Originally posted by Ricky
After having a few pregnancy scares here with a couple of girls who were on the pill I have decided to use a condom everytime.
It does feel better without one, but that sick feeling you get in your stomach when your gf calls you with flu-like symptoms is not worth it!
Good idea, especially if you're not in a LTR
One thing I've noticed about alot of these girls I've dated who were on the pill. They aren't consistent about what time of day they take it. I don't trust them to be careful enough with it.
Good 4 U - I'm a girl, but if I were a guy I wouldn't trust girls who I was just dating or sleeping with occassionally. Consistency and timing are essential with the pill. You really have to trust a girl to be certain that you can rely on the pill alone.
I've just been plain lucky to this point that noone is calling me Papa!
Unfortunately, your luck could change and your child could show up on your doorstep sometime in the future! LOL
So, either have sex with a condom even when your girl is on the pill or be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you can trust her and that she is ABSOULTELY RESPONSIBLE about taking the pill on time, everyday.
This is nothing to f*** with! Pun intended!