The Rude Awakening of Our Generation. (1980-1992).


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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So dubbed as the product of the baby-boomers, perhaps the most profitable niche of Americans to date. However, I feel there is a severe illness about to befall those tykes, now age 25 to 12.

Immediate gratification.
BMW, Mercedes, Audi.
The endless partying of college that's more of a Mardi Gras than an educational institution.
Prada, Gucci, LV, Coach.

We've seen it particularly with women, high-class lifestyles suppoted by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, mom & daddy, the sugar daddy, the older boyfriend, or the AFC chump still buying gifts. Not only women (but a large segment), but men too, have a mentality of having it now, of having the best before it is earned, of being coddled and too young for the world, of living at home until it's far too late.

I have yet to date a girl who owns a purse that is valued less than $200. Her purse is worth more than the cash in it, and more than the available balance of credit cards. Worse yet, much of the generation want the high profile job, or the high profile business, without the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to create it. Girls come to expect dates, especially expensives ones as the norm, rather than the exception, and wonder why they approach marriage or relationships as WORSE than dating. If you make exceptions the rule, you change the game.

Many of my exes, and even a good portion of my friends fit this niche. I did not specifically attempt to find women this dependent, this expecting of high class without the high class attitude and respect, it merely happens as 'attraction' gets in the way. However, to me it's more of a liability in the long run.

No wonder men are in for the hit n run, and women serially date. To each other, changing the lifestyle is almost something they're unaccustom to doing. A goodly number of women are unwilling to give up their desire to step down from the princess-like lifestyle they need to accept normality, something they have no concept of. And men, unwilling to accept their queenly demands, jump from bed to bed as it suits our needs unwilling to take on the liability women are becoming.

Manicures, pedicures, $200 hair jobs, pimped out sports cars, $100 jeans, credit card debt, the tell-tale sign of immediate gratification, these are the signs of our generation, one which is contradicting it's on own goals.

This isn't mean to be a bleak outlook, for there is certainly the lot of us men who see this happening and who were also raised differently than the mold. But if you go out any night, venture through a mall, or even chat it up with a girl, you will quickly hear words like "manicure," "salon," "boob-job", "ass tuck," "nose job," "bmw, escalade," "gucci, prada, coach, lv". How many of these people, women or not, have their own place, can live on their own, survive on their own, and be independent?

I had the argument with an X once about her degree and job expectations. She never had any documented job aside from babysitting, and felt super markets, waitressing, or retail sales were below her (quintessential daddy's girl). Subsequently, she sought a high profile job, making $50k+ out of college with no prior experience in any given job role. When she was dejected after her few attempts to "get a job easily" she thought college was worthless or that the market sucked. Finally she reverted to waitress at a nice club/bar in Manchester, NH. The lesson only dawned on her after the fact. In reality, I knew I was glad we split because her motivating need for a bf was support of a lifestyle I didn't want to provide in the future. She set the bar of what she expected. Well, hunny, in a free market of supply and demand, a woman's worth drops as the demand for that product declines. As a woman's expectations rise, in addition to age, her demand declines, and the supply of less demanding women and younger girls rises, pure relationship economics.

I only hope that the male part of my generation and the preceding generation takes stock in themselves. Perhaps you don't understand or gather where this is going, but let's rationalize it out.

Many girls are flighty straight up to college, at which point they have to fish or cut bait, they MUST work or flounder for years. Often they live at home, drifting aimlessly from job to job of menial work so that they can support themselves (cited cases if needed). OR, they MIGHT be that one girl who proceeds down some path that involves a career. How many girls are the typical bar slut/club sluts that use it as an outlit to deflect what reality is? They claim independence, yet are a walking contradiction as all they own comes at some else's expense. If you buy a $300 purse, and live at home, your parents footed the rent and food bill so you could live more lavishly. Unless you get a better paying job, or lower your demands, the other option is a man who'd support you.

Well boys, I know we're self-sufficient, or you wouldn't be here, but don't continue these habits, because we need to kill the system and the generation of conformists. I have always felt this internally that in some ways, we expect too much control of life, but in other ways we have overly optimistic expectations on quality of life without providing the necessary work to get that. Give and get, my friends, you can have all you want if you pay the price. Far too many don't want that. They want easy riches, eacy fame, easy bodies, easy sex, without the work. Yet, you fail to realize anything of value comes with hard/smart work.

Your insights are welcome...




Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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We are all glued to our Television because it tells us what kind of lifestyle we should have. If you reject that idealogy that success equals being rich and powerful you are branded a loser, with no ambitions socialist.

It Ingrained in our brain since childhood that this is the kind of life we should be seeking. " MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO AROUND AND YOU BETTER HAVE ALOT OF IT, IF YOU TRULY WANT TO BE HAPPY."

We got t.v shows that gives people fantasies, about the kind of lifestyle we should all conform too. It tells us that we should all be rich celebraties and everyone would love us. But we wont' and this is starting to piss us off (yeah I know I am quoting "fight club" here! GOOD MOVIE YOU BETTER WATCH IT!)

I hate shows that aspire people to live a certain lifestyle. Look at shows Like "MTV Cribs" you always end up with some Rapper who shows off his big A$$ mansion and his four cars and his gold toilet and saying : hey look at me everyone! jealous!!??

Women favourite show is the Bachlour, because it also gives them the fantasy of a Model guy with money who is going to sweep them off their feet and marry them. The show is unrealistic!

Everyone live in a fantasy world. For the average guy, he would have to work his butt off for the rest of his life to obtain those riches and for what?? the more money you buy the more you going to spend, so in the end you are just going to die in a big mansion as oppose to a regular house. Notice how come there are so many realities shows those days? because people don't have the time or don't want to even bother with the hassle of trying to make their own dreams come true, if its already given to them through television.

For a really good looking women and even those that aren't so lucky, they will go out of their way to spend thousands of dollars to make themselves look really good and to try to catch that illusive fantasy husband. No wonder guys are trying to stay away from American women and go for foreign, at least the foreign are somewhat grounded by their values and ethnic culture, while the in the States consumerism IS THE CULTURE. (Canada is probably a close second behind)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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One on One.

You might be right there, but like you once mentioned before, we're not all perfect, we make mistakes. The point is to find the women who are the diamonds in the rough, as I would say. I've met a lot of girls in college and out of college and have a good innate instinct as to their 'being.' Good recos on the book, if we can't always agree, and you want to call me out as a phoney, at least I can agree to disagree.


The reality shows are the most unreal shows on tv. Even staged shows were more real than these phonies. Every "Real World" has the same cookie cutter cast each before it. A few black people, a few white frat guys, a gay person or 2, and the problematic alchy/drug abuser. Can we get anymore stereotypical? Anytime CASTING is called into factor a show, it's UNREAL and STAGED.

MTV pains me, and I refuse to watch how some of the most untalented rappers blow their new found millions on golf plated anything or a fridge of Crystal. Worse off, who needs that many cars, EVEN if you can have them? Get some REAL cars, like collectors, or unique ones. You see MTV, or any other reality show, and yes, celebrities live well, but only as the top 1% of all Americans, and perhaps as the top .001% of all human beings. Not that it isn't possible to happen, but that it's unrealistic to go that route.

A lifestyle above average is easily possible, only that it takes work and a different track to run on than a J.O.B. Fight club is the perfect example that you mentioned, Damage. Your things do not make you. Your job does not make you. Consumptionist thing has people believing we must buy in order to satisfy an image, a feeling, or a lifestyle, and that we MUST have a LIFESTYLE to define us. How many threads go on about "being a bad boy" or a "man" that revolve around what to wear, what to drive, what to smell like, what to do, what to own, how our pad should look, how our musical tastes should be. Our generation is a generation of conformists to some ideal, some impression, so vision/character. Being "punk", the "bad boy", the "motorcyclist", the "gym rat", the "corporate" joke, the "club DJ, the "artist." It's simpler to define people by their rules in our complex world but is it right? Is it effective? People CAN be more dimensional than we are lead to believe, but the more you conform to a vision of something, the more you're labeled, stereotyped, and even passed over, by women, by potential employers, or potential friends.

I have a very positive out look, on my life. But seeing ahead to what can happen in the future and the trouble brought by these liabilities is just another open-minded facet of being a DJ, or whatever, because you don't want to be the fool who ends up with one of these Prada princesses and finds out she cheats in 10 years, because, although you bought her everything, you didn't provide for her emotionally, and sexually.

If a man knows up front what to watch out for, then he can reroute his life, too.



Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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The Entitlement Dynamic

A-UNIT: What you've eloquently described here is a shining example of what's known as the Entitlement Dynamic. This is an almost uniquely western culture phenomenon (but not limited to as China is picking up our own habits) and is easiest to see it evidenced in women.

The Entitlement Dynamic is a fundimental, psychosociological misinterpretation that, due to some internalized belief that we are entitled to gratification, satiation and happiness. Western(ized) women are easy illustrations for this. There is a base understanding that women as the holders of sexual intimacy are entitled to a lifestyle that requires less of them. The hunt for marriage becomes a facilitation to this end, not the actual marriage, but the persuit of it. Our innate evolutionary socio-sexual behaviors even promote this. As you pointed out, women are always seeking the male best able to provide for their security and the well-being of any offspring. In our culture this is expressed in conspicuous consumption. The Escalades, the ability to purchase expensive items, etc. is all an effort to prove suitability for procreation. This obviously isn't a conscious effort on most of our own part, but it serves the same purpose. The problems arise when this display of 'worthiness' is countered by realistic facts; all of my displays are paid for by credt cards, I'm not really a Hollywood screen writer, doctor, etc. The image was enough to be perceived as being sexually suitable, it's after the fact that reality sets in.

It's when a woman behaves in a way, or has a conscious, internalized schemata in her head that she in some way deserves or is entitled to this security that the problems arise. There is a fundimental lack of appreciation for how this security was achieved because it has become the default lifestyle and the default understanding. They fail to recognize the sacrifices a man has to legitimately make in order to allow her to live her life.

Men, for their part, understandably adjust for this when they observe women's behaviors around other men they deem suitable for their intimacy. High-status attorney, businessman, doctor, etc. displays X qualities and thus gets desirable females sexual attentions. Average guy mimics these behaviors (through whatever means necessary) and meets with like results. What isn't compensated for is genuine authenticity of the qualities the High-Status male. Women don't care about the veracity of the High-Status male's credentials or the sacrifices necessary to achieve them; that simply comes with their perceived entitlement to this standard of living. Their focus is on the performance and display of this status as an agency for attraction. Average guy picks up on this and fools Entitled female into sexual intimacy.

That's not to belittle the importance of physical attraction, but a bodybuilder who's job is Sandwich Artist is less desirable in the long-term and therefore loses out to the High-Status males as far as security provision goes.

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Eloquent posts as well.

Rollo Tomassi

Fantastic post. Glad someone could 'label' it. Entitlement is a great wording as well, because, that's just what it is. I understand that in 'the old days' women did the child rearing and men did the resource gathering, I've read all the books. Yet, women have tried to cry aloud their movement toward independence and not needing a man only to exponentially exacerbate their dependency. Sure, a woman can shrug off having a baby, but in the Northeast for instance, average rent is $700 for a reasonable SINGLE place. Add car insurance, cell phone bill, health insurance, groceries, gym, car (because a girl doesn't touch an American one), and you're up to minimum living expenses of $20,000, not including taxes, retirement funding, vacations, debt maintenance, and so forth. It's unrealistic, unless a few things are handled...

1. She becomes a corporate fox and leads a top 500 company or becomes self-employed.
2. She cuts back her expectations and lifestyle (contradictory to life).
3. She lives at home for a good portion and awaits any possible inhieritance.
4. She shacks up with a man.
5. Resorts to less than desirable means, such as modeling (nude), porn, stripping, or hooking.

This isn't just kept to ladies, but I find most men are about shopping or about blowing up credit cards. They will place large quantities of money into vehicles, or gambling, or stereo, video games, and the likes, but on the whole, we're resource managers, and tend to exercise more prudency with regard to resources as a sex on the whole.

The problem of the generation also, has been to witness a time of almost unprecedented wealth and growth, unbeknownst to civilization before (I might be off on that, but it's fairly close). Witnessing such a meteoric rise, and consequent fall, throws perception out of balance. We had the conversation during lunch today...

Kids are sent to their room to play, rather than outside.
They're given technology at a younger age, some to learn, some to experience for pleasure.
Kids aren't maturity earlier, but they are being exposed to mature situations earlier, at times when they're incapable of dealing with them. [I can't cound the amount of girls mistaken at the beach for far older than they are, largely due to development and style.]
Sheltering -- being allowed to live at home far longer defers growth capable in being independent.
College -- while a degree is worthy, the tunnel of 4 years that I refer to as time of Mardi Gras sets up a whole other dynamic. I went to college did well, and partied. First and foremost, though, it's academic...and is no different than taking community classes locally. It's the social aspect that kills people (Read: Quarterlife Crisis and the document tales of college graduates drifting aimlessly from the false safety-net college provided for them).

Hard work is to a degree, a thing of the past. How many kids work younger? I started at 14, awaking at 5am. Our parents probably started at age 10, or even 7, with a paper route, or working a nearby farm. I realize that social dynamics change, and there's no local farm nearby to do such things, but other creativity and work can be had to replace it.

Women will always marry, and date older, for the most part. An older woman with significant resources, might choose a younger mate because of their mutual attractiveness toward each other, but it's rare. I suggest reading "The Evolution of Dating," which details how we mate, from past to present. It a cold manner, it dissects everything about dating into vanilla terms.

Again this gets back to living in our own reality. Because we're bombarded with well designed advertisements to the tune of 1,000/day, we're fed what we want, instead of asked what we desire. The flashes are always at the forefront of the brain.



Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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This also illustrates the 'have it all' notion. Since the early 70's there's been a concerted effort to promote the ideal that women can 'have it all.' Nothing that has come out of the feminist movement has been as sociologically damaging to gender roles than this principle. I wont go into arguing the ethics of traditional gender roles, but this new ideal has caused more problems for both men and women than practically any other social occurance including the sexual revolution.

In essence it's this idea that women can simultaneously have a career, personal life, family life and maintain this to satisfaction as long as men can be made to accept this new referendum. The problem is that it doesn't ever turn out this way due in most part to the fact that evolutionary circumstances in our own biologies work to counter this.

As women age their sexual value decreases, while a man's increases. The woman who buys into the 'career woman' ideal thinks that she can postpone this inevitability and trades her peak desirability years (her 20's) for an education and the successive frustration of the job market - traditionally a man's realm. The problem begins when she cannot attract a man in her 30's because she's been preoccupied with her career during her 20's achieving what career success she could. Childless, husbandless, at 35 she shakes her fists at guy's her own age for exclusively mating with 22 year old women in their peak desirability phase because they are more desirable and sexually available than she has even the potential to be. These women then band together in an attempt to shame men in this demographic into 'growing up' or lambast their 'fragile male egoes.'

Of course the occurance of AFCs to be around to marry these women and start a family with can't be ignored. In these instances there begins a loathing in the lack of positive masculinity evident in these men. Though they may in fact be good providers, loyal and stable, her expectations of him in his 'new role' prove again that the 'have it all' notion fails since he is unacustomed to being both strong and attentive to her as the primary.

Men on the other hand do not attain sexual valuation until their late 20's and mid 30's. This is evidenced in their status, maturity, money earning potential, education, etc. A man becomes more refined as he ages and presents the security provision qualities women desire.

Go to any college socially gathering and you can see this in play. The most common complaint guys have is that they can't get women their own age to give them any play, but older guys have the agency to do so.


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
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The World In My Eyes
Funny...Ive felt like this ever since I was younger....When I was younger, I wanted to move away from the city and back to the country and live a simple life...Last year, I was making like $500 a week and I had a new car and clothes, and I thought I was so unstopable...But then I got laid off and the car is wrecked and I make less money then before...It took all of that to make me see through all the fake sh1t again...I really dont want much, I want enough money to be comfortable and let me get a bike and thats it...Maybe Ill shack up with an older chick and Ill fukk the sh1t outta her everyday to ease things....


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
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Society is becoming too dependent on technology. How many of you can live without a TV? I did for the first half of my life. I have more fun laughing at stupid stuff with friends at a cafe or bar than sitting in front of the TV or buying the latest DVD surround sound system.

Problem is most people have forgotten the old ways. They don't appreciate friendships, instead they're playing the latest computer game or watching movies rather. Soon we could end up a society where everyone is alone in their own little room with their eyes glued to the computer screen.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lie

Problem is most people have forgotten the old ways. They don't appreciate friendships, instead they're playing the latest computer game or watching movies rather. Soon we could end up a society where everyone is alone in their own little room with their eyes glued to the computer screen.
Yea I agree on that one.... I feel like I've been raped if I don't have my xbox/ps2/computer for a week.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
how the **** do you manage to write so dam much? the dude made a simple comment and you wrote a novel in response... it seems like you are thinking about things way too much and have too much time on your hands

go out in the real world


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I've met girls who are aimless drifters and they repulse me. Their life is just working multiple retail jobs, then spending all their dough on clothes and beach holidays. And they're not getting any younger either.

I need a woman with goals


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lie
Soon we could end up a society where everyone is alone in their own little room with their eyes glued to the computer screen.
Wait a few decades more and you will see how this developes. I rather not even think about it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
Actually I'm not finished yet.

You make this thread, whining about how women love money, and women love cars, and all this bullshyt. There are about 4 BILLION women on this earth, and you are whining about the high maintenence bytches that you LET YOURSELF be played by.

If you date a girl who don't know the difference between fantasy and reality, then you are in trouble.

I refuse to beleive that money is that important to women, and so should you. When a celebrity has alot money, what two things usually come with it ??? Power and Respect.

Power and Respect are the greatest attributes to have.

I'm not rich by any means. I never mention anything about material items... I have too much going on in my life to worry about them (or so thats how I appear). But I know how to acheive power. I never relinquish power to a woman, and because of that, I ALWAYS have her respect.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
I don't think you are focussing on the wussy, spoiled mouthy boys in the 25 and under age bracket. These are the punks that stupidly mouth off to guys ten times their size and get their asses kicked. This is the AFC generation that has spoiled the majority of the girls in that age bracket. I may have been AFC in my day, but not as bad as this current crop of losers.

I see them all the time - girls and boys - waittresses, bartenders, no education , no prospects, snorting coke left right and centre. They're f*cked.

Mouthy little bastards the boys are too, until you shut them the f*ck up.

These 20-someting spoiled playstation junkies are f*cking around, wasting their time snorting coke. In my 20's I was busy getting laid and working my ass off to build the career I have today. I may have been AFC, but yes, I did get laid.

These losers will still be waiters and waitresses in another 10 years.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by TheInfamousCBear
Maybe Ill shack up with an older chick and Ill fukk the sh1t outta her everyday to ease things....
That's what I've been doing lately. Sick and tired of twenty somethings and early thirties - they're all hors and difficult to deal with. The older ones aren't programmed the same way. I get daily hummers too - something that has never, ever happened to me with younger women. I honestly may not go back to younger women. I'm that sick of their b*llsh*t after having 2 LTRS equalling 11 years take such a damaging toll on my life and my happiness. God, I wish I knew then what I know now.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
"I see them all the time - girls and boys - waittresses, bartenders, no education , no prospects, snorting coke left right and centre. They're f*cked."

yeah I noticed that as well. I am 25 and I notice that the women who are involved in some form or another in the entertainment industry such as : Singer, Actress, Model, Dancer, Any Bar Job, or anything relating to the fashion industry are the most likely to give you a hard time and drive you mad.

They are so driven by the limelight and are so selfishley into themselves, its very hard finding a good one among them.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
The plan for taking back the Lifestyle

Date the American girls
Marry the foreign ones
Raise your kids to be just like the foreign girls :)

Foreign (well, not all) girls tend to be more grounded and not be as high-maintenance as American girls

or so I've heard.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
I don't think you are focussing on the wussy, spoiled mouthy boys in the 25 and under age bracket. These are the punks that stupidly mouth off to guys ten times their size and get their asses kicked. This is the AFC generation that has spoiled the majority of the girls in that age bracket. I may have been AFC in my day, but not as bad as this current crop of losers.

I see them all the time - girls and boys - waittresses, bartenders, no education , no prospects, snorting coke left right and centre. They're f*cked.

Mouthy little bastards the boys are too, until you shut them the f*ck up.

These 20-someting spoiled playstation junkies are f*cking around, wasting their time snorting coke. In my 20's I was busy getting laid and working my ass off to build the career I have today. I may have been AFC, but yes, I did get laid.

These losers will still be waiters and waitresses in another 10 years.
You are write about some, but don't make assumptions. Not everyone wants a "career." You may see laugh at me wanting to work menial jobs in my 20s, but it gives me time and energy to work on my business so while you smirk at the 20-something serving you at a restaurant, they might get the last laugh when their business explodes and they make money in their sleep. You can't judge a book by its cover.