A couple of new ones.....
Last weekend I went out with a friend who was in town and a bunch of her friends. One was a chick that I went out with a couple of times last year.
This girl is the type that doesn't really sugar coat things. So when she made a comment about "the problem with older men these days", and since I am in the demographic to which she was referring, I had to dig deeper and ask, "So what exactly MY "problem" was. I assured her that I would not be pissed and that I was genuinely interested in her analysis (already knew what she was going to say but it's always entertaining to hear it again).
So she throws out New Shaming Word #1- Ageism
Just when I thought I had heard it all! She asserts that men are guilty of discriminating against women based upon their age!
But here's the hilarious part. In the next breath she proceeds to tell me how SHE prefers OLDER MEN! Soooooooooooo.......men who prefer younger women are practicing "ageism", while women who prefer older men are what? Just being women???? Kind of like how you are a cheating bastard for simply talking to another woman, while her having late night drinks with a male coworker is "nothing".
But wait, there's MORE!
My other "problem" is "Peter Pan Syndrome".
Yep, that's right. I refuse to grow up. I am "one of those guys" who eschews normal, healthy, adult responsibility for a life of self indulgence. It seems that it is actually my "duty" to one day settle down and have children.
Guys like me are such a threat to women like this. This chick is early 30's, makes a lot of money, looks good, and works out religiously. Yet she gets passed up for the newer models. Go figure!
Women can't STAND it when men refuse to fall for their ruse. By not falling into the trap this means that their plan (party it up in their 20's then snag a man as their value begins to slide) has backfired. I take great pride in not allowing women to have their cake and eat it too :moon:
This weekend I also hear the infamous "mid-life crisis car" shaming line (although not directed at me), haha.
If it weren't for the fact that these women did this to themselves I might feel a bit sorry for them. After all, it must SUCK to realize that your ability to attract the kind of man you want is deteriorating by the day, while you watch men in their 30's and 40's living it up with the new found abundance of options.
Poor things.