Master Don Juan
I don't disagree with you at all, however when I'm talking about Blackpillers on youtube this is what I mean@Solomon
I think the biggest issue is that you have many otherwise normal or even decent men who are legitimately struggling to even get dates, let alone relationships. There have ALWAYS been lifelong bachelors or men that have been cast out of the mating pool, the thing is these men were highly ABNORMAL. However, today you have pretty large swaths of young(ish) men that are in this category, which shows there is something very warped going on.
I've discussed this with @SW15 but many women are incredibly fussy today, though to a degree where they've effectively taken themselves off of the market.
I used to hang out with a guy that worked at a bank and he told me this interesting story about the coworkers trying to set up one of the tellers on a date, a fat girl. Anyway, they asked her how it went and she mentioned something about not being interested, so she asked why, because he was overweight lol. A fat girl rejected her approximate looks match and most likely legitimately believes that she is entitled to a fit man.
I heard a story from a relative who worked at a hospital in the Boston metro area and how the nurses were complaining about how there were no men with "brains" to date lol. Out of one of the bigger metros in the country there were no men suitable for these women, which is outlandish to saw the least.
Hell, I'm 6'4" and around 230 with abs right now and have had issues in the dating market with women I legitimately considered average. Sure, I'm getting into my 30s now, but I cannot see a reason why someone like me should be struggling with women around my age who are average tier.
I think the overall pickiness and being overly selective is something women are far more guilty of than men by far. Sure, you have some guys that may be a bit too picky for their own good, but these guys are by and large the exception and not the norm. In fact, I'd add that most men have fairly low standards and will put up with anything that is potentially available to them sexually.
I also believe that there is nothing incorrect about having some basic standards. As a very man, I expect a girl to at least be of a healthy or normal weight, which I don't think is too much to ask for. A lot of my hobbies are physically active, so this would be a requirement for us to even have some degree of personal compatibility. Other than that, it's just a basic level of attractiveness, her not having kids and not having issues with drugs, alcohol, etc., who is otherwise normal and pleasant to be around. I see plenty of women like this, but found actually getting one to go on a date with has been a challenge.

I knew a guy like this, guy, who is a bodybuilder I use to work out with but would date the fattest chicks. I'm not saying "Thick" I'm talking fatter than the girl in the pic and the guy had a 6pack. He would proudly brag about being a lard chaser. WTF is the point of going to the gym if you have some fat fetish? We don't talk about it but there are lot of Chads/Tyrones who have fat fetish and love banging fat chicks
You're 6'4, 230 respectfully you should not be struggling unless you're in Miami/LA or a place where looks alone won't get you in the door (unless you are autistic or socially awkward) I would recommend changing your location brother, put on a checkered shirt and move to Madison Wisconsin you would have a roster of 7 women within a month lmfao. Location matters a lot too, you can't be a broke guy thinking you gonna get 9s and 10s in Miami if you look average