Today, I wanted to talk about guys who are naturally good with women and what I have observed about their behaviour. At university I hung around with guys who were good with women, which definitely made getting laid easier for myself. It wasn't weird for us to drink at someones place, then hit the club and shoot shït by the bar for a bit then all go our separate ways with whatever takes our fancy. I think that's a great benefit about hanging out with people who do get laid, you don't have to be that guy who ditches their friends because it's what you guys want.
Anyway, some behaviours have observed in guys, some of these guys are like 24-25 and they're in triple digits already. What's interesting is that in terms of the community, they don't "play by the rules" in the sense that waiting 3 days to call or whatever rules that you want to have. They have something more powerful, which is their vibe and confidence. It's definitely true that guys who get rejected the most also get laid the most, these guys aren't perfect but they do have some things in common. The rules go out the window if you have a good vibe and have social intelligence.
They are good looking
By good looking, I mean that they are a "type" for a certain subsection of girls and they do every well with these types of girls. Some of them are pretty boys, others are more jacked, some are indie orientated and others even have the gay vibe for them. But the point is that they are good looking in terms of stereotype to a particular type of girl. You'll notice within yourself that you do very well with certain types of girls, I know I do. Being good looking to a certain type of girl is subjective, so I'd play to your desired audience.
They are friendly with girls
Almost all of them also spend time with women in a non-sexual context. They "get it", they understand women and have hot female friends. You always seem them in pictures with girls they aren't banging, it's just pre-selection, which is very powerful. In some situations you can have no game but if you have pre-selection, you can end up with a hot chick.
They are not afraid to escalate
Natural dudes always seem to know when to move onto the next level. As in they consistently take girls home or get numbers or end up in situations where they're getting girls. It's a talent and they all have it. It's like they have a switch, they lead and thus end up with crazy stories because they are continually pushing the envelope.
They lead girls on
For myself this was the most interesting thing. All the girls they were seeing secretly harboured feelings that this guy would drop their player ways and just end up being exclusive to them. But this wasn't coming from nowhere, the girls aren't making this up, these guys do genuinely just lead girls on. They tell them that they like them and maybe even do the odd activity which keeps the girls sweet for a while but also creates attention seeking behaviour such as stalking and drunken embarrassing incidents. I've heard many stories of a girl thinking she was basically the girlfriend only later to find out that there is another girl in exactly the same position.
Bingo-Player said:
anyway about the fvck nexting thing
i think in the early stages of learning how to deal with women it is an essential
however as you get more experienced i agree you can learn how to turn it around
in SOME cases
ive successfully done it once myself
chick from tinder said she was ill and flaked , i thought fvck this NEXT
couple weeks later we reconnected and she was in my bed sucking my D it can happen but is rare
Yeah, most things are just training techniques which can be dropped once you have some emotional self-awareness.
It's rare but it's one of those things which I think is worth it. At the end of the day, it's no real investment on your part to send a quick
text to see if the situation has changed. What you don't want is to end up in that text limbo, where she's somewhat interested but committing her to a date is tough. If she's just inside playing with her hair and make up, you can give her something better to do and once you have her out it's game on.
TheMonkeyKing said:
I find exactly the same. There are A LOT of soft guys in LDN. In more ways that one. Planning to go out with Spence in October, if you fancy joining us Mr W and/or Bingo (and anyone else for that matter). Getting bored with the guys I go out with right now; they're either drunks, insecure, attached, or just not bothered. PM me if interested.
Definitely up for that.