You have to work on yourself man. Focus on just you. Spinning plates won't help alleviate your internal turmoil, it serves as more of a distraction. I was with my girl only 7 months and I still think about her every day, in a much different way now. A break up is similar to someone dying, we have to feel it and go through the process. But we can't just stay there.
A few things..
-pickup a new hobby
-get out with friends and family
-gym gym gym... Helps a ton in so many ways
-do things to make your mind distracted
As I Said I broke up in June 2016. I did the above things. Lot of travelling. And it was good. As Long as I was busy there was no problem. I saw my ex again in the end of Nov because we had Tickets for a concert. I saw no Problem because I was doing fine. On the concert I was on top and let her see how fine I was doing. That day she invited me to come over and have a look at our former pet. So I visited her. That was the Time I found out the guy I suspected her to have been cheating on me before, what was one reason I finaly broke up, had already moved in. That bytch invited me over and did not tell me she was living together with the guy. WTF. She did not even tell me when I was there, but it was obvious. Maybe she just did that to hurt me. When I left that was day one for NC.
It was a shock - cause for me it prooved all I had suspected before. This guy left his wife for her, moved in with her - all that in less than 5 month? Yeah sure. She told me in September that she was together with this guy. Am I really to believe there was nothing going on before?
However. Visiting her was a big mistake. Or not. Maybe it just showed me that before I might still have had hope, which than was eleminated. So maybe that was at least one good thing. Best for sure might have been to go no contact from the beginning, so that something like that does not happen.
But however I kept on travelling and it was not that big of a problem.
For all you, who just broke up with an Ex, she that als a Warnung example, why NC is important from the begining for you own sanity. You Do mit want to know what is going on in the life of your ex.
Unfortunately I got ill in the middst of december. So no more travelling and no other distractions. So that I am DLTX I had to tAke meds which cause as sideeffects some kinda depressions.
And that was the time, when my mind began to miss her. Being tied at home, feeling alone and missing her. Not being able to work out any more. And so that I had the time, my mind began to think the relationship all over. So on some Level I hate her, and because of my actual situation (stuck at home and not being able to lead my normal live) I also miss her. And its hard to see a future.
What triggers it? I think is that staying at home.