I said this before, but sexual state, sexual flow, and sexual mindset, is what gets a woman to fvck you today.
You don't have to have good looks, you dont' have to be a man, you dont' have to have goals, you don't have to have ambition, you don't have to be a provider, you don't have to be a protector, you don't have to be any god damned thing but a man that can SHOW OFF HIS SEXUALITY (sexual state) and BACK UP HIS SEXUALITY (fvck good).
And the man with the MOST sexual state, the MOST sexual power, THAT'S the man that the girls are calling. That's the man that they are running to. That's the man.....whether he be a priest or a devil, a straight man or a fvcking gay man...that's the man that the girls are SPENDING THEIR TIMES WITH.
I said, 95% of women DON'T LIKE YOU, they just want you to fvck them good. That means, my dear Frank, that the field is no longer as it used to be!
Women used to require boys to be men, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to be protectors, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to be provicers, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have ambition, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have goals, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have good looks, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men have a "life", THAT'S OVER.
Look at this site! Look at how it preaches that you must be a man, you must be successful, you must be this or that....how wrong is that sermon?
Why you will find and notice, that the guy with nolife, no goals, no nothing, will fvck all the chicks in the town and the chicks will TAKE CARE OF HIM!
Becasue in TODAY'S WORLD....chicks are looking for one thing, and one thing only, SEXUAL POWER.
If you have sexual power, you have her. You have her time. You have her wallet. You have her car keys. You have her friends. You have her parents. You have her family. You have her fvcking everything.
Why is it that you think, guys that act more like thugs and bad boys fvck more than guys that act more like nice guys and great guys of society? Why is that? Think about it.......
Sexual Power, sexual state, sexual mindset, is DIRTY. Oh yes, it's dirty.
I sit there, and during a normal conversation, I am seducing the fvck outta this chick. My hand is on my balls, my lips are being licked, my eyes are pentrating her god damn soul, and that bytch can't do anything but get horny. Lol...and I'm doing this shyt in church! How wrong is that! Lol, how unethcial is that they say!
Nice guys and great men of society, this sexual state, this sexual power, this sexual mindset, lol, these guys are so busy chasing down giants, winning business proposals, and conquering worlds...they have no fvcking idea waht a sexual mindset is.
Matter of fact, when they are talking to a chick, their mind if on anything BUT SEX! They are programmed to NOT SHOW A CHICK ANY DESIRE!