The Secret of the Jerk


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
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Sexuality is the Ultimate Communication

Prosemont said,

For instance, the mouse wanting to fvck is one form of communication as is the leg-humping dog. So is the "raping" Rourke in the Fountainhead. There is a spectrum of successful and less than successful communication.

Being very sexual does not, imho, intuitive equate to successfully communicating that sexuality. Communication skills are necessary and clearly not everyone has them intuitively, it often must be learned as with other skills sets.
90% of all communication (especially with the opposite sex, i.e. the hot chicks) is all body language. There has been much talk that one should force yourself to utilize these certain body language techniques. Examples include forcing yourself to mirror her, forcing yourself to touch her, and so on.

Doesn't it get a bit silly?

When one thinks like that, one is still not a sexual being. He is still in Nerd Mode, thinking love can be learned and copied like basket weaving.

The nerd meets a spanish guy named Manual. "How are you Manual!"

"How are you, Mr. Nerd!"

And the nerd reads and rereads Manual over and over again. Manual is the nerd's new dictator. No, there is a flow that defies being trasmitted through message boards. One must find it within himself and accept it, even though it scares him and makes him uncomfortable.

I tried an experiment. I wondered what would happen to me if I did two things:

1) Kept on bettering myself, working out, getting more money, learning more, raising tesosterone levels, etc.

2) Exhile all women from my life.

Let us just say that Nature is a cruel master. All women started to become more and more 'tempting' to me. They were needles in my mind.

When interacting with women, something interesting happened. I would act to the woman just like a dream from a Romance Novel. All the things we keep stuffing in our heads of what to do, I did them in such flawless fluidity. And I never even intended to do it!

She was so taken that she forgot her groceries. I looked back and thought, Was that ME?

And this occurred with other women as well. I would flirt extremely well without even trying or being aware at what I was doing (until I thought about it afterword). I tried to fight Nature's spell. One hot chick was going nuts around Pook (which, normally, is not uncommon). But I was determined. I tried to ignore her. But no matter what gear I put my thoughts into, Nature kept reminding me how young and fair she was. Officially, I was saying NO. But unofficially, my body language was all screaming YES. The chick read the body language and caught her prey.

Try this experiment: go to a place where there is a large crowd of people (like a college campus). Notice a cute girl. Now look at her in a sexual way.

What happens?

She turns around and looks at you!

How does she do that? How can she know? Obviously, there is some sixth sense at work. I mark it off as one of sexuality's mysteries.

One of the many paradoxes with sexuality is that SMART MEN often can do LOUSY with women while STUPID MEN (you know who they are) can be such NATURALS. Sure, these stupid men have skills.

But it is like a dance. You can know the steps but that still doesn't show you to dance. Dancing cannot be taught like basket weaving. Neither can love.

"So this means all articles and tips are useless!"

No! The steps are very very important to know. But the dance is the thing. It seperates the WANNABE DON JUANS from the REAL DON JUANS.

This website and message forum is like a compass. Yet, you STILL MUST WALK.

"But is it a horizon or a cliff? I must consult the compass more."

No! You must walk! The compass will ensure that you do not go over the cliff.

This is also another reason why some guys can never get the VERY HOT CHICKS. Many guys freeze up around them or act like horny dogs. Both cannot control his sexuality. The horny dog is obvious but the guys that freeze just casts his sexuality to the netherworld, since he knows embracing it would make him act like horny dog. You must be able to look the model with cold eyes. (Not to supress your desire, merely to control it. If you do not control your desire, it will contol YOU and it will lead you to that cliff where below is the AFC graveyard).

Sexuality is probably the ultimate communication. Sexuality is the way how women communicate. Oh, they understand the sheer power they have. It takes twenty years for one woman to make a man and only twenty minutes for another woman to undo him.

Learn and practice the steps. But always embrace that passion to dance!


A man that fortune's buffets and rewards
Hast ta'en with equal thanks: and blest are those
Whose blood and judgment are so well commingled,
That they are not a pipe for fortune's finger
To sound what stop she please. Give me that man
That is not passion's slave
, and I will wear him
In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart,



Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent post and replies pook, as usual. To re-raise a question you did not address which doesn't have anything directly to do with women. What exactly is your diet? Does it tie into your excercise? (e.g. protein foods?) or is it just general healthy vegetables, fruit etc. ? What kind of excercise do/did you primarily do? Was it just to keep fit and lean, or was it real bulking up (which tends to produce the most testosterone)?

Just curious what your personal diet was/is, see how closely it ties in to mine. I only ask because I value your opinion like I would some of the experts on the health+fitness forum.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Pook Diet

I open up a can of 'Pook Food' in a dish, put it on my living room floor, and...

No, I'll be fair and do a post in the Health and Fitness section since you're interested.

BTW, it's seven meals a day!


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2001
Reaction score
Pook, why isn't there any replies to my previous question? when are you ready to reply, Mr.Pook?

Basically, I find what you said earlier sounds a little crap. Men who expressed their sexuality will scared women away. This is what our politically correct minded tell us. AND YOU!, on the other hand, tells us that we should learn how to be more opened with our sexuality because it will attract women to us IN CONDITION that we must learn how to control it and not let it control us.!!!

Urgh.....!!!! Our society dictates what is right and wrong for us. Sexual prudery is one of the things which still exists today and it will forever. Girls have been brought up by their parents to reject guys because most of the guys out there are horny little b@stards! That is what told by their parents. And because of this so-called false belief, girls start to behave in a way that as long as a guy starts to show interest in sex, you must dissed him away.!

So basically, I will call such kind of girls who listen to their parents as nice girls. They are the so-called serious type who are looking for long term relationship. On the other hand, you will come across some girls who are so-called avid party goers(those who smoke,drink,gamble and etc) or the ones who are below average who will suppy to your needs. I will called the below average girls as AFC Girls. And the avid party goers type as 'Bad Girls'.

Of course the AFC girls are constantly looked down upon their own species because they do not measure up to those girls who are real beauties. And for the bad girls, they are somehow fascinated by corruption and evil. With a mix of both, you should be able to seduce them easily. Therefore, guys who are not good looking will pair up with girls who are so-called average or below average since most people think that only the good looking ones should be with the real beauties. THIS IS A FALSE BELIEF!!!! Everyone deserves what they want and no one, and I mean no one should tell them what fits them!!!!

So Pook, when you tell us that we must be open with our sexuality, it will certainly backfire us if the girl is a beautiful nice girl........ Being opened with your sexuality will work, if and only if you're seducing the AFC girls or the bad girls(whether ugly or pretty) because AFC girls are so-called desperate and bad girls are naughty!!!!. Is that clear now??? I think you wish to edit your post a little.

P.S : Some of the info has been taken from The Art Of Seduction in the chapter 'Victim Theories'. Get the book and read the victim theories discussing 'The new prude'.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Women love guys in 'harmony' with their sexuality

Hi, Intermediate Don Juaner! I'm not trying to ignore you (or anyone). I just forget about the posts. Just bug me reminders and I'll do my best to post.

Basically, I find what you said earlier sounds a little crap. Men who expressed their sexuality will scared women away.

Usually women tend to run TOWARD this type of guy. Women are sexual beings (and understand sexuality very well).

Who do women want to date, sleep with, and marry? MEN. MALES. They do not want some androgenous being who is afraid of what he is and how he ought to be. These androgenous males, these are the Nice Guys.

Just look through your own eyes. You know there are androgenous type females out there. They are fat. They lack figure. They have no breasts or no butt or no face. They are not feminine in any way. These chicks usually end up joining some feminism squad (And if any ladies are reading this. Know that I think that feminism is a beautiful thing... as long as you walk BEHIND it.) You obviously want the FEMININE chicks, the girls that look like girls. But only GUYS are to get the girls. No androgenous Nice Guys allowed for the hottie.

This is what our politically correct minded tell us.

Political Correctness is the idea of changing society through language. But Nature still rules over us all. Feminism is the attempt to give ugly women more access to society. Yet, Nature still rules over us.

All this political psycho-babble is a modern Tower of Babel. The creators think that it will lead to some equality heaven. But Nature pulls the rug from our lofty ideals. Besides, Don Juans are naturally politically incorrect.

Start thinking of society more of NATURAL. Much of what people do is not the result of some political treatise, but from urgings of Nature's writing that frames us all. It is the stuff your mother and father did not tell you.

AND YOU!, on the other hand, tells us that we should learn how to be more opened with our sexuality because it will attract women to us IN CONDITION that we must learn how to control it and not let it control us.!!!

In the Kill the Desperation Thread, I made mention of the 'Tao of Steve' (since it seemed to fit well into 'killing desperation'). Tao of Steve was 1) Remove desire. 2) Demonstrate Value. 3) Retreat. And this can work. It is SPLENDID if you are a desperate guy. But it is not exactly ACTIVE. If you kill your desire, then what's the point?

No, what was missing was that sexuality should be CONTROLLED. Certainly not eliminated. We wouldn't be on this website growing exponentionally if it were not for our DESIRE for women.

Desire is an awesome servant (look at how already it changes lives!). But Desire is a tyrannical master. It can undo your life as easily as it can build it up.

Urgh.....!!!! Our society dictates what is right and wrong for us.

I want you to consider something. In the ancient Greek myths, the gods did very 'humanish' things (and the Greeks worshiped them). Have you heard the story of Aphrodite(Venus) and Mars?

Vulcan was married to Aphrodite (she's supposed to be the 'ultimate beauty'). Alas, Aphrodite was having an affair with the god of war, Mars. Vulcan decided that society would avenge him. When the two were making love, he ensnared a trap that caught the two right in the love making process!

He then invites all the other gods from Olympus to witness the shameful spectacle. "There! See?" cries Vulcan. "See? Shame on both Aphrodite and Mars!"

What were the gods' reaction? Did they exhile the two or scorn them or cast some celestial punishment? No!

They applauded.

They cheered Mars in what he had done to Vulcan's astonishment. Women, in fact, will cheer you for your prevoius successes. They despise the innocent guy (except, perhaps, for marriage purposes).

Sexual prudery is one of the things which still exists today and it will forever. Girls have been brought up by their parents to reject guys because most of the guys out there are horny little b@stards!

My father showed up at the door with a shotgun when my sister's dates would arrive.

That is what told by their parents. And because of this so-called false belief, girls start to behave in a way that as long as a guy starts to show interest in sex, you must dissed him away.!

You don't show interest in sex, you show interest in her. Sex and women are not two, but one. We men can divide the two. But women are entirely sexual (they love talking about sex!)

The nice Guy says, "I admire women!" But I slap him and say, "Women are not here to be admired. They are here to be loved. They do not dress themselves up so you can write a sonnet to them. They do it to be cherished and consumed."

Guys get dissed not because of their interest in sex, but in not controlling their interest in sex. They come at the woman too hard and blatant. It is gross. (When women talk sexual, I try to steer the conversation away from sex. But the women just love to talk about sex around me no matter how hard I try to change the subject. They are obsessed with it apparently)

When I say sexuality, I mean it more than the sexual act. Sexuality means the DIFFERENCES between male and female. Women want GUYS, not Nice Guys afraid of what is between their legs.

The GOOD in the jerk is that his higher rate of tesosterone makes him act more male.

The BAD in the jerk is that he does not understand it (and what we do not understand, it has power to use us). He becomes controlled by it, leading him to his downward spiral.

But if you UNDERSTAND it, you can UTILIZE it. That is the point of this entire thread. You can obtain the FRUITS of the jerk without any of the SPOILAGE!

So basically, I will call such kind of girls who listen to their parents as nice girls. They are the so-called serious type who are looking for long term relationship. On the other hand, you will come across some girls who are so-called avid party goers(those who smoke,drink,gamble and etc) or the ones who are below average who will suppy to your needs. I will called the below average girls as AFC Girls. And the avid party goers type as 'Bad Girls'.

Attraction comes BEFORE philosophy. Again, attraction occurs BEFORE the philosophy.

"This guy is mature, has a good head on his shoulders, is smart, knows what he is going to do in life, has money, THEREFORE, I should like him."

Women do not say this. Rather, women say:

"HE IS HOT! Oh, but he is mature, has good head on his shoulders, is smart, etc., therefore, I like him."

They use their philosophy (or 'chick logic' as known in the SS circles) to PROP UP their 'behavior'.

What does this mean? It means ALL chicks will like you more. Jerks score well with practically all types of girls (we only notice the nice girl and jerk relationships because it is so noticable and seemingly contradictory).

Of course the AFC girls are constantly looked down upon their own species because they do not measure up to those girls who are real beauties.

This is true! Women live in some bizzaro aristocracy themselves.

And for the bad girls, they are somehow fascinated by corruption and evil. With a mix of both, you should be able to seduce them easily. Therefore, guys who are not good looking will pair up with girls who are so-called average or below average since most people think that only the good looking ones should be with the real beauties. THIS IS A FALSE BELIEF!!!!


Everyone deserves what they want and no one, and I mean no one should tell them what fits them!!!!

Right. Define yourself or everybody else will.

So Pook, when you tell us that we must be open with our sexuality, it will certainly backfire us if the girl is a beautiful nice girl........ Being opened with your sexuality will work, if and only if you're seducing the AFC girls or the bad girls(whether ugly or pretty) because AFC girls are so-called desperate and bad girls are naughty!!!!. Is that clear now??? I think you wish to edit your post a little.

In my de-sexualized days (i.e. the NERD years), I could get the desperate chicks (and even naughty chicks). But the beauties? Never!

The more I sexualized myself (the more I became a creature understanding and breathing sexuality), the easier the beauties were to get and HARDER it was to get the uglo chicks.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will probably be aware of sexuality. Yes, she knows that you are eyeballing her! Every girl I thought was beautiful was attracted to the 'testosteronized' guys (the male athlete, the body builder, the thin crazy guy in the backwards cap, the spiked hair guy in the leather jacket, etc.). These guys just ARE. It is a mistake to merely match their outward appearances (since their appearance is but the petals of a vast sexualized being).

When I say 'open with your sexuality', I mean quit being afraid of your desires, of your own sex, and be a man. It's all in the post the EFFECTS a testosteronized male has over a NON testosteronized male (as evidenced by people who are medically required to take tesosterone shots).

But I think your real concern might be in what other people will think if you act this way. After all, we probably all were humiliated once. It is not fun and you don't want to return there.

But these inner demons must be faced. Lord help the guy that girls and other people think that... *gasp*... he has A PENIS! No, society expects it. That is why there is the saying, "boys will be boys".

Let yourself be happy and whole. Let yourself be the sexual being you wanted, dreamed of. It's only yourself stopping you now.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Re: Women love guys in 'harmony' with their sexuality

Originally posted by Pook
In my de-sexualized days (i.e. the NERD years), I could get the desperate chicks (and even naughty chicks). But the beauties? Never!

The more I sexualized myself (the more I became a creature understanding and breathing sexuality), the easier the beauties were to get and HARDER it was to get the uglo chicks.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will probably be aware of sexuality. Yes, she knows that you are eyeballing her! Every girl I thought was beautiful was attracted to the 'testosteronized' guys (the male athlete, the body builder, the thin crazy guy in the backwards cap, the spiked hair guy in the leather jacket, etc.). These guys just ARE. It is a mistake to merely match their outward appearances (since their appearance is but the petals of a vast sexualized being).
Haha, in my nerd years, I couldn't get any chicks, mainly because I acted nervous and insecure around ugly girls, and somewhat less so around the pretty ones; but above all, I didn't know that I was the MAN and was the one who was to make the moves!

I still act rather nervous and insecure and ugly girls, because I realize that I can attract any girl and I had better watch out, or the fatties will get me! :eek: But I act totally natural, calm, cool, and at ease with the beauties. Strangely enough, the girls I date tend to be beauties. :rolleyes:

I refer to a testosteronized male who has a friendly disposition and self-control as a "Cool Guy" distinct from the "Jerk/A$$hole" (test. male who acts like an animal) and the "Wuss" (AFC, Nice Guy, de-test. male -- I guess we all have our own names for them). It's this Cool Guy that I aspire to be, and if the experience of the past year shows, it's what I'm morphing into -- with surprisingly little thought.

Great post, Pook. I like to read it before going out on a date; by itself (weightlifting also does it) it seems to get the hormones flowing...



Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2001
Reaction score
If this is .............

Originally quoted by Pook :

Every girl I thought was beautiful was attracted to the 'testosteronized' guys (the male athlete, the body builder, the thin crazy guy in the backwards cap, the spiked hair guy in the leather jacket, etc.). These guys just ARE. It is a mistake to merely match their outward appearances (since their appearance is but the petals of a vast sexualized being).

Ok, since the testosteronized guys are so-called impressive and girls are attracted to them, then I guess all the guys should start being like them. In this way, all the AFCS or the average Don Juan will become extremely popular and get laid all the time. And I am glad that you brought up DEMONSTRATING VALUE in the beginning.

If DEMONSTRATING VALUE is so important, then I think we should focused more on it and leave the rest behind. What do you mean, IDJ? You may ask. Suppose if a guy is AFC (not good looking, poor,not respected and many negative more things in life), then how is he going to get women? When I first came to this website, I get the perception that this website is there to help guys get women despite they are being inadequate,incompetent and inferior.

But since demonstrating value is the main focused now, then I guess the guys should start improving their life so they will get women. On top of that, this website becomes utterly useless because we no longer need theories,facts and tricks to do the job of getting laid. DEMONSTRATING VALUE is already good enough.!

Originally quoted by Pook :

Attraction comes BEFORE philosophy. Again, attraction occurs BEFORE the philosophy.

"This guy is mature, has a good head on his shoulders, is smart, knows what he is going to do in life, has money, THEREFORE, I should like him."

Women do not say this. Rather, women say:

"HE IS HOT! Oh, but he is mature, has good head on his shoulders, is smart, etc., therefore, I like him."

They use their philosophy (or 'chick logic' as known in the SS circles) to PROP UP their 'behavior'.

What does this mean? It means ALL chicks will like you more. Jerks score well with practically all types of girls (we only notice the nice girl and jerk relationships because it is so noticable and seemingly contradictory).

Correct. Girls use their chick logic to rationalize things. They are the so-called creatures which need to FEEL. They don't think logically in matters of love. They decide about you based on their feelings. Since this is the case, then it completely contradicts with demonstrating value. See my point?

Even if a guy is rich,good looking,mature,has a good family background, the guy will not stand a chance at all since she is not attracted to him. So what happened to demonstrating value? Should it be ignored since chicks don't emphasized much on values?? If yes, then expressing sexuality becomes supremely important!!!!

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score

In your original post you wrote about Otto Weininger.

Otto came to the conclusion that women are amoral, soulless beings; that of her value system being molded by her environment; that she behaves 'good' not because such goodness is inherent of her, but because it is expected by her environment (e.g. party girl value system while in a party environment, mother value system upon having children), of society (e.g. social proof, the Slut Dilemma). That don't try figuring out the female mind because how can you figure out nothing? (Something I remember you commenting). Yet, isn't all this just getting inside the female mind?

I remember long ago you commenting on Female Nature, saying what you found is so black you wished you never knew. Yet if there is no philosophy of women, isn't the conclusion women are soulless and when you look upon the female mind, nothing is there, philosophy? Or is it simply the sum of observations, thereby empirical, simply put in philsophical terms?

Any thoughts? This is one subject that elaboration would be greatly appreciated.



Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
I don't WANT to think back to those old days, Deep Dish. Why return to them? It's depressing as it is and I don't want to think about it.

There is such a thing as knowing more then one should. It was a line I crossed and I hurriedly ran back over it. I'm not going over it again.

You'll figure it out if you keep looking. And you'll know it when it hits. I'd advise to stop thinking about women and just go get them in real life. Women are not meant to be understood, only loved.

Look at it in this way. The chicken's destiny is to be on my barbeque grill. The chicken will never know this. It goes about its life quite happily. But what if the chicken DID realize this? Or take the dog who happily runs around on its leash. The dog thinks itself a comrade to its master, a friend. It knows the hand that feeds it. It does not think of himself as a 'pet'. He doesn't realize how much control YOU really have. But, alas, his destiny will forever be 'pet' because THAT is the way Nature framed it!

Now consider the destiny of the Human male...

And yes, women do realize it. Especially the older ones.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
I'd advise to stop thinking about women and just go get them in real life.
Since the "how to" of women is no longer a mystery to me, certainly not as the quality of interactions with women in real life has expotentially grown, of women offering sex and all that, knowing the "why" of women grew strong.

Then again, as you said, ignorance is bliss.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
my god

Pook your writing is amazing... I wish I could write as well as you.

Excellent post, I couldn't believe I read the whole thing... it was huge!!!!!


I should add that I realize your post is refined truth. I used to visit these forums often, but now I only visit the health forum. Once I absorbed the "mind-set" of a DJ I realized that was all I needed. I no longer needed analysis to interpret actions for me. I stumbled accross your post today after visiting the boards for the first time in months...and I am glad that I did because it only reinforced what I knew subconsciously.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2001
Reaction score
Its quite funny Pook,

One of my main flaws when dealing with women is that I've had a lot of trouble expressing my sexuality, probably due to the way I was brought up. It tends to backfire and even makes some girls uncomfortable. However of late I've been trying to be a lot more open with it and have come up with much better results.

A great example was on new years eve when I text messaged a number of girls I knew who I hadn't had much luck with or didnt know that well and basically said, happy new years sexy. Well the next day I was flooded with about 7 messages from these girls, all wanting to catch up with me. In the past I would have assumed that expressing myself in a sexual way would scare them of, but no, it works the opposite way.

Great thread.


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Hey, what can you say that hasn't already been spewed by a few thousand other DJs in training who should be out doing stuff instead of sitting in front of their computers. Still waiting on that fruitcake post, though :)


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2002
Reaction score
I agree with most of the posts here...this is a brilliant post. Donjuanpablo stated my sitch to a T though:

"One of my main flaws when dealing with women is that I've had a lot of trouble expressing my sexuality, probably due to the way I was brought up. It tends to backfire and even makes some girls uncomfortable."

Can anyone expand on expressing sexuality in an effective/appropriate manner.... I am having difficulty letting the women I date that I am not just in it for the conversation. Currently I have a gf that I need to let know that I want her...

Please help!


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by SpyderJuan
I agree with most of the posts here...this is a brilliant post. Donjuanpablo stated my sitch to a T though:

"One of my main flaws when dealing with women is that I've had a lot of trouble expressing my sexuality, probably due to the way I was brought up. It tends to backfire and even makes some girls uncomfortable."

Can anyone expand on expressing sexuality in an effective/appropriate manner.... I am having difficulty letting the women I date that I am not just in it for the conversation. Currently I have a gf that I need to let know that I want her...

Please help!
serch on this forum for
- kino
- conversation (how to make progress)

remember, don`t express your sexualitty verbally!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Damnit Pook, if you post another one of these, I'm gonna have to bill you for my eye-glasses perscription. It surely shot up a few diopters.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Re: If this is .............

Hi IntermediateDonJuaner!

I'm not intentionally trying to ignore you or anyone. I missed your post since it didn't seem to have a direct question in it. (It's 1 AM in Pook Time when I get on this forum. I usually might post something and go to sleep).

Originally posted by IntermediateDonJuaner

Ok, since the testosteronized guys are so-called impressive and girls are attracted to them, then I guess all the guys should start being like them. In this way, all the AFCS or the average Don Juan will become extremely popular and get laid all the time. And I am glad that you brought up DEMONSTRATING VALUE in the beginning.[/i]

The point isn't being LIKE them. I don't want to be like some stupid low-down no-life jerk.

One thing the jerks DO have is sexuality. This is what we want to harness and use for ourselves. From what I can tell, it is based in in the testosterone levels (which affects PHYSICAL and PERSONALITY).

It is not a coincidence that the 'alpha males' (the well fit 'top dog' guys) also excel in sociabilitiy.

Anyone who works out can tell you they feel an emotional uplift by working out (working out vastly increases testosterone, since testosterone is the hormone that causes muscle growth). I see many guys in gyms who do not seem interested in doing their liftings slowly and properly. They blaze through it. These guys love the testosterone rise it gives them (the emotional happiness, charge).

Seeing that this is the secret to the jerk, that the jerk is a 'hyper-testosteronized male', we can utilize this for our own being.

If DEMONSTRATING VALUE is so important, then I think we should focused more on it and leave the rest behind. What do you mean, IDJ? You may ask. Suppose if a guy is AFC (not good looking, poor,not respected and many negative more things in life), then how is he going to get women? When I first came to this website, I get the perception that this website is there to help guys get women despite they are being inadequate,incompetent and inferior.
Inadequate? To what? Incompetent? To whom? Inferior? To what standard? Focus on your happiness, never on some woman to be 'won'. Happiness first, the woman second (not the other way around).

No guy is ever going to win with women (or life) branding himself a loser. The most common complaint of guys are inadequate, incompetent, and inferior guys getting the girls we want.

Voltaire was an ugly foolio but he said, "Give me ten minutes and I'll bed the queen of France."

But since demonstrating value is the main focused now, then I guess the guys should start improving their life so they will get women. On top of that, this website becomes utterly useless because we no longer need theories,facts and tricks to do the job of getting laid. DEMONSTRATING VALUE is already good enough.!
I've read some 'tips' that go like this: "Women like men. To be a real man, you must read Aristotle, Cicero, Erasmus, Demothenes, Plato, etcetera." I've read these and they are helpful in many ways, but not in getting women. Women are not attracted to genius! They are attracted to society's idea of a genius (if you appear on magazine covers, obviously your fame will attract). But going the route of the weepy eyed philosopher will not get the chicks. (Consider also how the STUPIDEST guys get TONS of women without even thinking about it!)

Another 'tip' was: "Women secretly imagine armeggedon and so choose their mate on the assets they have that will be useful after the armeggedon." Women do not walk around imagining armeggedon. This 'theory' is like all theories: intellectual masturbation. It is not helpful in regards to women.

Theory! Theory! I want to move to this land called 'Theory' where all the Intellectuals come from. For in Theory, everything is correct.

The point for blasting philosophy is not because philosphy is bad or anything.

Men follow philosophies. Women follow Nature.

We could invent a new 'philosophy' for women but women refuse to follow any philosophy we subcribe them to!

One of the words of advice my Dad gave me was: Know the system and work WITHIN it.. Women have their own system, their own nature. I've tried bucking it with my philosophies. It was only until I began to UNDERSTAND their nature then I could work within it.

Pretty girls are attracted to jerks. Why? By understanding the system, it seems that testosterone is the main culprit. We work WITHIN this system Nature set up by utilizing it.

Philosophers never did explain women (and those that got close, like our good friend, Mr. Weineger, committed suicide.). The Poets, on the other hand, are usually right on (probably because learning woman's nature TURNED them in to a poet in the first place!)

Originally quoted by Pook :

Girls use their chick logic to rationalize things. They are the so-called creatures which need to FEEL. They don't think logically in matters of love. They decide about you based on their feelings. Since this is the case, then it completely contradicts with demonstrating value. See my point?[/i]

Don't YOU go after a girl based on your feelings? When you go for a girl, is the goal an intellectual exercise or something you FEEL?

I don't demonstrate value. I am value. I don't put on a show; I just merely live and they can see the value itself.

In my old days, I thought: How can I get her?

Now it is: Should I want HER?

I am not a woman. I do not wear a dress. I let them demonstrate their value TO ME and I pick and choose the ones I want as men are supposed to.

Even if a guy is rich,good looking,mature,has a good family background, the guy will not stand a chance at all since she is not attracted to him. So what happened to demonstrating value? Should it be ignored since chicks don't emphasized much on values?? If yes, then expressing sexuality becomes supremely important!!!!
Many women do not bother asking themselves the wise question of "SHOULD I like him?" If they asked them this, jerks would not get women.

Yeah, don't emphasize so much on values. Women are sexual beings. They live in Womaniverse. In Womaniverse, sexuality IS THE VALUE.

If you are wealthy, good family, mature, etc. she won't care about you unless you possess sexuality of some kind. Androgenous guys do not get girls. The girls only use the androgenous guy to some aim (for the guy's wealth, to stop being alone, to fulfill her ambition of family and motherhood, etc.)

The answer is 'yes'. Women become interested in your 'values' and character and smartness and all only AFTER you have some sexuality.

(And let's not be hard on the women, we do the same thing. I love smart chicks. But I would pick a cute/hot regular minded chick over a brilliant fat chick any day.)

One guy says that he raises his tesosterone levels through PORK. "Pook, I ate prok for three days straight and I was so irritable but action oriented."

He says that the pigs have the hormones pumped in them, making the pork buid even more testosterone.

(I don't exactly agree with him, but thought of sharing that with ya'll.)

But eating meats and working out (with heavy free weights) seems to be the easiest and surest ways to increase testosterone.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Behold, the power of the Pook. Women can't resist him, even when separated by hundreds of miles of optical cable... :D

Truly jaw-dropping stuff, Pook.

I just have one question: how old are you, and what are your physical dimensions -- what were they when you were skinny, and what are they now?

I'm just curious to know... I'm the process of a physical transformation myself.

Once again, congratulations on another job well done. Outstanding. Simply outstanding.



Originally posted by laura
/me wipes a big shiny tear from her cheek....
pooks, will you marry me? :p
j/k btw, it would be a crime to tie down a dj like you..
nice work!