The Real Deal fellas....


New Member
May 28, 2006
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I have read a good amount on this site and find that some of you really have your **** together......others, are well, in trouble.
The bottom line is , WOMEN don't make us whole! A great woman one day can compliment our lives, but for now they are all just auditioning. I have never had a problem getting women. I would say that I am a good looking guy but that I do very well with women because of my personality. I have been told I come off ****y. If a girl tells me that, I just laugh and say well you just dont know me.
At the end of the day guys, it doesn't matter. None of it does. It is all a game. So have fun with it! I am not saying to become and egotistical player. I am just saying that when you are comfortable in your own skin, people will gravitate towards you and not a second sooner. So how do you get comfortable in your own skin?
NOT by getting laid.
I have bedded several beautiful women, and while it is a definite short term confidence boost, it is not lasting.
What IS lasting are my accomplishments (personal and professional).....and the things I have done for others....(like sharing my two cents ;)
Being that I dont have a problem on the looks front I am sure some of you are saying," that is easy for him to say, he isnt fat or ugly" or what ever self loathing thing you may say. Well let me answer this with a question (that I will answer)...
If you had a choice right now, to have Brad Pitt looks and a crappy, dry, boring personality OR average to bad looks and a kickass , confident outgoing personality, which would you choose?
I feel really sorry for the guys that will say they woudl take the looks. IT IS NOT ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK!
sure, appearance can help but it is more about WHO YOU ARE and WHAT you are bringing to the table.....
I can exemplify this best by something I heard on the radio the other day. Maxim magazine, put out its top 10 list of living men who have banged the most women. I believe it was #4 on the list , was the lead singer of the mand Motorhead.....he apparently has bedded over 3,500 women. He is also known to be hideous looking, with warts on his face and everything. Now I know some of you skeptics will say, yeah well he is still a rich rock star....sure that helps I am sure , but you know what he said about it?
"Women want a guy that can make them laugh. They are the ones who put on and take off the make-up everyday. They know how deep handsome really is."
I never listened to motorhead before but this guy is my new hero. That pretty much says it all.
Like yourself, love yourself, be yourself. Anyone can develop confidence. We are all capable of making women swoon.
As Will Smith said in the movie Hitch (which I liked by the way)...."No woman wakes up in the morning and says to herself that she DOES NOT want to be swept off of her feet today."
It's the truth. They are more insecure than us, they are actresses......
when they run into a confident MAN, they know it, and they buckle....who do you want to be?

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Yo PocketAces,

You're holding ALL the cards, soldier. And you've just dealt us all out a WINNING HAND.

Straight forward.

To the point.

well said.


**** An EXCELLENT post **** day.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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Well Said.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
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Washington Metro Area

Just Be Yourself. Otherwise, Fuk the world because it can't be you.

" A real Woman, knows a real Man "

Read the other posts and search for meaning.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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The guy in Motorhead is scoring because he's in Motorhead.

There's a reason Billy Joel scored Christy Brinkley ... because he's Billy Joel.

C'mon, if they weren't celebrities they'd be breaking new records, and that's for whacking off.

Little reality check please.


New Member
May 28, 2006
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Rollo said:

Just Be Yourself. Otherwise, Fuk the world because it can't be you.

" A real Woman, knows a real Man "

Read the other posts and search for meaning.
dont get it rollo?


New Member
May 28, 2006
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WestCoaster said:
The guy in Motorhead is scoring because he's in Motorhead.

There's a reason Billy Joel scored Christy Brinkley ... because he's Billy Joel.

C'mon, if they weren't celebrities they'd be breaking new records, and that's for whacking off.

Little reality check please.
Of course these guys are pulling tail because of their status/money, etc....but the point of my comment was that this guy is an ugly bastard who although famous still pulled wool in mass quantity. Essentially, he beat out all living rock stars and he apparently is one of the ugliest. His secret to success with women (or at least so many women)....a sense of hunmor and self confidence. I am sure there are plenty of insecure , self conscious rock stars out there so I think you may need the reality check pal.
And by the way.....#1 on the list was a bellhop from an Italian hotel. Not famous, not a rock star.
The bottom line is, work with what you have and make the best out of the hand you are dealt, that is all you can do. You may be only holding a 3,4 off suit but judging by your quality posts , you seem to project that you have pocket aces as well.....
thats all.


New Member
Jun 2, 2006
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Excellent post PocketAces. You really sum up what I feel it takes to be succesful with women and also in everything you do - Confidence. How to develop that confidence is another issue but most if not all of us are much better than we think we are. And I feel it is a lack of confidence that holds us back from going out and doing the things we want to do like approach that hot women on the street.

The sooner we realize it is all in our attitude and way we look at things the more success we will have.