The rise of Men Going Gay


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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You must be struggling if you think this is helping you
I don't think it's 'helping' me, but it sure as hell not 'hurting' me.

I don't get why you are so concerned about gays and transgenders if:

You realize that gays make up less than 7 percent of the total population, right?
Transexuals less than 1 percent
Even if that was doubled.

Most straight guys don't care. Are you ambivalent about your sexual orientation?
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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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This is probably going to be a weird topic for this forum, but I want to consolidate the thoughts from all of us in different parts of the world and industries to see if you are observing what I am. To discuss men and female relationships, we have to take a look at what happens when men leave p*ssy entirely. There have been a few people who speak on male and female dynamics who have prophesied that men will be becoming gayer not just because of single mother households and the push of the lgbt message, but because men themselves are leading toward dating other men to avoid the troubles of the western woman. Obviously, this is only in feminist societies like North America, the UK, and possibly some of Central America with the attack of globalization there. Though gay men do exist in other countries, it is not to the extent as it is here.

The reason I decided to write about this topic is because I ran into several female acquaintances who kept saying they keep running into guys who are gay. Or basically, like to f*ck men and women. Women of different ages and positions [hospital, gym, fortune 500 company, mlm marketing] And it is not like they are getting some ugly guys. These are your normal looking men who have nice careers and/or fit. And yet they complain that they are gay.

At my barbershop, they run into customers who normally look like your typical guy and then learn that he likely s*cks c*ck. A repeating story that made me question the circumstances of this phenomenon.

  • Is it the establishment brainwashing men?
  • Is it the feminist agenda creating feminine submissive men?
  • Estrogen in water that we hear about?
  • Or is it simply western men going after the less troublesome sex option [which arguably leads to creating lgbt stuff]
Probably all of the above to some extent. I've always believed that homosexuality was acquired behaviour that was influenced by social factors. Many homosexuals were victims of sexual abuse as children (which affected their sexual orientation) but I don't think that it is necessarily a prerequisite for "turning gay".


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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That's good, isn't it? More guys go gay, the more women for you.
It would only work like that if women remained horny and straight. But women are turning gay and asexual in even greater numbers than men. No one profits from societal decay except for a very small number of people who have managed to monetize it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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women are turning gay and asexual in even greater numbers
Not my experience, but even if they did, they wouldn't be relationship material anyway.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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But women are turning gay and asexual in even greater numbers than men
We speak as if a substantial portion of them weren't already Bi-Sexual Lite or frigid already. Nothing new here, at least Insofar those ladies go