you have to have been here as long as I have to know the entire saga with this chick to understand fully what I am talking about.
I have no problem getting women. I honestly don't. However... it's hard to explain, you just have to know the entire story which I don't feel like explaining.
I guess it was, she was the FIRST to really reject me and because of that, my self esteem was low for a while, and I turned my life around, made money, started a company, and it was all never good enough for her.
I know she is a nut because it's the only possible way to explain her. She IS attracted to me to some extent, I've ****ed her! she dates a guy she think is gay (hell I think he's gay), her dad is a drunken abuser, her mom isn't much better, and she has low self esteem issues.
she's a nut... she's a nut that I am not wasting another second of my life on. NO friends, no anything.. I'm done.
She's hot as ****. BUT, there are women out there (not in arkansas, which is why I am moving partly, if I were in a bigger city I would have never had it for one woman this long) as hot as her that AREN'T crazy.
hell right now I am ****ing.... 2 with the distinct posibility of adding 3 more within the next 2 weeks. One an 18 year old who is cute as hell who I can tell likes me but I usualy don't do the younger girl thing. One is a blind date sorta thing that I have saturday night with a friend of mine, the girl is supposed to be lights out and I trust this guys taste, and one is a 23 year old I just met that I have a date with tomorrow night. That's not to count the woman that's twice my age that I see when I want and a 22 year old that If I had to settle down with anyone right now, it would be her.. Nice looking.
BUT, back to my point. I meet enought people, I know enough about myself and who Iam, to say that it's not me. What I mean by that is that, and hell she jus tmight not find me attractive, I'm not ****ed up about that, it is what it is, but I knwo that's not the case because I have done everything with her but put it in her ass, but to do it I have to withdraw attention like hell. when she comes back for good, in 2 weeks, and I ignore her, and give her the cold sholder, I promise you within a week and a half I would be ****ing her, just to get her attention back. We do this dance too much.