She texted me two days ago after 11 or so days of NC. On Social media, I had been posting photos of projects i'm working on etc and other girls have been talking to me. Not that I want them) I was feeling great, like "ah **** this *****"
She dumped me because "She rushed into the relationship, needed time for school, didnt want me to hurt by not having time, bla bla" Basically, I think there was someone else who was less boyfriendy and wanted less from her.
The convo went like this:
Her: Hi
Me: Hey
Her: How are you?
Me: Mhhm, I'm good, you?
Her: I'm okay. I think I made deans list
Me: Woah look at you go, listen im a little busy right now, but i'd love to catch up later, why don't you come by tomorrow night with some wine and we'll catch up. (Trying to set up some sex lol)
Her: I needed to do that, I had to do good and I hope you know that
Her: I think I'm going tomr home tomorrow morning

I didn't answer. In my head theres 2 outcomes, things are moving along with the guy she left me for and she doesn't want to feel like a hoe, so shes trying to tidy up the past with me. 2: Semester is over, maybe she misses me, or she got with someone else realizes she ****ed up. I dunno.
She woulda probably saw me though. Shes home now, 3 hours away up north, off from college for a month or so. 2 day of NC again, not a word from her yet.