difference. yea, obviously, if you're good looking, doors will open in the form of IOI's and a few girls opening you, but the thing is, unless you have the skillset, you will not be able to CLOSE. you go to a club and you see a ton of good looking guys that still have no game. because even though they go to the gym a lot and are wearing a $200 shirt, they never got over approach anxiety or learned how to vibe with a girl
on top of that, guys with shtty game rationalize their lack of success on their looks and give themselves limiting beliefs. in reality they're just on a learning plateau and gotta push their game a little more to get results. but they think their looks are impeding them, so they get all negative. then they come on this site and make looks threads to draw people into this crappy reality, full of a bunch of guys who think they can go no further without gettign plastic surgery or something. the insecurity is ridiculous - it's like bulemic girls who weigh 90 pounds and are still forcing themselves to yak
If you're really fat, lose the weight - there more important reasons other than girls (IE heart disease, you'll save money on plane tickets, you'll FEEL better). part of enjoying life is improving yourself in all facets, including the superifical ones. but when it comes to game, put looks in the proper context. your charisma and social intelligence are what gets you a close. looks just get you attention