It will be 7 months since the breakup. Since my last post, we didn't talk. I wasn't blocked on WhatsApp ( only fb, ig etc.). Sometimes I posted some statuses for my friends on WhatsApp ( ex was almost always the first one to see them, every each of them, I don't think this is relevant, people are just curious, I open status If i see it out of curiosity). One day I wanted to try something because I always thought my ex is a narcissist, her victim mentality and negativity, always blaming but never at fault for anything, selfishness.. so many patterns. So I put a bait and I was 100 percent sure she will write me after all those months. Guess what, it was true. I wrote this : Narcissists will destroy your life, erode your self-esteem, and do it with such stealth as to make u feel u are the one letting them down.
As soon as she sees it, she sends a
message: "who is the narcissist ( I guess she was sure it was about her) haha. Then immediately deletes the message. I saw it on screen but I didn't open it, I pretended I didn't see it, so I asked, hey, did u want to ask me how I am, or maybe u wrote something by mistake.. Then she said, was this post about me.. I said, hell no, why would you think so.... LOL so we keep talking and I finally get the closure, finding out she is in a relationship ( probably was right after dumping me or dating someone while was with me) and she also said she "had sex ofc".. Well.. I was waiting for this.. I threw my best insults I could think of explaining how much respect I have for her.. I'm not proud of the things I say, but guess what, I felt great. I still do. She blocks me, after 2 hours of trying to "defend her honor" as she was saying.. I was just telling her, ok, slut just go away already. The next day she unblocks me to explain how she had every right to have sex as she is single ( ofc I don't deny it) and I'm a bad person. Of, she didn't say a single thing good about me or our past. And blocks me again. So, my question is... Do you guys think this is narcissistic behavior? I don't understand why she put so much effort to explain herself to me, It's my right if I hate her and if I choose not to respect her. It's still my process of moving on completely and releasing everything I wanted to say helped me. I don't understand the need to explain and defend. If someone tells me " I hate you" you are bad, blah blah, I'd say **** you, bye-bye.. She was so eager to explain and appear a good person in my eyes.. I don't get it, she is happy and in a new relationship and if it wasn't for this bait, she would never write. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, but I would love to hear some opinions.