The truth about this forum

Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score

"The members used to be more concerned with helping each other out but now they seem more concerned about trying to impress other guys by being in some misguided competition to see who can behave like a bigger ass."

Amen. That's all Noc is trying to say. What we have on this site, as far as quality informatin is very powerful. And I believe that the moderators should create a new set of rules for this site.

We can only encourage the Quality Posters to post more, and from that, we can only grow more as people.

I have learned a shytload from PRL, Pook, Anti-Dump, Da Dynically, and others here. And by having guys act very immature and everything, THEN to have the moderators begin banning quality posters because these immature posters are emailing them demanding a guy be banned, is CRAZY.

I've been banned three times, because a guy emailed a moderator and told him to ban me, AND HE DID! I did nothing wrong.

Leadership starts at the top....I'm knocking on the moderators doors with this one. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
nocturnal2 said:
I mean, let's be honest... this forum is filled with a bunch of nerds who sit around their house (or their parent's basement) eating Cheetos all day pretending to be PUAs.

I mean, if I see one more post telling someone to "be a bad ass" or "bust her balls" I'm going to puke.

Some guys are good with women, some aren't.

All these approach journals, neg hits, etc. are totally lame. And don't tell me these are working for you, they're not.

Thread after thread I see you guys talking about getting turned down yet you spin it into a success. I mean, really... let's call a spade a spade. Same old people with the same old problems... getting the same advice from these "Master Don Juans" (who have accumulated 5,000+ posts in here). I hope I can get some advice from these keyboard warriors too.

There's 3 types of guys on this site:

1.) Complete clowns who fool themselves into thinking they can pull women
2.) May have been kissed in the 7th grade -- but that's it.
(and my personal favorite)
3.) Guys who think they're good-looking when in reality never draw a second look from a woman

If you guys want some real advice -- stay away from this site. All it does is increase anxiety and brainwash what little percentile of guys who actually have a chance with chicks.
I'll tell you right now I don't bust girls ball unless some stupid sh!t comes up then maybe. I don't do approach journals because I just do whatever I feel like pictures would be cool though. Also I never neg because I don't go to much into that theory stuff.I'm just telling you this for your own benefit everybody on this site are not like you make them out to be. I don't live in my parents house I stay in my own room :) anyways. I don't come here to qualify myself to you. Just for you to get some understanding.
Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
Chosen One if you strive to have a better life, from women to money to health to inner will stand up and cheer for Nocturnal.

If you strive to have a community of like minded individuals that are also succeeding and conquering some of the same challenges that you might will stand up and cheer for Norturnal.

For in a non-verbal way....Nocturnal is trying to bring this site back to what Wyldfire said it was 3 years ago.

A place, where everyday, another quality, life-changing and life-enriching post was on the Main Discussion forum

A place, where the young newbie was welcomed in with opened arms, and soon after became better and better with LIFE, not just women.

A place, where you are EXPECTED and have GOALS SET to achieve in money, health, women, inner fulfillment....and it was OK to come here everyday to check back in with your community.

They were one, they didn't agree on everything, but their discussions in disagreeing lead to the production of some of the greatest wisdom ever shared on the internet.

That's what this site is.....

And those same life-changing and life-enriching posters are still here....but they just don't post anymore.

And they don't post, based on what Nocturnal is saying is wrong with this site.

For take it in love, and for YOUR OWN SAKE, you will ban with myself and we try to bring this site back to what it was.

So the best posters in the world can come back once again, and bless our young lives even more.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
DJF or John Again said:
Chosen One if you strive to have a better life, from women to money to health to inner will stand up and cheer for Nocturnal.

If you strive to have a community of like minded individuals that are also succeeding and conquering some of the same challenges that you might will stand up and cheer for Norturnal.

For in a non-verbal way....Nocturnal is trying to bring this site back to what Wyldfire said it was 3 years ago.

A place, where everyday, another quality, life-changing and life-enriching post was on the Main Discussion forum

A place, where the young newbie was welcomed in with opened arms, and soon after became better and better with LIFE, not just women.

A place, where you are EXPECTED and have GOALS SET to achieve in money, health, women, inner fulfillment....and it was OK to come here everyday to check back in with your community.

They were one, they didn't agree on everything, but their discussions in disagreeing lead to the production of some of the greatest wisdom ever shared on the internet.

That's what this site is.....

And those same life-changing and life-enriching posters are still here....but they just don't post anymore.

And they don't post, based on what Nocturnal is saying is wrong with this site.

For take it in love, and for YOUR OWN SAKE, you will ban with myself and we try to bring this site back to what it was.

So the best posters in the world can come back once again, and bless our young lives even more.
I hear what you are saying the life-changing/enriching post have all been said before. I don't even post here like I use to I've learned a lot. I only really post when I have a stupid question or a new experience. I don't think should stop posting here because of what Noc has said if anything they should post more. A lot of guys have question and new exprience here all the times even the older guys.

I just don't like the way Nocs said what he said. There were guys around like Pook and Senior Fingers but they are gone. They wouldn't get on and bash this site like this. They were more enlightened. I myself am slowly starting to fade away.

I don't really need this site anymore as I can figure things out myself with a little time. All I know is that I have been on this site for more then 2 years and good stuff just hasn't been coming in. Also I have not myself made any post nearly as good or enlightening as Mr. Fingers or Pook. Those were great guys who need to post on here once again. We all understood what they were saying. For now I will keep checking this site out for interesting things that come alone and post evey now and again. We do need to come together and focus on what we use to focus on money selves and women. Things ain't like that anymore. For now I will just come here and post when needed. It's still an interesting site to visit.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Wyldfire said:
I've been a member here for 6 years. The quality of the site has gone downhill for the last 3 years or so. The site used to have a real sense of community and people would really try to help each other, put thought into what they posted and you almost never heard crap like "go read the bible you AFC noob". The members used to be more concerned with helping each other out but now they seem more concerned about trying to impress other guys by being in some misguided competition to see who can behave like a bigger ass.

I feel the same way... it would be nice to see some more healthy discussion going on here.

I guess it's up to those that want to fix these problems to make an example of the way things should be.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
nocturnal2 said:
Out of all of the guys on this site, POOK probably has masturbated more than ANY guy in here. Are you an idiot or what?
f*cking assh0le. Go watch your damn Oprah, chump.


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
nocturnal2 said:
I mean, let's be honest... this forum is filled with a bunch of nerds who sit around their house (or their parent's basement) eating Cheetos all day pretending to be PUAs.

I mean, if I see one more post telling someone to "be a bad ass" or "bust her balls" I'm going to puke.

Some guys are good with women, some aren't.

All these approach journals, neg hits, etc. are totally lame. And don't tell me these are working for you, they're not.

Thread after thread I see you guys talking about getting turned down yet you spin it into a success. I mean, really... let's call a spade a spade. Same old people with the same old problems... getting the same advice from these "Master Don Juans" (who have accumulated 5,000+ posts in here). I hope I can get some advice from these keyboard warriors too.

There's 3 types of guys on this site:

1.) Complete clowns who fool themselves into thinking they can pull women
2.) May have been kissed in the 7th grade -- but that's it.
(and my personal favorite)
3.) Guys who think they're good-looking when in reality never draw a second look from a woman

If you guys want some real advice -- stay away from this site. All it does is increase anxiety and brainwash what little percentile of guys who actually have a chance with chicks.

finally a voice of reason :yes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
nocturnal2 said:
I mean, let's be honest... this forum is filled with a bunch of nerds who sit around their house (or their parent's basement) eating Cheetos all day pretending to be PUAs.

I mean, if I see one more post telling someone to "be a bad ass" or "bust her balls" I'm going to puke.

Some guys are good with women, some aren't.

All these approach journals, neg hits, etc. are totally lame. And don't tell me these are working for you, they're not.

Thread after thread I see you guys talking about getting turned down yet you spin it into a success. I mean, really... let's call a spade a spade. Same old people with the same old problems... getting the same advice from these "Master Don Juans" (who have accumulated 5,000+ posts in here). I hope I can get some advice from these keyboard warriors too.

There's 3 types of guys on this site:

1.) Complete clowns who fool themselves into thinking they can pull women
2.) May have been kissed in the 7th grade -- but that's it.
(and my personal favorite)
3.) Guys who think they're good-looking when in reality never draw a second look from a woman

If you guys want some real advice -- stay away from this site. All it does is increase anxiety and brainwash what little percentile of guys who actually have a chance with chicks.
You forgot to mention the 4th type of guy(lookyoung)- A guy that is goodlooking, charismatic, charming, succesful in life and with woman. Not everyone here is a loser idiot. There is alot of garbage threads on this board and this happens to be one of them.

BTW there are guys that have more success with woman than you do. I probably am one of them. If you think sosuave is useless than why are you even posting?