The real deal on strength/masculinity and women


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2002
Reaction score
Hey fellas!

I've been away from this place for quite a while. Some may know me....and some may not.

I have learned so much in the past 3-4 years of my life it scares me sometimes. And it's only gonna get better.

So, I decided I would dispense some wisdom here today. Some may find it useful, and some may not.

The key to any woman, no matter what, is strength/masculinity. This is CRUCIAL in life guys. Just adapt strong traits....and you'll do far as attraction is concerned. All women by their very nature are wired to respond to masculinity. I think a major problem with many guys on this board, and I know for myself it was at one time....and still is a growing that you (we) fail to embrace or allow ourselves to act our gender. You gotta be strong. We are males, we are designed to be masculine... simple, strong, passionate, visionary, to lead/take charge, to be brave etc. I could go on and on.

Learn how to behave and respond accordingly in all situations in life. Face a problem with courage and determination. Don't cower away and hide.

Masculinity (Strength) isn't necessarily the same to each woman and for each man. 'Activities' don't determine whether you are manly or not. But behavior does.

It's a certain waywe have about ourselves that determines how others see us. Our ways are determined by how we act.

Have convictions!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, this is a big one. If you don't assert convictions, you'll be seen as moldable, or 'soft'. Remember, stand for something or you'll fall for anything! That phrase may seem tired and cheesey, but there is alot of truth behind it.

Listen to your fears!! It's been said before on here...but your fears should be your guide. Go to where they call you. Don't be afraid. In today's world especially, with all the feminized men there are around, you'll gain mountians of repect for simply doing your best even if you do fail.

Now, on to a deeper relationship level.
Once again, be strong. If she cries alot at don't!!
If she is scared....pull her close and reassure her.
Be nice......!!!!!!!!!OUCH there it is.....the big 'n' word!!!!! Know that as long as your strong enough, niceness will work wonders for you!! If you're not strong're just a 'nice guy'.

Get it???

Niceness was never the problem to begin with. It's lack of maleness that is. The mistake is in putting the responsibility for getting the girl on niceness.....that's not even what it's about.

Honesty....this is a big one too. Be honest about how you 'feel'. I know many of you fear that, but here is the issue. Let's say you let something get to you and your woman takes notice. You can't hide it from her. She KNOWS you were frustraded by something, or she realizes that you got upset with yourself b/c you failed at something. Many times the tendancy is to cover it up and act as though it didn't get to you. But, she knows it did. If you try to pull some sort of overmacho act or avoid the issue she will lose respect for you!! Simply say "I'm upset because of.......... or, I failed and am upset with myself, but I know I'm going to do better next time. You see, this shows her that your in touch with yourself AND that you're not afraid od dealing with the issue in a straightforward manner.

You have the confidence to admit/deal with/ and press on.

Get it???

You're doing yourself no good by bottling everything up all the time b/c you might deny yourself an opportunity to bond with her. And she needs that bonding to continue to feel deep/intimate w/ you. Many times a woman's orgasmic abilities and sexual comfort are a result of masculinity combined with closeness to the guy. He may be masculine, but if the closeness/emotional factor isn't there, she will be unsatisfied. And, vice versa.

It's all about the balance.

I'll post next on 'connection' and the implications it has for a LTR.

Until then, I need to get back to some things.

Later guys!:cool:


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2002
Reaction score
Didn't wanna let this get too far down the page without any replies. Nice post.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by JB2
Didn't wanna let this get too far down the page without any replies. Nice post.
Excellent post. I think everyone who visits should read that post over and over until it sinks in.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2000
Reaction score
excellent post! this could be some kind of solid intro for some kind of HOF thread!

looking forward to reading the next ones!


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
This is it. That is 100% consistent with all my observations.
All this stuff like "Be more of a jerk", "Be not interested, be completely indifferent", "Being romantic is feminine, don´t be it", "Be a challenge by waiting x days", "Be in control of the relationship" aso. (that made some people even think if when women are this way, dating is worth the effort at all) has only one purpose: to FAKE, what you should rather BE.
I would only call it strength, not masculinity, because some great examples I know are female.


Don Juan
May 7, 2002
Reaction score
westport, ct, USA
I disagree with this-

Listen to your fears!! It's been said before on here...but your fears should be your guide. Go to where they call you. Don't be afraid. In today's world especially, with all the feminized men there are around, you'll gain mountians of repect for simply doing your best even if you do fail.
Those men are feminized BECAUSE they listen to their fears. (example: "oh boy i'm afraid to talk with this girl, i'll follow my fears and go home and play video games instead")

Another everyday life example: "I'm afraid to go rock climbing cause it's hard, i might fall off, i'm a wimp, blah blah blah...i will let my fears guide me home to my video games"


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2002
Reaction score
That's not what I meant.....

I think you misunderstood the bit about fears. I was saying, go where your fears ARE. In other words, if your afraid of something, give it a shot!

Do the very thing you're afraid of doing.

Confront and overcome fear!!:cool: