Is another woman.
We all know women are good for: 1) sexual release 2) fun 3) babies. They don’t offer much more than that. Yet, women are not about sex and family and babies in relationships. Women want power, leverage, and access to the mans resources in their relationships. That’s why when they have sex (giving up their leverage, bargaining chip), they begin to push for exclusivity. And if you become exclusive (LTR, marriage,) they can control you by withholding sex and dominating you emotionally. But if another (good looking woman) is giving you sex, they can’t cant control anything.
That’s why the most powerful thing that will get a womans attention is another woman. Women neutralize other women. Your flowers, your candy, your words, your riches, don’t mean much. Another woman sexually relating to you? That will wake her up.
That’s why men should always 1) to spin plates and 2) keep women at arms length. That way, she can’t use sex as a bargaining chip and she can’t dominate you emotionally.
Be strong men.
We all know women are good for: 1) sexual release 2) fun 3) babies. They don’t offer much more than that. Yet, women are not about sex and family and babies in relationships. Women want power, leverage, and access to the mans resources in their relationships. That’s why when they have sex (giving up their leverage, bargaining chip), they begin to push for exclusivity. And if you become exclusive (LTR, marriage,) they can control you by withholding sex and dominating you emotionally. But if another (good looking woman) is giving you sex, they can’t cant control anything.
That’s why the most powerful thing that will get a womans attention is another woman. Women neutralize other women. Your flowers, your candy, your words, your riches, don’t mean much. Another woman sexually relating to you? That will wake her up.
That’s why men should always 1) to spin plates and 2) keep women at arms length. That way, she can’t use sex as a bargaining chip and she can’t dominate you emotionally.
Be strong men.