This question had been dawning me for the last couple months. I get caught up in the petty bullshiit and, when stepping back and looking at the big picture, I ask myself "What for?"
Why did I go out and try to get girls tonight? Why did I flirt, dance, touched their freshly shaven legs and vaginas that were barely covered by a common towel.
Why did I ask my friend how he would go about making 10,000$ if he had to do it right now. Why did we start dreaming about nice cars, nice condos...
Why am I going to school, why do I want to have a good job, why do I want to buy nice things and impress girls with shiny stuff?
Take the most powerful person in the world. I will use Bush as an example here. If Bush was to die today, in a hundered years, nobody would care. Nobody is really going to care after you and I die either. This Earth had been around for millions of years, and nobody can affect it so much that.... that it would matter for something.
Blow up London... set NYC on fire... nuke Vegas... who cares? We are miniscule creatures that are so busy in our daily lives that we do not know what it is we are actually living for.
Look up at the sky, see the stars... what is the reason? What is out there? WHY ARE WE ALIVE? Why has this process of having kids and passing on genes lasted so long.. what are we going towards?
What is a person making 40k and living in the suburbs doing... why is he going to work every day? Why does he keep trying to make more money and get more things or get more... happiness?
It is the moments that we feel good in that make this life? My time spent with my dog, friends, some girls, parents... but all of those do not answer the question.
Some people rely on religion... I am an atheist and for me this stuff is very very depressing. My mother believes you are reincarnated in the next life to make up for the mistakes you made in this one. I believe you rot in the ground... but the question is out there.. and it plagues me deep inside - What is all this for?
Why did I go out and try to get girls tonight? Why did I flirt, dance, touched their freshly shaven legs and vaginas that were barely covered by a common towel.
Why did I ask my friend how he would go about making 10,000$ if he had to do it right now. Why did we start dreaming about nice cars, nice condos...
Why am I going to school, why do I want to have a good job, why do I want to buy nice things and impress girls with shiny stuff?
Take the most powerful person in the world. I will use Bush as an example here. If Bush was to die today, in a hundered years, nobody would care. Nobody is really going to care after you and I die either. This Earth had been around for millions of years, and nobody can affect it so much that.... that it would matter for something.
Blow up London... set NYC on fire... nuke Vegas... who cares? We are miniscule creatures that are so busy in our daily lives that we do not know what it is we are actually living for.
Look up at the sky, see the stars... what is the reason? What is out there? WHY ARE WE ALIVE? Why has this process of having kids and passing on genes lasted so long.. what are we going towards?
What is a person making 40k and living in the suburbs doing... why is he going to work every day? Why does he keep trying to make more money and get more things or get more... happiness?
It is the moments that we feel good in that make this life? My time spent with my dog, friends, some girls, parents... but all of those do not answer the question.
Some people rely on religion... I am an atheist and for me this stuff is very very depressing. My mother believes you are reincarnated in the next life to make up for the mistakes you made in this one. I believe you rot in the ground... but the question is out there.. and it plagues me deep inside - What is all this for?