THE Solution to the Modern Day Divorce Era!!!

Jan 12, 2010
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Remember back in the day, let's say in the 1950's, how so many people got married and STAYED married until death did them part?

I have a theory on this, which can be tied into 2010 modern day marriages, and possibly provide a solution to reducing the divorce rates DRASTICALLY.

All the way up until the 1950s, I am 100% sure that ALL husbands cheated on their wives at some point..........and if they married at 21, died at 81, and were married for 60 years, I AM CONVINCED that men cheated on their wives (out of necessity so as to not go insane from seeing the same pvssy all the time), and at the same time, women cheated on their husbands.


Then, of course no one told their kids and grandkids about this, so kids later in the 20th century were all brought up thinking that their parents NEVER cheated on each other, and had true pure love for decades and decades.........CHILDREN WERE DECEIVED.......that is like the same thin as having them believe there is a Santa Claus!

These days, in 2010, CHEATING is treated like SUCH a horrible bad taboo thing, without even realizing that it is physically and emotionally impossible to have sex with ONE person for the rest of your life, where that starts at the age of 18, 25, or 40..........and everyone is so quick to dump each other and divorce each other over cheating, because guess what?

Cheating has been placed up on a pedestal in today's society

To me, committing to ONE person for life is JUST THAT - COMMITTING........which means, always be by their side, and NEVER leave. In my opinion, cheating is to be expected if you want to actually live your life with ONE person who you and cheating are NOT connected.................cheating exists to keep sanity, and I cannot see myself, or anyone else, being HAPPILY MARRIED TO ONE PERSON FOR LIFE, without ever just hooking up with people on the side, just to spice things up.

The way people think and see the world has changed DRASTICALLY in the last 50 years, and with that cheatingbecome almost worse than murder

WE all live in a generation that is all about exposing everything to everyone, and the truth always rings through.......back in the old days, everything was kept in secrecy, thus it is an ILLUSION to think that everyone was faithful to each other back in the day, and NOW we all turned into cheating wh0res......TOTAL ILLUSION!!!

To me, this way of thinking is a personal breakthrough..........THIS is how marriage can work - commit to the girl you love, be with her till death do you part, have sex with her all the time, and if either one of you feels the need for a quick foreigh hookup, then FOR GODS SAKE, JUST DO IT AND KEEP YOUR SANITY, AS OPPOSED TO HIDING SECRETS, BECOMING BITTER, ACTING DEPRESSED, AND SLOWLY LOSING YOUR SANITY AS THE MARRIAGE WEARS ON!!!

The point of marriage should not be to TRAP someone away from their natural sexual desires. Marriage instead should be about telling your partner "I choose you to spend my life with, because you are special"


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
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I've officially written off this guy as a serious poster. His arguments are laughable. Rescue Mission indeed.
Jan 12, 2010
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I'm still looking for actual feedback on my ideas, maybe from actual men who aren't total pvssies, and who have a head on their shoulders that is capable of intelligent thought?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
goodfoot said:
I'm sure people cheated in the 50's, but the whole family would be socially shamed if it was found out. I would say cheating is much more acceptable now.
The real reason cheating "worked" back then is because when you fooled around with another woman, that's ALL it was...fooling around. When you come home to your family, you're there FOR THEM.

Cheating RARELY works well for women, because they have a tendency toward acquiring feelings for the other man, which draws their attentions/affections away from the husband and possibly the children. Men, when they cheat, (unless they're chumps) just f**k the other woman and then go home.

The PROBLEM arises from the fact that in modern society, marriage is seen as a way to "lock down" the other person sexually, to prevent them from giving it up to other people. The fact of the matter is that marriage DOES NOT prevent just makes the consequences of it worse.

If you HAVE to marry someone to prevent them from screwing around, maybe you shouldn't be "exclusive" with that person in the first place...they are really NOT a candidate for that level of commitment, and you are WRONG to force it on them.

If your partner cheats, you have to ask yourself, "In what way did *I* make the wrong decision?". You could have done so by not recognizing that your lifestyle and hers did not provide for each other's emotional needs, or that maybe one of you was better off NOT being with the other. At worst, you made the mistake of marrying a skank cheating b!tch. :p

But men are so quick to blame the "cheater" for everything, because they're used to this idea of subjugating other people with laws and codes and moral standards. Sometimes I wonder if it's because they fear their OWN vulnerability to "cheating"...maybe THEY made "questionable" choices when mating.

Then again, most men don't understand women.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
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Rescue Mission said:
I'm still looking for actual feedback on my ideas, maybe from actual men who aren't total pvssies, and who have a head on their shoulders that is capable of intelligent thought?

I fail to grasp how not believing that infidelity is the key to a happy marriage equates to being a pvssy?

Why are you convinced that men cheated on their wives and vice-versa?

What evidence is there of that?

to give in trust

If you marry a woman, you are committing yourself to her FOR AS LONG AS YOU ARE MARRIED.

Where is the trust in the kind of relationship you outlined?
Jan 12, 2010
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FLGuy said:
I fail to grasp how not believing that infidelity is the key to a happy marriage equates to being a pvssy?

Why are you convinced that men cheated on their wives and vice-versa?

What evidence is there of that?

to give in trust

If you marry a woman, you are committing yourself to her FOR AS LONG AS YOU ARE MARRIED.

Where is the trust in the kind of relationship you outlined?

Yes, and what I am saying is that the reason marriage doesn't work in the 21st century is because of people's blind hatred for cheating.

The way I can see committment working, is that when you COMMIT to a person, then you are saying "I will not spend the rest of my life with anyone else other than you" - THAT is the commitment I am referring to.

A sexual commitment is impossible, and is the reason people are ending up divorced in record numbers these days - their parents and grandparents hid cheating from their kids, yet the whole reason they were able to stay married for SO LONG (talking about 40+ years), is because here and there, they cheated on each other, but simply didn't put the act of cheating on SUCH a huge pedestal is people do today.

I can logically, after thinking about it, see that our generation has been lied to, and the divorce rates are proof of it!! What do you think the divorce rates would be if people didn't hold cheating as such a bad thing???


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
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Rescue Mission said:
These days, in 2010, CHEATING is treated like SUCH a horrible bad taboo thing, without even realizing that it is physically and emotionally impossible to have sex with ONE person for the rest of your life, where that starts at the age of 18, 25, or 40

Betrayal of any kind if terrible.

- An employee selling company trade secrets to the competition.
- Your best friend of 15 years spilling the beans

It's impossible to stay faithful to one person for the rest of your life?

Wow, dude that's some arrogance you display here.

You might want to tell those old folks that were born in the 20's, that it's IMPOSSIBLE to stay committed to one person for the rest their life.

I think one of the reasons it's difficult to find someone who you can stay committed to is:

1. No consequences--Especially for women.
2. No morals. The family is the cornerstone of society. The more it breaks down the more society crumbles. No one can agree on what is "Right and Wrong" anymore. Cheating is WRONG.

I think there is also another point, 40-50-60 years ago people used to stick with the same job for 20-30-40 years. See a pattern?

People had longevity with their jobs, IE....Financial Security.

People had longevity in their marriages too.

I find it VERY interesting that it's rare to find someone at the same job for 20 years, and it's just as RARE to find someone who has been married happily for 20 years (and not just wanting their partner dead and waiting it out).


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
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Rescue Mission said:
I can logically, after thinking about it, see that our generation has been lied to, and the divorce rates are proof of it!! What do you think the divorce rates would be if people didn't hold cheating as such a bad thing???
Well the way Western Marriages are set up (One man + One Woman), it would be impossible for cheating to be acceptable across the board.

Cause bother parties ARE NOT cheating at the same time.

Out of all the Cheating stories you read/hear about, how many of them are going to be about both parties cheating at the same time? Not many, right?

Bottom line if I am attracted enough/compatible enough with a woman to marry her, I am not going to be OK with another guy putting his D#%K in her.



Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
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Rescue Mission said:
I'm still looking for actual feedback on my ideas, maybe from actual men who aren't total pvssies, and who have a head on their shoulders that is capable of intelligent thought?
lol...the irony

One of the hallmarks of an intelligent mind is the ability to entertain a thought without agreeing with it. To exam something from another perspective. You are incapable of this. You're one of those people that believes that anything you believe is reality, it is fact! and anyone that does not share your view is... well, a "pvssy" i guess lol. (you seem to love that word... another indication of your juvenile mentality)

Now to your "theory"

I am 100% sure that ALL husbands cheated on their wives at some point
Really now? Seriously? lololol... this solidified my belief that you're an imbecile. I managed to read the rest of your theory after that lil gem and honestly i can see what you're getting at. But the way you try to make your argument is just sad and reveals alot of personal issues within.
Jan 12, 2010
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FLGuy said:
Betrayal of any kind if terrible.

- An employee selling company trade secrets to the competition.
- Your best friend of 15 years spilling the beans

It's impossible to stay faithful to one person for the rest of your life?

Wow, dude that's some arrogance you display here.

You might want to tell those old folks that were born in the 20's, that it's IMPOSSIBLE to stay committed to one person for the rest their life.

I think one of the reasons it's difficult to find someone who you can stay committed to is:

1. No consequences--Especially for women.
2. No morals. The family is the cornerstone of society. The more it breaks down the more society crumbles. No one can agree on what is "Right and Wrong" anymore. Cheating is WRONG.

I think there is also another point, 40-50-60 years ago people used to stick with the same job for 20-30-40 years. See a pattern?

People had longevity with their jobs, IE....Financial Security.

People had longevity in their marriages too.

I find it VERY interesting that it's rare to find someone at the same job for 20 years, and it's just as RARE to find someone who has been married happily for 20 years (and not just wanting their partner dead and waiting it out).


first of all, why are you assuming that marriages in which people cheat on each other don't work out? THIS IS MY WHOLE POINT, that back in the good ole days, people just cheated on each other to keep their sexual sanity, and as a result ended up staying together and loving each other for 30/40/50 years - I am saying that this might just be one of life's little hidden secrets that the older generations didn't want to pass onto the younger generations.

I am transcending thoughts and trying to discover something new that could HELP people in the modern era.


You and I, neither of us know if it's possible or not, because both of us are at the beginning stages of our life, but I am theorizing here that NO, it is NOT possible.........and listen, cheating is a very secretive thing in the first place............there is no way to do a statistic on it, because anyone can say "no I have never cheated", today or 100 years ago, so there is no way to put a number to it.



Current day society has taught us all just how bad cheating is, because pretty much most people who raised US (such as your parents, my parents, ect), they "tried to bring us up right", and they knew full well that they couldn't tell us the truth about cheating.......they couldn't tell us "yes cheating eventually will always happen, but when you marry, its a lifetime commitment, so it's better to adapt a don't ask don't tell policy"

Just tell me, WHY IS IT, that most of us think that our dads/moms didn't cheat on each other??? PARENTS DON'T TELL KIDS THESE THINGS!!!! (I am referring to parents who are still married after all these years)

You have to be downright delusional, and with LIMITED DATING EXPERIENCE, to still believe in the fairy-tale that 2 people get married, and no one EVER cheats on anyone all the way up until they both die.

I have dated way way way too much, and have seen how things there anyone who disagrees with me who has alot of dating experience?

Guys who think like pvssies who's lives are filled with fairy-tale chump beliefs such as game.r need not apply.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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If you think about it, cheating was way easier back then to get away with, just more accepted now. With technology there are a million ways to get caught or slip up: Cell phones and texting plus the bill associated with them; Computers along with emails, IM, computer keystroke programs and history on these devices; Gps and other devices to track someone.

There are a million different ways to get your a$$ busted these days! Not to mention before women entered the workplace and assumed bread winner roles, they stayed at home doing the homemaking and a lot times without a car. The milk man may have hit it, but still.

I will concede that due to all of this tech stuff cheating has become easier as well. Cheating is almost the norm these days and I hate to admit that I have cheated and been cheated on. Neither of the two am I proud to admit and I think I have learned valuable lessons from my experience. At least I hope I have!

Big difference between easier to get away with and easier not to. Way back when a cheating husband could make a million excuses without much of a way for a wife to check on.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
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Rescue Mission said:

first of all, why are you assuming that marriages in which people cheat on each other don't work out? THIS IS MY WHOLE POINT, that back in the good ole days, people just cheated on each other to keep their sexual sanity, and as a result ended up staying together and loving each other for 30/40/50 years - I am saying that this might just be one of life's little hidden secrets that the older generations didn't want to pass onto the younger generations.

I am transcending thoughts and trying to discover something new that could HELP people in the modern era.


You and I, neither of us know if it's possible or not, because both of us are at the beginning stages of our life, but I am theorizing here that NO, it is NOT possible.........and listen, cheating is a very secretive thing in the first place............there is no way to do a statistic on it, because anyone can say "no I have never cheated", today or 100 years ago, so there is no way to put a number to it.



Current day society has taught us all just how bad cheating is, because pretty much most people who raised US (such as your parents, my parents, ect), they "tried to bring us up right", and they knew full well that they couldn't tell us the truth about cheating.......they couldn't tell us "yes cheating eventually will always happen, but when you marry, its a lifetime commitment, so it's better to adapt a don't ask don't tell policy"

Just tell me, WHY IS IT, that most of us think that our dads/moms didn't cheat on each other??? PARENTS DON'T TELL KIDS THESE THINGS!!!! (I am referring to parents who are still married after all these years)

You have to be downright delusional, and with LIMITED DATING EXPERIENCE, to still believe in the fairy-tale that 2 people get married, and no one EVER cheats on anyone all the way up until they both die.

I have dated way way way too much, and have seen how things there anyone who disagrees with me who has alot of dating experience?

Guys who think like pvssies who's lives are filled with fairy-tale chump beliefs such as game.r need not apply.
lol, nice one.

But just shows more of your faulty logic and proves my point... in your mind anyone that disagrees with you has to have "limited dating experience"...that's the only possible reason they could not agree with you!

You have dated "way way way too much" and so you believe that your dating experience somehow gives you license to speak on marriage or relationships?

I disagree. I think your failed relationships (i assume they failed miserably, based on your extreme bitterness toward women) give you no platform to speak from at all, instead you should examine yourself. see below

If your partner cheats, you have to ask yourself, "In what way did *I* make the wrong decision?". You could have done so by not recognizing that your lifestyle and hers did not provide for each other's emotional needs, or that maybe one of you was better off NOT being with the other. At worst, you made the mistake of marrying a skank cheating b!tch.

But men are so quick to blame the "cheater" for everything, because they're used to this idea of subjugating other people with laws and codes and moral standards. Sometimes I wonder if it's because they fear their OWN vulnerability to "cheating"...maybe THEY made "questionable" choices when mating.

Then again, most men don't understand women.
perhaps Squirrels has enough dating experience for you?

or maybe you will continue transcending thought and helping the modern era instead of yourself...ROFL:crackup:
Jan 12, 2010
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game.r said:
lol, nice one.

But just shows more of your faulty logic and proves my point... in your mind anyone that disagrees with you has to have "limited dating experience"...that's the only possible reason they could not agree with you!

You have dated "way way way too much" and so you believe that your dating experience somehow gives you license to speak on marriage or relationships?

I disagree. I think your failed relationships (i assume they failed miserably, based on your extreme bitterness toward women) give you no platform to speak from at all, instead you should examine yourself. see below

perhaps Squirrels has enough dating experience for you?

or maybe you will continue transcending thought and helping the modern era instead of yourself...ROFL:crackup:
I can tell by your desire to just DIVE into a relationship that you are a very inexperienced guy with women.

MY relationships didn't fail miserably, just normal breakups like every other person in the world experiences, you fool - you talk like such a chump, only chumps refer to experienced men who are all about TRUTH and brutal honesty when giving advice, as "bitter towards women".......actually no, I am BITTER TOWARDS PVSSIES LIKE YOU, because you contribute in ruining women with all of your pvssified behavior around them!

Squirrels didn't really address the point of my thread though, the point of my thread is to reduce divorce rates in a practical way, while at the same time making sure that people who are married for a long time are actually happy in their marriages
Jan 12, 2010
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goodfoot said:
So you're saying the next generation is too dumb to keep cheating a secret?

I'm saying that the next generation needs to let go that cheating is such a crime, and accept it as a common occurance in marriage, and that it's perfectly fine to hook up with other people, as long as you stand by your wife's side till death do you part.

Is my message just not hitting home at all? You guys are all misinterpreting my point here...........this is the mature man forum, I was hoping there were some actual deep thinkers here.
Jan 12, 2010
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Some of these guys who are SO desperate just to have a chick let them have sex with them, that they actually believe they'll be lucky to be able to have sex with the same woman FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE.

The reality of the situation is, no matter how much you love a woman, sex with ONLY her, FOR THE REMAINDER OF YOUR LIFE is simply impossible (and I believe women think the same way about men).

Inexperienced guys such as most of the ones posting on this thread (except for Miles and squirrels) don't have the mental capacity to think ahead and think logically about how sex with the same woman FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE is simply undoable...........

but why listen to ME? The proof is out there in the real world. And cheating is something that people take to the grave, thus asking 80 year old men if they ever cheated on their wife will not result in accurate information.

Game.r, goodfoot, FLguy - If any of you have good experience with dating different women, then i guarantee that you all have cheated, but are not man enough to admit the truth, because you don't wanna look bad morally!!

FVCK MORALS - the only moral that truly exists is that it is wrong to cause physical harm to another human being - that is the only moral that counts!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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In ancient Rome, it was expected for a man to cheat. When women cheated, they were either killed or divorced and banished immediately.

Was there some articulate law for this phenomenon? No.

The reason being, it was a natural law. Natural laws do not need a voice, or a philosophical rationale to explain them. I would never waste my energy debating the moral merits of gravity, wouldn't that be the most pointless thing you could ever do?

To this day, I cannot explain to you why it is forbidden for a woman to cheat, it's simply the way it is.
Jan 12, 2010
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If everyone is doing marriage the wrong way for the last 50 years, why is it so outrageous to have an idea such as mine?

Should everyone just continue to get married and live life the wrong way? Because there is a 50% divorce rate, and definitely a more than 50% "unhappily frustratingly married rate"