I can't guess everything that makes up your actual daily schedule, but is it possible you have overextended yourself? How much of what you occupy your time with is truly vital? Maybe you shouldn't try to fit everything in, but instead see if there is something that can be removed? Can you find nothing that you could sacrifice to commit that time to working out?My question: How should I reprioritized my schedule to fit EVERYTHING?
If there's no excess TV or AIM, then I'm not calling him lazy. He may be prioritizing more highly some areas of his life that require a lot of work and focus. It's just the fact that everything else has been chosen over weightlifting, regardless of whether it is easy or hard.He doesnt have to. Youre using his post to call him lazy. If hes asking how he can do it in less time, tell him. People post to get advice, not to be forced to conform to your standards. He might really have no time(wh knows).
"Having" time is just a perception. I think it is a rare person whose entire waking life has been forceably preallocated. This is about not blaming external forces (there's not enough time), but taking responsibility for what in truth is your own desicion, and either doing something to change your situation or accepting the status quo.
Deciding to incorporate weightlifting into your life can be a major life change. You have to rearrange your schedule, plan your meals, get the right amount of sleep, lay off the partying, etc, or more, depending on your lifestyle. It is not easy to do, that's why even in a large city my gym is not often full. If it were easy, everyone would do it.
I've gone the route both of the home gym and club membership. Personally, I recommend going with a membership if possible. I found it hard to stay motivated at home, and the home units pale next to the variety and quality of equipment a gym offers. Plus you can meet people there who can offer help to you. But if you weren't planning on getting a home unit now anyway, just go for the membership.Next year, when I move to a house -- I will get a home gym. until then... what do you suggest I do?