welcome to 2001..for me actually..i learned about all of these teachings waaaay when i was only 20 or so,i even misapplied some of the techniques and got into serious trouble.Good sh*t though,if i knew this stuff growing up- i would've done some things differently.All in all,you become what you think about and you sub-conciosly attract the things and situations into your life that coencide with your inner beliefs systems basicly,theres alot more to it then that but that seems to be the general mantra of it all...Imagination and visualization is also a big part of it. i used to be SOO into this type of stuff,i even took about 6 years out of my life just to master it.All in all,i am the same person and though i do know alot about how this system and how the mind works and does things for us..i still dwell on the negative aspects and i still kinda just use it haphazardly and not really focus or hone in all of my true potential.A good way to see exactly where one is at in life right now at this moment is to write down and examine their core beliefs and dominant thoughts presently,today and what your reoccuring thoughts and emotions are today- it'll give you a strong insight in who you are presently and also where to go.another good one is how you see yourself as in your minds eye,where do you see yourself in the future and what are the most dominant thoughts in your life right now presently.what ever image you hold strongly to in your mind today will eventually come to pass in reality,don't take it too literal though..if you keep seeing dead relatives or something,you might need some help! no but seriously,your imagination basicly is your own personal goal seeking machine,it directs you and guides you.One of the top questions in a psychological evaluation is ,do you have thoughts of hurting others or yourself,and other questions relating to ones thoughts and imagination concerning various topics,psychologist reconize the power and link between imagination and action,imagination is the blue print for our future.
good reads on the topic are=
The power of the sub-concious mind
the hidden power of the sub-concious mind
psychocybernetics -original and the new 2000 verson
as a man thinkith