The October Bootcamp


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Originally posted by shaken_not_stirred
i've only done about about a dozen so far...i know pathetic... i was home visiting my family last weekend, went on a date tuesday, and i work in an engineering firm and don't even see new females during the day... i miss college so much! take advantage of school while you are there guys. ok, someone whoop my ass. i have a lot of work to do to catch up.
Hey don't feel bad, it's not really pathetic if you had a date! I haven't really had a date yet and I'm almost 28 and I'm going back to college to--probably graduate when I'm 32.

What I'm trying to say is taking advantage of college is a good thing but even if you didn't the first time around you can find other places that can be almost as good as college, or do what I did and go back!


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ok boston snf \O/, where the hell are your field reports!!!
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
well, my date ended after precisely one hour and a half. it was my first date with this girl. we were on our fifth game of pool having a good time with each other, and her cell phone rings. she's all quiet and hush hush. after she gets off she turns bright bright red and starts stuttering about how embarrassed she is. the phone call was her mom who was babysitting her 2 year old daughter. the daughter had gotten sick so she had to leave in the middle of the date.

so why was she embarrassed? well, she never told me she had a kid. i guess i didn't ask, but she obviously knew she had concealed information. i mean, i've never seen someone turn so red. she kept saying," i'm so sorry, i was going to explain if you saw the child seat in my car..."

i love how females say that guys are all liars and dishonest cheats. i seem to be dating a lot of deceptive females lately...


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by shaken_not_stirred
well, my date ended after precisely one hour and a half. it was my first date with this girl. we were on our fifth game of pool having a good time with each other, and her cell phone rings. she's all quiet and hush hush. after she gets off she turns bright bright red and starts stuttering about how embarrassed she is. the phone call was her mom who was babysitting her 2 year old daughter. the daughter had gotten sick so she had to leave in the middle of the date.

so why was she embarrassed? well, she never told me she had a kid. i guess i didn't ask, but she obviously knew she had concealed information. i mean, i've never seen someone turn so red. she kept saying," i'm so sorry, i was going to explain if you saw the child seat in my car..."

i love how females say that guys are all liars and dishonest cheats. i seem to be dating a lot of deceptive females lately...
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, no offense man, but that cracked me up! Don't know how true this is, but i read somewhere that if you are on a date with a chick and she picks up the phone, you should leave immediately. It is not one of her friends because her friends know she's on a date. If its from work, then she is putting her work ahead of you. So its probably some other guy that will be fukcing her later on in the evening.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Ok..End of week. Some good news and some bad news. Bad news is that I'm soo far from reaching the 50 hi's..I just can't seem to get myself to say hi to a random stranger. It just feels unnatural to me. People are not used to being greeted by strangers, so when they are they instinctively believe that they should know that person from somewhere. It creates awkwardness..But i WILL complete the 50 hi's, i just didn't make it this week. It's also been raining like hell this week and I haven't been out much.

Good news; I've managed to change my mindset. Everything i read in the bible and here on the forum, i make a part of my personality. I act in a different manner and my view on life and social situations has changed. I drink less when i go out, which has helped me to control the situation alot better. I no longer drool over girls, acting desperate and being just another drunken horny looser. I play it cool.

Eyecontact. I've really improved in this area. I lock eyes with practically every girl i walk past, wether she looks at me or not. When she looks, i don't look away before she does. It was a bit creepy in the beginning, but now i do it consistently and it gets easier. It's a great feeling when she maintain the EC for many seconds. It's actually a small adrenaline-rush.
I'm also able to hold strong eyecontact with girls when i have conversations with them. I rarely look away, only every now and then just so that i won't look like a staring

Moving into week two, i think the lesson is to strike up 2-10 minute conversations with strangers, preferably girls. It will be a nice challange, but one that i think will generate good results and by completing it it will all be easier in the future. Practice makes perfect right? I went to a bar last night with some friends. Didn't drink much, but i did approach some girls. I approached a bartender at this bar i usually go to. She had the night of and was out drinking with some friends. She recognizes me, cause i'm a regular at her bar and i've had some light convos with her while she's been working. I walked up to her and we talked for a few minutes. She's really nice and the conversation was light but nice. She's incredibly hot. We chatted for a bit and i excused myself, and went back to my friends.
There were 3 girls sitting on the table next to us and one of them asked my female friend a question. Can't remember about what, but i engaged in the conversation and ended up talking to her one-on-one. I asked questions, cracked some jokes about the place we were at, and used the info in her answers to keep the convo smooth...textbook. After a little while they went to the next bar..we said goodbye, maybe i'll see you there later etc.. I also talked to her later at the other bar, and also with one of her friends. She motioned me over to their table and i think there might have been some signs of interest from her part, but i wasn't interested in pursuing it further. I'm terrible at reading signs btw.
3rd approach was also a girl i had seen before. She also works at another bar. She's not as hot as the other bartender, but very cute and has something about her that's really sexy. We talked for a while until she had to go back to her friends in the other lounge. I said i might go find her later. Found out she was the ex-gf to a guy I'm working with. Might try hitting on her in the future. I think she showed some signs of interest aswell, but again..I suck at reading signs :D

I also talked to several other girls that happened to sit at our table or tables close. Just fluff talk. I was nice and friendly without obviously hitting on them. My main problem in the past has been moving too fast. Just talking to a girl and going in for the kill waay too soon, without building enough rapport and comfort. I'll work on that.

I'm kinda looking forward to the cold approaches this week. It will be hard, but challenging and exciting. One thing to approach in a social setting, but quite another approaching during the day when people are just going about with their everyday life...

I also managed to get a date this week. Kinda blind date, even though we've seen pictures and flirted and talked on msn a while. I'm ****ing charming online ;) ****y and funny and all that stuff. I get the girls interested and eager to meet me. Problem is the follow-up in real life. But I'm working on being more ****y&funny in real life aswell =) I'll keep you updated..

Hoping to see more reports, and good luck to us all the next week!
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
good point vasa. all the more reason i need to complete this bootcamp. been dating too many losers lately. i need MORE OPTIONS.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
I find with the eye contact, I've only had one or two girls return it for any length of time at all. Is it just that most girls my age (18-21) are too insecure for it, or is it perhaps something I'm doing that I could change?


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SpeedStick
I find with the eye contact, I've only had one or two girls return it for any length of time at all. Is it just that most girls my age (18-21) are too insecure for it, or is it perhaps something I'm doing that I could change?
SMILE!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
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whew, week 2 is proving to be a hell of a lot harder than week 1. i find i have no problems saying hi only as a greeting, but if i wanna actually get into a conversation i start making excuses.

i'm gonna try my best tomorow to start up at least one sober cold conversation.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
WTF guys?? Page 5??

Lets hear some reports and see if we are making any progress. I'm scared that this bootcamp is falling apart!

A serious BUMP!!!


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by \O/
WTF guys?? Page 5??

Lets hear some reports and see if we are making any progress. I'm scared that this bootcamp is falling apart!

A serious BUMP!!!
Page 5??? What are you talking about... well, the bootcamp might not be falling apart, but i just feel like i need to repeat week 1 of the bootcamp, because i am having kind of a hard time getting into convos with strangers.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Vasa
Page 5??? What are you talking about... well, the bootcamp might not be falling apart, but i just feel like i need to repeat week 1 of the bootcamp, because i am having kind of a hard time getting into convos with strangers.
The thread was to be found on page 5 on this forum...which means that it hasn't been posted in for a long time.

I didn't make the 50 hi's either, but I'm moving on to second week none the less. I think it will be easier to engage in a convo with a random girl then to just say hi on the street to a stranger. It just feels unnatural to me, but I'll keep doing it this week aswell, so that I'll get used to it. Wednesday will be my day! I'm going to this thing at school and there will be literally hundreds of lovely ladies just waiting for me :D I'm going to approach as many as I can, and just be the most social ****er up in that place!


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Hey guys.... I'm still hanging in there in week 2.... I've got a ways to go but I'll give you a recap of my week in a couple of days....

Good luck....


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by rswarren
After today I def. wanna join.

Is it too late?
Not at all!

Welcome! :D


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Wow, guys this is pretty sad. We fell down to page 4 AGAIN!

Anyways, I'm going to bump this up and give some quick field reports for last night (Tuesday) and Tuesday of last week.

Last Tuesday. I went out with my friend D, and brother S. I used the opener of "I want a female opinion on something" and that subject was for the most part if I would look better with or without glasses. I'm not sure if this is the best opener to use because it may make me appear to be seeking approval or just some wierd guy doing a survey. But hey, it's a LOT Better than sitting around doing absolutely nothing.

First that happened was me and my brother went upstairs to the pool table area and played a few games of pool. A couple of girls arrived and looked like they were about to play pool at the other table. I asked them something about playing pool but before I could start a conversation they left to get drinks. Later they returned and my friend D went to play pool with them after one of them lost and worked his easygoing southern humour on them.

Meanwhile my bro and I got approached by a hb7 or so named Katie with an awesome rack. She asked if her friends could use the pool table when we were done. We let her and her friends take over the table and watched nearby. She was REALLY friendly and kept coming over to us for "high-5's" and hugs!! I was all for that, nothing like getting kino and free hugs from a girl who is quite well-endowed. Later on she introduced me to other people and we kept a good bit of Kino going (mostly the arm over your shoulder or the hug type of Kino) I was going to ask her for her number too, but her "friend" who happened to be a guy that seemed somewhat interested in her came over and distracted her.

Most of the other girls I had short conov's without about how I look without glasses on. Anyways, I'll post more details later. Gotta go now.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Originally posted by \O/
Ok..End of week. Some good news and some bad news. Bad news is that I'm soo far from reaching the 50 hi's..I just can't seem to get myself to say hi to a random stranger. It just feels unnatural to me. People are not used to being greeted by strangers, so when they are they instinctively believe that they should know that person from somewhere. It creates awkwardness..But i WILL complete the 50 hi's, i just didn't make it this week. It's also been raining like hell this week and I haven't been out much.

Good news; I've managed to change my mindset. Everything i read in the bible and here on the forum, i make a part of my personality. I act in a different manner and my view on life and social situations has changed. I drink less when i go out, which has helped me to control the situation alot better. I no longer drool over girls, acting desperate and being just another drunken horny looser. I play it cool.

Eyecontact. I've really improved in this area. I lock eyes with practically every girl i walk past, wether she looks at me or not. When she looks, i don't look away before she does. It was a bit creepy in the beginning, but now i do it consistently and it gets easier. It's a great feeling when she maintain the EC for many seconds. It's actually a small adrenaline-rush.
I'm also able to hold strong eyecontact with girls when i have conversations with them. I rarely look away, only every now and then just so that i won't look like a staring

Moving into week two, i think the lesson is to strike up 2-10 minute conversations with strangers, preferably girls. It will be a nice challange, but one that i think will generate good results and by completing it it will all be easier in the future. Practice makes perfect right? I went to a bar last night with some friends. Didn't drink much, but i did approach some girls. I approached a bartender at this bar i usually go to. She had the night of and was out drinking with some friends. She recognizes me, cause i'm a regular at her bar and i've had some light convos with her while she's been working. I walked up to her and we talked for a few minutes. She's really nice and the conversation was light but nice. She's incredibly hot. We chatted for a bit and i excused myself, and went back to my friends.
There were 3 girls sitting on the table next to us and one of them asked my female friend a question. Can't remember about what, but i engaged in the conversation and ended up talking to her one-on-one. I asked questions, cracked some jokes about the place we were at, and used the info in her answers to keep the convo smooth...textbook. After a little while they went to the next bar..we said goodbye, maybe i'll see you there later etc.. I also talked to her later at the other bar, and also with one of her friends. She motioned me over to their table and i think there might have been some signs of interest from her part, but i wasn't interested in pursuing it further. I'm terrible at reading signs btw.
3rd approach was also a girl i had seen before. She also works at another bar. She's not as hot as the other bartender, but very cute and has something about her that's really sexy. We talked for a while until she had to go back to her friends in the other lounge. I said i might go find her later. Found out she was the ex-gf to a guy I'm working with. Might try hitting on her in the future. I think she showed some signs of interest aswell, but again..I suck at reading signs :D

I also talked to several other girls that happened to sit at our table or tables close. Just fluff talk. I was nice and friendly without obviously hitting on them. My main problem in the past has been moving too fast. Just talking to a girl and going in for the kill waay too soon, without building enough rapport and comfort. I'll work on that.

I'm kinda looking forward to the cold approaches this week. It will be hard, but challenging and exciting. One thing to approach in a social setting, but quite another approaching during the day when people are just going about with their everyday life...

I also managed to get a date this week. Kinda blind date, even though we've seen pictures and flirted and talked on msn a while. I'm ****ing charming online ;) ****y and funny and all that stuff. I get the girls interested and eager to meet me. Problem is the follow-up in real life. But I'm working on being more ****y&funny in real life aswell =) I'll keep you updated..

Hoping to see more reports, and good luck to us all the next week!
Sounds like your making real progress man! I also had a date or "meeting of a friend" as I like to call it. I think were just going to be friends in the end but I still feel more confident actually going out somewhere and bringing a female along.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Started week 2 of the bootcamp this monday. Couldn't start on Thursday because i had a lot of homework and could not do the reading portion. Anyway, started 2 conversations so far. Lasted about 3 minutes each. But damn, this part is so much harder...


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, this thread's getting pretty dead... Some people have given up I think....

Anyway, I just completed my 2nd week.... Fell a bit short, starting convos with just 8 people.... To some others who I knew vaguely I also tried striking up a conversation but I'm not counting those. Even though this week was meant to start convos with anyone, a few of them were with girls around my age. Overall, I was fairly pleased with the week but I have a LOT of work to do....

For anyone who's just starting week 3 with me, here's the exercise:

Initiate and maintain a 2-10 minute conversation with 10 girls you don't know.

Good luck...

PS is any DJs wanna jump in here with some tips, please do....