The truth about this forum

Apr 28, 2007
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My Thoughts

I was reading some old posts around here, the moderators always seem to "ban" guys that like to speak their mind so I'm quite sure I'll be banned before midnight tonight.

But I had to reply to this post, because I see a lot of "problems" occurring in this post that could be worth a discussion.

First off, why is it that everytime someone makes a Thread disclaiming some of the faults of this site TODAY, that 90% of the members jump up and begin to nail the guy to the cross?

I read what nocturnal said, nothing that he said was inaccurate.

There's 2 problems occurring on this site today.

Sosuave is NOT like a regular Seduction site, this is actually a place that WAS and SHOULD still be a DIFFERENT place of community. Here not only does the young man come to learn how to increase his lays, but he also comes to learn more about himself.

Sosuave's past posts makes this site actually much MORE than a Seduction/"Tell Me The Secret To Women" site.

So because of that, guys begin to EXPECT a different tonality, a different group of people to interact with. For if 90% of the guys here would act more like what Sosuave the forum itself is, we would have POWER on this little website. Yes...I do mean Power.

The problem is that the gates of this site has been let open to EXACTLY what nocturnal is saying, and it's people wasting time, people that are just bored, and people NOT looking to improve or do anything.

It's amazing, as to the high amount of quality information on this site, as to why guys that have been here over 4 months are STILL asking the same, old, newbie azz questions.

I think people like Nocturnal SHOULD be here, because this site is so much BETTER than the way it's being represented.

Whether you want to "believe" it or not, this site is powerful, it's much more than just a "How Do I Seduce Tonya" website.

I think if 90% of the guys matured, and the moderators would stop banning people like myself, people like PRL, and others...who actually contribute to this site...and instead ban guys that come here and waste time and make dumb threads....I think we could all come together and have a lot of POWER.

Just my thoughts, I'll probably be banned again in 30 minutes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
You read through nocturnal's post and didn't see anything wrong with it? I suppose I should probably forgive your ignorance because you're a n00b.

However, considering your join date this month simply to make a post supporting this assh0le, I suspect you are probably a troll yourself. The forum isn't f*cking perfect, but the damn trolls are corrupting it way more than any of the sincere posters.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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No,I think he's mostly right I just didn't like the Joey reference.Makes no sense,since the person isn't real.

But I agree with that men shouldn't be afraid of their sex drive type comment.

That is the key to success..going "natural" so to speak.

With that you automatically next girls that won't give you any nook-nook.You next girls that give you crap(since you're the man after all) and you damn sure next flakes & ****-teases & girls you just flatout aren't really that into...

^That is what dudes refuse to realize nowadays.What is wrong with just wanting a chic for sex or wanting strictly attractive women?

Women can do this but men are pigs if they do?Fvck that ****'s the way men are supposed to think..

The View and Oprah and Sex and the City be damned.From my experience,yes,most of you chics are all the same...
Apr 28, 2007
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Obsidian, this is exactly what noc. and myself is talking about. Why are you speaking like this? Is there really a point to this Obsidian?

"You read through nocturnal's post and didn't see anything wrong with it? I suppose I should probably forgive your ignorance because you're a n00b."

Actually I'm not a noob, I've been around here for awhile. I get banned by the moderators when a hateful poster decides to email them and say I should be banned because they didn't agree with a reply I made in a discussion.

"However, considering your join date this month simply to make a post supporting this assh0le, I suspect you are probably a troll yourself. The forum isn't f*cking perfect, but the damn trolls are corrupting it way more than any of the sincere posters."

Obsidian a "troll" is a person that adds nothing to the forum. Noc. is not trolling, he is very much so adding to this forum. He is trying to enforce some type of disipline or law around here, and I think we all should follow behind him.

The moderators, (and I hate to keep coming back to them), but what noc. is saying is what the moderators of this site should be saying. Let's face it, we have a Search option here and have information here that men live 80 years and don't find.

We should RESPECT the previous and even some of today's great posters, by acting like mature human beings instead of cursing and immature people....


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Some guys are good with women, some aren't.
Heresy. Humans have the ability to change themselves and impact their own destiny.

All these approach journals...are totally lame.
Heresy. Introspection is key to self-improvement.

All these...neg hits, etc. are totally lame.
Yes they're lame, but they often DO work on h0rs.

Thread after thread I see you guys talking about getting turned down yet you spin it into a success. I mean, really... let's call a spade a spade.
People here generally don't pretend that failure = success. And if it does happen then a horde of people instantly respond to the thread and advise the poster to NEXT.

There's 3 types of guys on this site:
3.) Guys who think they're good-looking when in reality never draw a second look from a woman
Heresy. Women are attracted to power, not looks. Read the f*cking DJ Bible and purify your chumpish soul.

If you guys want some real advice -- stay away from this site. All it does is increase anxiety and brainwash what little percentile of guys who actually have a chance with chicks.

This site helps a lot of people. If you guys want my advice, BAN this mother-f*cker and anyone who supports his bullsh1t.
Apr 28, 2007
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Obsian, you need to calm down. There really isn't a point to all of your wordings.

If you disagree with Noc's "Experiences," then KINDLY express that and state your reasons why based on YOUR EXPERIENCES.

We all come from different places and have seen different things. The point of a discussion community is to bring different viewpoints on the table to further learn about life, women, the world, ourselves, etc.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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No, there really ISN'T A POINT TO TROLL POSTS. If he doesn't like the site or believe in any DJ theory then he shouldn't be here. I can't believe any of you guys are supporting his crap; the TROLL has made numerous fallacies:
1. calling FRs lame
2. denying the efficacy of pick-up techniques (which we all know can be useful at times)
3. denying the potential for self-improvement
4. equating looks with attraction
5. saying the site is pointless

RECOMMENDATION: Ban. Send him out into the void with Joey Jeremiah and the like.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
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DJF or John Again said:
Obsian, you need to calm down. There really isn't a point to all of your wordings.

If you disagree with Noc's "Experiences," then KINDLY express that and state your reasons why based on YOUR EXPERIENCES.

We all come from different places and have seen different things. The point of a discussion community is to bring different viewpoints on the table to further learn about life, women, the world, ourselves, etc.
your just another troll trying to stir up the bees, if you disagree with posters here trying to get laid more and improve their social lives which ultimatly what this site is about then LEAVE. Latley this discussion board has turned into a battlefield to prevent trolls from overcoming the site with fake post about women who dig them or situations that arise.

You just like the rest of the trolls are mad at the world because you can't take this information within yourself and use it to improve yourself. So instead mock the community and poke fun at all the advice given because you can't seem to use it to any sort of success. (probably due to your lack of social skills) So all you can do is sit on the other side of your computer screen and attempt to be a keyboard commando just like the rest of these trolling trolls.



Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
DJF or John Again said:
Okay well, I don't know how I have become a Troll, but I guess you are entitled to your own opinion.
you have become a troll because you are supporting and promoting trolling habits.. nocturnal2 is a troll.. you can spot a troll easy by the type of threads they are posting..

for example

"A girl smiled at me and played with her hair while looking at me in the eyes does that mean she likes me."

these are the type of comments a troll makes.. do not support trolls and you won't be labeled one

here's an example of a troll story as well straight from the fingers of said troll nocturnal2
Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
christz, come on lol.

If I support Jews does that make me now a Jew?

You guys are missing the point. The point of Noc's posts is that 90% of the members here need to grow up.

christz look at the way you and Obsian are acting, this is exactly what Noc. is talking about. You happen to disagree with him, yet, you can't disagree in a respectful and mature way.

And this forum has become filled with people that perform and behave like you guys, and that leads to a mass sea of people acting very immature.

This forum is a different forum than other seduction sites. Here we don't talk just about how to get Tonya's panties off, we talk about how to be a man, learning more about yourself, etc.

Those life changing posts.

I want more of that.

But quality and respected posters, choose to post other places that I am unaware of, due to the lack of maturity around these forums.

Let's make a change, let's just try to act more professional.

That's really all myself and Noc is really saying.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
you are ignoreing the issues here and i'm thinking a mod needs to do an IP check on you because you type in structure just like nocturnal2

when will the trolls ever stop..
Apr 28, 2007
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okay christz, I give up.

Lol, I don't understand what is the problem with some of you people? I already told you I've been banned before, it makes no sense for me to really be "noc" under a different name.

You think people like Noc is bringing the forum down?

Well, look at the way you are acting?

Unfortunately, many others act just like you around here and THAT is what the boy is talkin about in his post.

Now all of a sudden, because I am calling you guys out and telling you to act more Professional, I have to be the same person?

Just because your way of acting is popular around here does not make it right my friend.

But I can't keep talking to you if you continue to throw insults at me and speak like you are.

I will just ignore you and the 90% of others that will more than likely once they log in, join you with your wording, because that's how majority of the forum members act today, AND THAT'S WHAT NOC IS TALKING ABOUT.

That's What Needs To Stop. Call me a Troll, a whatever, It Needs To Stop Period.
Apr 28, 2007
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DJF comes back and looks in the Main Discussion Forum of Sosuave. He sees Noc voicing some frustrations...

Noc: "I mean, let's be honest... this forum is filled with a bunch of nerds who sit around their house (or their parent's basement) eating Cheetos all day pretending to be PUAs."

DJF: Lol, well Noc I don't know. It's a lot of them on this forum, mainly, I think those are the people that you see posting all the time.

Noc: "I mean, if I see one more post telling someone to "be a bad ass" or "bust her balls" I'm going to puke. Some guys are good with women, some aren't. All these approach journals, neg hits, etc. are totally lame. And don't tell me these are working for you, they're not."

DJF: "I made a post that said I have the Magic Pill. But really, there is no Magic Pill. I just have experienced that there's nothing wrong with your personality, learn how to have conidence in yourself and let the best you shine through. And for women...just add some sexuality to your personality. Let your whole experience and encounter with women be a sexual encounter, and you will be ok. There's no 100% success ratio, but you will be having much more success now then before."

Noc: Thread after thread I see you guys talking about getting turned down yet you spin it into a success. I mean, really... let's call a spade a spade. Same old people with the same old problems... getting the same advice from these "Master Don Juans" (who have accumulated 5,000+ posts in here). I hope I can get some advice from these keyboard warriors too."

DJF: Noc the problem on the main forum now, is that if quality posters are still hanging around here, they don't post. All you see is the post of guys, you described above. My message to the guys that are seriously looking to improve, is do a search and read the past posts.

Noc: There's 3 types of guys on this site:

1.) Complete clowns who fool themselves into thinking they can pull women
2.) May have been kissed in the 7th grade -- but that's it.
(and my personal favorite)
3.) Guys who think they're good-looking when in reality never draw a second look from a woman

DJF: Lol.

Noc: If you guys want some real advice -- stay away from this site. All it does is increase anxiety and brainwash what little percentile of guys who actually have a chance with chicks.

DJF: Hmmmm, yeah. I would say Noc, they should stay away from TODAY'S Main Discussion forum. But in their spare time, after they have gone out and made money, met some new people, and had some their spare time, they should sit down, grab those Cheetos...and read the PAST POSTS. Because from reading those, you will mature and grow as a person.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
I've been a member here for 6 years. The quality of the site has gone downhill for the last 3 years or so. The site used to have a real sense of community and people would really try to help each other, put thought into what they posted and you almost never heard crap like "go read the bible you AFC noob". The members used to be more concerned with helping each other out but now they seem more concerned about trying to impress other guys by being in some misguided competition to see who can behave like a bigger ass.
Apr 28, 2007
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Here's one last AMEN to Noc's statement.

Noc: This forum deals with women the wrong way. This entire site focuses on INDIVIDUAL issues. Such as "LOOKS", what "CARS" you drive, what "CLOTHES" you wear, etc..

Hell will have frozen over the day someone posts "I went up to this chick and said she had a nice smile, and asked her out." When in REALITY that is how guys pick up women IN THE REAL WORLD.

DJF: Noc most guys here are what PRL told me a while ago, he said they are introverts. They are like some of the Sales Guys I work with. I understand that this is a "Numbers Game," while having a Quality Presentation and Quality Service (game) is the actual "sale," one needs to understand that a good number of people WILL STILL SAY NO.

Noc, a number of these guys lerk on for the statement or trick to eliminate rejection, you can't do that, and why would you? My experience with rejection, is that the same girl that wouldn't talk with me yesterday, usually has a different mindset tomorrow. And because I don't put all of my eggs in one basket (like many guys do), I STAY IN THE FIELD, always meeting women.

You get results with women that some you hit it off right there, some you hit it off another time, some you never hit it off with. It's the game folks.

From my experiences, all you need is:

1. A Sense of Self
2. A Splash of Sexuality
3. A Inner Fulfillment of Joy and Peace
4. Places to Go And Interact with women.

Everything else is just overanalyzing, trying to eliminate rejection, trying to have a 100% success ratio, etc. Forget it, there's nothing wrong with rejection..and there's nothing you can do about it either.

So Noc, maybe 90% of our buddies on this site will get it one day, but for now....let's go back in the field.

(Noc and DJF toast beers and head back out to meet more women)

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
You can get girls and be ugly like the predator.

Alls you need is confidence,initiative and a lil' personality...

BUT yeah that six foot 2 inches,240 lb,making over 60,000 a year after crowd gets all the women regardless of what they do..

It's just human nature...

A guy can be with a perfect ten of a woman,and one of those banker types that lives in the gym and drives a luxury car will stroll in and show interest in the chic and guess what?

She'll at least consider the option of sleeping with the guy just based of his presentation.Without him saying a word.

I mean how many times have you been to a club or a bar and you see a chic smooching and being affectionate to her man and the guy leaves and she's all over some tall,greasy,jackass with the nice shirt flirting with him?

I see it practically every time I go out...

It's just the way the world works.Survival of the fittest..You want to work against nature basically if you want girls to go out with ugly,short,fat,broke & bald guys...

I suggest people hit the gym,constantly upgrade their wardrobe,put in more hours at work,and think of something else to say to a girl other than "I like your hair today/You're purdy"..

..cuz it's a new day and these chics are cold-blooded and ruthless,especially from 18-38.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
stop trying to spin the facts and legitimize this troll, DJF

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Sexuality is then end all and be all..You are both right on the money.

And when you factor in the sex,you must factor in raw sexual attraction,therefore looks come in to play the most out of anything.

You guys figured it out now just keep on grinding,approaching women & working on your overall presentation...