The New Black???

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Jul 16, 2009
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Just an observation. When did being gay become like being black or a minority? Have you noticed, if you say something deragatory about a gay person, it's as if you uttered a racial slur? I think it's outrageous that gay people try to equate the minor bigotry they've faced with the long civli rights struggle that blacks and other minorities had to endure. It's fascinating how gays have maneuvered their sexual orientation into playing the victim.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2009
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birmingham, UK
I agree with some of that point but just one thing mate: gays have faced major bigotry and disrimination before, I read something in a newspaper once about a gay guy who had his stabbed and got set on fire just cause he was gay


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2009
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birmingham, UK
sorry about the double post


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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How does this affect you? America is soooo politically correct that this shouldn't be the only thing that annoys you. The only thing you can do is ease up and relax, and get your mind on other things while you're at it.


Nov 23, 2008
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i agree with mistermcgee

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
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The Netherlands
factfindingmission said:
Just an observation. When did being gay become like being black or a minority? Have you noticed, if you say something deragatory about a gay person, it's as if you uttered a racial slur? I think it's outrageous that gay people try to equate the minor bigotry they've faced with the long civli rights struggle that blacks and other minorities had to endure. It's fascinating how gays have maneuvered their sexual orientation into playing the victim.

gays have and still are facing discrimination unlike any other minority all around the world. do the goddamn research.


Feb 10, 2005
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Blacks and other "minorities" think it's just great when they get preferential treatment, but when another group gets it too then they see the error in it and it's not so wonderful. Now you get a little taste of how it feels to be in the modern white males shoes and you don't like it so much :D. The distant past is no justification for preferential treatment in the present and future. And just like with the civil rights movement and feminism, the gay movement is not about fair and equal treatment but preferential group treatment.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
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ketostix said:
Blacks and other "minorities" think it's just great when they get preferential treatment, but when another group gets it too then they see the error in it and it's not so wonderful. Now you get a little taste of how it feels to be in the modern white males shoes and you don't like it so much :D. The distant past is no justification for preferential treatment in the present and future. And just like with the civil rights movement and feminism, the gay movement is not about fair and equal treatment but preferential group treatment.

Now, how's the Sotomayor nomination going?


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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First off this topic should be in the "anything else" forum as it has nothing to do with DJ talk.

Funny this topic should come up as I just read this yesterday:

Gays have caught a lot of sh*t in the society, and nobody denies that, but I do as a black man find it ridiculous that they try to compare themselves to blacks. I think it's also ridiculous to define your minority status based on who you sleep with. Especially given that it hasn't been scientifically proven that homosexuality is a born condition. It very well may be in some cases, but we don't know that for sure yet. A gay can choose to keep his sexual preference in the closet if he so chooses. Unless a gay man makes his gayness obviously by acting and talking in an effeminate manner, nobody has to know he is gay. A black cannot put his race in the closet. If I'm being pulled over by white cops in a white area, I wouldn't mind being able to put my race in the closet for that instance. So the two aren't even comparable.

No gays are not the "new blacks". Gays are not a race, they are not an ethnicity and they are not persecuted in society. Maybe everybody doesn't accept the idea of two men having sex as being something desirable, but so what? If gays really want a cause, why don't they speak up on behalf of gays in Iran who get thrown in prison for being gay.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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ketostix said:
Blacks and other "minorities" think it's just great when they get preferential treatment, but when another group gets it too then they see the error in it and it's not so wonderful. Now you get a little taste of how it feels to be in the modern white males shoes and you don't like it so much :D. The distant past is no justification for preferential treatment in the present and future. And just like with the civil rights movement and feminism, the gay movement is not about fair and equal treatment but preferential group treatment.
Hahaha, here you go again. If a minority and you are treated the same i bet you would be pissed. Nothings wrong with wanted to be treated the same. You continue to affirm the idea that you dont like other races.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
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oakraiderz2 said:
Hahaha, here you go again. If a minority and you are treated the same i bet you would be pissed. Nothings wrong with wanted to be treated the same. You continue to affirm the idea that you dont like other races.
You just made up a position he didn't espouse. He said he wanted equality, not preferential treatment.

Equality means equality. Not a little extra for warm and fuzzies to "atone" for a false guilt complex. My ancestors were persecuted far worse than the blacks, further, they were the first to campaign against slavery in America. Much later in our history, my grandmother as a teenager visited the deep south in the 30's to live with a black family and help them. That was unheard of in the day. Can you imagine letting your teenage daughter do that? I won't take guilt crap from anyone on behalf of some "atonement" ideology. Everyone has a victim in their past, everyone has a history. It just depends how far back you dig.

Do we have any Irish or Jews in the crowd? Eh?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Focusing on these issues will not improve your love lives guys.

Christ, I could care less if they wanna do some sick **** to each other. I'll enjoy ****ing the girls they aren't interested in :) In the workplace you will have to be careful where, to whom, and what is said regarding gayness.

As far as race guys, I really don't put much thought into it. It's a bottomless pit that takes energy and gives you little in return. I mainly **** caucasion women myself but have been with most races in the past. I've also dealt with prejudiced people of all walks of life, almost always men. They are just pissed because they know I can get the ***** they want. I tend to take their bitterness and jealousy as a compliment.

Once I went to a Bob Evans or some nasty **** with a hottie black chic. The two black guys working the front tried to stare us down (one was the manager), then they talked to the white waitress and she never came and took our order. There were only 2 other tables in the whole building, so she didn't "forget". The girl was more pissed than I was and was gonna get up in that white *****es face about it, but I told her not to (we just worked together, we were not a couple). Instead we decided to do a little makeout session on the way out to really piss those guys off. haha.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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pjtheman said:
I agree with some of that point but just one thing mate: gays have faced major bigotry and disrimination before, I read something in a newspaper once about a gay guy who had his stabbed and got set on fire just cause he was gay
Killing the man was obviously wrong, but nobody villifies the gay man for making unwanted sexual advances on the straight man. That's a form of sexual harassment. I bet if a straight man tried making moves on a hot lesbian woman and she broke a bottle over his head and stabbed him, it would be called "self defense", but when it's the other way around, it's "homophobic murder."


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
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When you think about it, carrying around the "false guilt" that so many people do is akin to AFC behavior. They're not sticking up for themselves and instead internalizing a frame somebody else put on them that they don't deserve.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
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The Netherlands
speakeasy said:
First off this topic should be in the "anything else" forum as it has nothing to do with DJ talk.

Funny this topic should come up as I just read this yesterday:

Gays have caught a lot of sh*t in the society, and nobody denies that, but I do as a black man find it ridiculous that they try to compare themselves to blacks. I think it's also ridiculous to define your minority status based on who you sleep with. Especially given that it hasn't been scientifically proven that homosexuality is a born condition. It very well may be in some cases, but we don't know that for sure yet. A gay can choose to keep his sexual preference in the closet if he so chooses. Unless a gay man makes his gayness obviously by acting and talking in an effeminate manner, nobody has to know he is gay. A black cannot put his race in the closet. If I'm being pulled over by white cops in a white area, I wouldn't mind being able to put my race in the closet for that instance. So the two aren't even comparable.

No gays are not the "new blacks". Gays are not a race, they are not an ethnicity and they are not persecuted in society. Maybe everybody doesn't accept the idea of two men having sex as being something desirable, but so what? If gays really want a cause, why don't they speak up on behalf of gays in Iran who get thrown in prison for being gay.

Why the hell should a gay have to hide what he is anyway? What's wrong with him acting effeminate if he wants to? You think that should make him get beaten up by guys who are afraid they might turn gay themselves (or worse, killed, because that still happens sometimes)?

gays are obviously still being discriminated against, otherwise we wouldn't be having this entire discussion.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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Captain Harlock said:
Why the hell should a gay have to hide what he is anyway? What's wrong with him acting effeminate if he wants to? You think that should make him get beaten up by guys who are afraid they might turn gay themselves (or worse, killed, because that still happens sometimes)?
Quit playing strawman because I think you're missing my point, dude. I'm simply saying that homosexuality cannot be compared to race in the least. Because while you can identify a black person from a mile away, you do not always know you are talking to a gay unless the person decides to say so or he makes it obvious. I once knew a guy who was gay. Had seen him coming to our friend's parties for a few years. Seemed like your typical all-American budweiser and football kinda dude you'd see at a sports bar. Then one day out of nowhere he was talking about how fine some guy is that he works with and that he wants him. Now up until that moment I hadn't a clue the dude was gay, and I have pretty good gaydar. My point is, if he didn't come right out and say he was gay, nobody would've known. Now that obvious doesn't work with being an racial minority. People know I'm black upfront and I may be discriminated against or harassed by cops without having said a word or done a thing. A gay has the freedom to avoid all that easily by choosing who and who not to make themselves known to. That's why some racial minorities don't agree with comparing the two. Open gays may face social stigma but they have CHOICE that racial minorities DON'T HAVE.

gays are obviously still being discriminated against, otherwise we wouldn't be having this entire discussion.
Well for all the discrimination they supposedly face, I'd like someone to explain why gays make well above the median average income. Blacks under Jim Crow sure as hell didn't.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
speakeasy said:
Quit playing strawman because I think you're missing my point, dude. I'm simply saying that homosexuality cannot be compared to race in the least. Because while you can identify a black person from a mile away, you do not always know you are talking to a gay unless the person decides to say so or he makes it obvious. I once knew a guy who was gay. Had seen him coming to our friend's parties for a few years. Seemed like your typical all-American budweiser and football kinda dude you'd see at a sports bar. Then one day out of nowhere he was talking about how fine some guy is that he works with and that he wants him. Now up until that moment I hadn't a clue the dude was gay, and I have pretty good gaydar. My point is, if he didn't come right out and say he was gay, nobody would've known. Now that obvious doesn't work with being an racial minority. People know I'm black upfront and I may be discriminated against or harassed by cops without having said a word or done a thing. A gay has the freedom to avoid all that easily by choosing who and who not to make themselves known to. That's why some racial minorities don't agree with comparing the two. Open gays may face social stigma but they have CHOICE that racial minorities DON'T HAVE.
What's your point? Would discrimination against blacks be okay if they could pass of as white with the right makeup?

and how does higher than average income = no discrimination? So jews weren't being discriminated against in nazi Germany? They did make above average income after all. Rich black guys don't get persecuted more viciously than rich white dudes?


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
Captain Harlock said:
What's your point? Would discrimination against blacks be okay if they could pass of as white with the right makeup?
Where did I say discrimination is okay? I said that it does not make sense to say gay is the new black because the dynamics of the two experiences are entirely different. Gays weren't up on auction blocks being sold into slavery because they were gay. Gays didn't have it written in the constitution that they counted as 3/5ths of a person. Gays weren't banned from voting, or owning property, or told they must ride in the back of the bus, or being banned from getting an education. Treatment of blacks was so bad that the country had to fight a civil war over slavery. Has anyone had to fight a long, bloody civil war over gay rights? How many gays have been hung from trees as compared to blacks? And let's just say that hypothetically, gays had the same treatment under the law as blacks, as I said before, gays EVEN STILL had a choice that was not available to blacks. As long as a gay man didn't come out and say he was gay, he'd face no persecution whatsoever. Blacks had no such CHOICE. No, once again, I'm not saying disscrimination is right and I don't even know how you are taking that away from what I said. My point is that gay is not comparable to black. AT ALL. Gays comparing their struggle to the black civil rights movement is an insult.

and how does higher than average income = no discrimination? So jews weren't being discriminated against in nazi Germany? They did make above average income after all. Rich black guys don't get persecuted more viciously than rich white dudes?
I take it by the time Hitler came around, they obviously weren't making more than anyone. They were in concentration camps. Prior to that, sure there may have been antisemetism, but if Jews were more affluent than the general population, there must not have been much in there way. I can't think of too many situations in the world where an oppressed minority is financially better off than the oppressor.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
speakeasy said:
Where did I say discrimination is okay? I said that it does not make sense to say gay is the new black because the dynamics of the two experiences are entirely different. Gays weren't up on auction blocks being sold into slavery because they were gay. Gays didn't have it written in the constitution that they counted as 3/5ths of a person. Gays weren't banned from voting, or owning property, or told they must ride in the back of the bus, or being banned from getting an education. Treatment of blacks was so bad that the country had to fight a civil war over slavery. Has anyone had to fight a long, bloody civil war over gay rights? How many gays have been hung from trees as compared to blacks? And let's just say that hypothetically, gays had the same treatment under the law as blacks, as I said before, gays EVEN STILL had a choice that was not available to blacks. As long as a gay man didn't come out and say he was gay, he'd face no persecution whatsoever. Blacks had no such CHOICE. No, once again, I'm not saying disscrimination is right and I don't even know how you are taking that away from what I said. My point is that gay is not comparable to black. AT ALL. Gays comparing their struggle to the black civil rights movement is an insult..
Coming out for being gay would have been a big issue a couple of decades ago and would probably result in the same things you have just said about blacks. Why shouldn't they be able to compare their struggle for acceptance in society with yours? how is it an insult? Because of statistics?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Captain Harlock said:
Coming out for being gay would have been a big issue a couple of decades ago and would probably result in the same things you have just said about blacks. Why shouldn't they be able to compare their struggle for acceptance in society with yours? how is it an insult? Because of statistics?
What are you talking about? They can't compare their struggle because they don't have to go through it if they don't want too. I support their rights to stand up for the beliefs, but when it comes down to it theres nothing a gay white male couldn't do that his straight counterpart could if they acted in the same manner.

None of those things would have happened a couple of decades back, they may have been prosecuted but they weren't written into the Constitution as 3/5s of a person, as long as they were white and male they could vote, own property, go to school, etc. There was no civil war fought, and tbh, as much discrimination as gays get, the only thing they CAN'T do is get married. Compared with the civil rights that were completely absent before the movement this is a laughable comparison.

You can't compare a fight that they have elected to participate in for higher standards of livings to one in which an entire race of people participated in so that they could simply live, period.

I don't want gays to be discriminated against either, but I would venture to say that there still is as much, if not more animosity towards minorities than gays in this country.

By the way I don't support Sotomayor, but she has more judicial experience than most Supreme Court judges that have been lauded as some of the best when they were instated, so while she may have been chosen for being a Spanish woman, she's more qualified than 90% of American Supreme court justices when they were inducted, and graduated in the top 10% of princeton.

My ancestors were persecuted far worse than the blacks, further, they were the first to campaign against slavery in America.
Who the **** are your ancestors? Africa was raped by GB, France, Indoeuropeans, Americans and has had a slave trade since society has nearly began, unless your Chinese there's no ****ing way that any white race has suffered more persecution based on ethnicity, maybe on religion, but even the racism against immigrants is not even close to being compared to hundreds of years of slavery preceded by hundreds of years of domestic and foreign slavery.

Blacks and other "minorities" think it's just great when they get preferential treatment, but when another group gets it too then they see the error in it and it's not so wonderful. Now you get a little taste of how it feels to be in the modern white males shoes and you don't like it so much . The distant past is no justification for preferential treatment in the present and future. And just like with the civil rights movement and feminism, the gay movement is not about fair and equal treatment but preferential group treatment.
No, I think its great when failures blame a crooked system on failing. I go to a top school and I hear people who think they had the grades to get in say they didn't because of Affirmative action. I see the minority of pitiful, fat, average joe white american drinking his beer complaining that all the Good jobs are going away, meanwhile tons of white american males were graduating just two years ago into six figure salaries in the business, engineering, and doctoral world, all of which (besides some sects of engineering) are dominated by white males in America and continue to be so. I don't mind as it is, traditionally white males and foreign students from Asia are far more interested than any other group of people (white female, blacks, spanish, etc) in doing these jobs.

You're an idiot if you think the civil rights movement and feminism was to get preferential treatment. Blacks couldn't vote, get an education, own property, and weren't considered full people. Women couldn't vote, go beyond certain means of education or receive certain jobs that many could do better than men. What the **** are you saying? Unless a gay person tells an employer they are gay and he is bias, there should be no problem, and you shouldn't be anyway. The workplace is not a place to ****, when you apply for the job they don't ask you if you are straight do they?

Lastly, Affirmative action is a result of an inordinate wealth and population inequality that was around up until the 50s or 60s. The idea being that since the country has been controlled by whites for 300 years or so, it's generally understood that a majority of the wealth will be circulated into the same wealth families. Affirmative action tries to break that cycle by reaching into a larger pool of talent that may not have had the same opportunities, but have the same, if not more potential as white students with good training.

I came from a ****ty public school system, and I know I didn't get into one of the sickest schools in the country on Affirmative action, I graduated with a 1400/1600 and a 3.96 GPA. I can guarantee they would have been near perfect scores had I not been limited to such a ****ty school system, yet I still was in nearly the top 10% of the entire nation for my statistics.
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