The married DJ vs. the married AFC


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Probably odd coming from me on this topic, I've never been married. But I have a keen eye and when I visit my married friends, I watch and listen to the dynamics carefully.

The one thing that stands out to me is the married DJ is much happier than the married AFC ... or in other words, DUH!!

Just got a note from my mom on a guy who might be joining us and others for Christmas dinner. His wife (soon to be ex-wife) has put this guy through the wringer in a messy divorce. Apparently she is cheating on him (again), and he put up with it the first time. Never mind that this guy has supported her financially and with the kids, and allowed her to go off and do things like direct community theatre and get a (not very useful) graduate degree at an older age. Not saying he was an AFC, but he put up with the cheating once and got burned again.

Two AFC married friends of mine cannot mention ANY ex-girlfriends -- even those from 10-20 years ago. No sh-t. One guy can't even talk to me on the phone about MY issues with women. His femi-nazi wife is nuts and the odd thing is if my friend would've dumped her, he would've bounced back quickly (he's educated, professional, GQ looks), while his wife is homely, b-tchy and mean. But due to AFCism, he thinks he's stuck in a marriage ... and recently locked himself in with their first kid.

Married DJ friends have relaxed wives and when I hit town their wives know their husbands will be hanging out with me, probably going to sporting events or at least a sports bar, probably playing tennis or basketball or something. The women love their DJ husband and like that he has friends, and it doesn't bug them that their husband actually had girlfriends before them. Like a DJ friend of mine says: Being a DJ doesn't just bring out the best in you, it brings out the best in the woman, too.

Being a single AFC is bad -- trust me, I was there for several years. Being a married AFC is worse because it's almost impossible to reform. The wife/woman sees the man for who he is: a wimp. It's sad.

Thoughts, comments from you married and divorced guys?


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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not married or divorced but ill throw 2 cents in.

i actually think the DJ guys simply always understood women better. they are able to tell the difference between the good women adn the bad ones. and they picked the good ones.

i dont think they changed their women, or turned their women into great wives, i think they were merely able to spot which women would make good wives because they understand that there are many kinds of women out there, many who aren't so great.

nothing is worth being trapped in a horrible marraige. absolutely nothing.

i mean, single is better. at least you get to spend every cent you make on yourself.

i really dont understand why guys marry women that treat them like crap. i just dont get it at all. its not like they will pay the bills if you lose your job. thats when they will divorce you.

nothing is a better option than a b*tch for a wife.



Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Agree Joekerr, I think the married DJ spots women better. Because he is not desparate, he doesn't need to jump at the first gal that looks his way. He can pick and choose.

Also, the women attracted to a DJ is a better woman. She respects that he has a life and his own interests, and in addition is still a great husband and father.

AFCness/DJism is the death of MANkind.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Not married, not divorced, but I have friends, even in their mid 20's now married. Some divorcing.

Having observed my generation, coming generations, and a 'disease' leaking into the mentality of most Americans is's a very PC, whimpy, wishy-washy, happy go lucky mentality. From reading your post, I see these women wanting to go to schools, or pursue their own pathes (which is fine), but they do it on the families dime and time.

It doesn't necessarily add value to the family, in fact, it usually subtracts value, as in lost time. But they do it anyways. Because we're about this mentality of experience.

I saw it watching MTV's "True Life." A young guy, in his 20's, wanted to be an artist. He's talent, no doubt. But he wasn't working so he could focus on his art. Thing is, he still went out and partied, borrowed money from his parents to buy booze, and lived at home. If he wanted to TRULY be an artist, he'd be at home MAKING it happen. Oh, and he smokes pot, so his motivation is low, it may or may not cost him money, but he does it anyways.

You can see/feel the same thing in colleges. Girls/guys wants to "try" a degree out, yet the 4 years of schooling don't really give you a FEEL for the career, only the education, which is normally a 180 from reality. Yet, lots of kids TRY out careers in college and they dump it, while their parents second mortgaged the house, they dropped their retirement contributions, or forewent vacations in their younger years to build a nice 529. It's this PERSONAL voyage people are on because they're not really getting guidance in youth.

Our society is beyond survival and is now at levels of self-introspection. About discovering oneself, done at exhorbitantly high costs, lost time, normally involving drugs, or promiscuous sex. Is that FINDING yourself? Was Ricky Williams going to LEARN anything on this token voyage out of the NFL? NO.

But because we come from a society where even the poorest people have more than MOST of the world, we have a higher level of entitlement. And a real problem with emotional, financial, or person dependence on others. Many marriages come together of dysfunctionality, which is why I truly believe below 10% of women will be worthy of a long-term relationship or marriage given their sordid, fvcked up history. Promiscuity, the will to fight, entitlement, drug-use, broken homes, lack of values or morals, poor education in a country ripe with opportunity are contributors to a poor marriage.

Sure, if you opt for average, it's doable. But we're all crazy. Even me. In my own ways. I don't doubt I'm above people, I would just say I see it. It's ok to be an azz, but you should be nice to complement and know you have both traits in you. In life, duality exists, and the nice side of a guy is valued when he doesn't FREELY give it away as most AFC men do. Be an azz, so your niceness is appreciated and so that she knows you mean business and won't pull crap on you. Because she will if you can; I've heard that ALL too often.


To me, this happens because the AFC male just walks into the same life with a different person. He never takes time to observe his issues. And to me, a long-term relationship requires compromise, understanding, and leadership. I wouldn't tolerate being with a woman who didn't uphold my views or visions of the future, because as I see it, through the MAN, all of a WOMAN's wants can be achieved. In turn, he will also provide for her children.

Disgustingly, I heard today through a co-worker, that her 3 kids are slated to be married. The guys range in age from 26-30, and the daughter is 34 herself. All the women are older, so the boys are marrying 'up,' Yet, the siblings are FIGHTING, literally fighting over wedding dates because in her words "the girls are 34 and have to get pregnant." WTF.

Are you serious? Maybe it shocks this NON-married guy, but marriage, the WHOLE institution benefits the woman. For her years of spreading her legs until she gets to marriage, she gets the ULTIMATE lottery ticket, because in MOST marriages for the NON traditional woman.

Am I downing it?

No. It has its places. Maybe some WEIRD relationships it works, and maybe for the guys seeking traditional relationships it works. But what FEW realize is, YOU ARE MAKING A LEGAL CONTRACT with her. Not only are your TAX documents altered, but by LAW, she now has the protection of lawyers and the government over HOW you behave and WHAT you do. It isn't just cushy words spoken on a religious alter. Looming in the background are lawyers, just like a business agreement, so you BETTER be buying ONE HECKUVA business to invest PERMANENTLY in it.


To me, being romantic ABOUT IT has its merits, BUT, it is also how people get killed, metaphorically. You get sappy, and "gee she'll change," or "gee, I love her," or "gee, she's the best I"ll get," or, "gee, she's good in bed, my family likes her, she cooks, cleans, we have kids, etc." WOW. Casualness KILLS.

Maybe it's me, but the brunt of women the guys here are PUAING, I wouldn't want to now touch. It might be PIE IN THE SKY, but if you guys are building ALL this inherent value from learning about business, wealth, sales, picking up women, socializing, and making life long friends on would just say "hey you can TELL me what to do and I"ll give that up in exchange for your MANY drunken nights, sex sessions, and videos made on GGW?" yikes.


I've got a guy friend who was married just around 24 years old. He JUST finished school, was with her 1 year after college, then married her. Prior to marrying her, he was dating 1 FINE broad, but she played mind games. The girl he's now married to I knew as a friend who fawked around alot in school. She was a friend of mine, but I never thought they'd marry. She was the type talking about it, but sleeping with guys or sucking them off while doing it. **** on 1 side, talking out the other.

They got married and she's JUST as controlling. She has no friends of her own, while he's in sales. When people visit, she goes to bed. She doesn't really have any hobbies, so if he's not around, she's bored. She does 50% of the housework, and for now, pays 40% of the bills or so because she's been working at the same bank since college, but if she's PREGO, he pays all the bills.

He admits that she doesn't give up sex as much, YET she thinks about pregnancy, just to "have kids young and not be an old mom." WTF? Why have kids if you're not banging regularly? What's the point? Your relationship isn't what I would call healthy if he's out talking how UNSERVICED he is, yet she's all about her dreams?

Friends have heard him say "if he had more game, he would have scored a hotter wife or stayed single." And he's not really an AFC in the true sense, b/c he's had 3 somes and 4 somes and banged HOT BROADS. I believe part of it was his mom died early, and he wanted to be married for her before she went this past year. But it was that motivation that hurts most, because he has to "clear" things wit her BEFORE he makes a move. And she's not the type that easily gets along with people; she talks lots of crap about his guy friends, and I'm one of the few she actually likes him to be around, or even over when she's there. See the dillemma?

This isn't an ALL or NOTHING case. BUT, it's more common than not because I get alot of crap @ even 25 about being married or prospects for marriage. Come on? The societal pressure for men is STAGGERING, and when you suggest arguments FOR or AGAINST it, people think you're INSENSITIVE. I get the "when do you want to be married by " questions. Like I care? I don't. I feel if I find the girl worthy of doing it, I WILL. If I don't, I won't. To me, people with a set date on marriage or time, CHEAPEN it. Instead of respecting the institution, they view it as a custom Of Life, like WE ALL HAVE TO DO IT.


Do we? Know. Marriage doesn't benefit the man, entirely. It benefits the woman, society, and companies. It stabilizes the system. It puts the care of elderly women, and women who likely won't be on Wall Street in the care of men who can AFFORD to care for them, otherwise their looks in exchange for material goods would garner them NOTHING.

It benefits alot of companies and the government, because couples SPEND tons of dough, Single guys, NOT SO MUCH. They're also more PREDICTABLE in terms of spending, so companies can invest in areas KNOWING there's a return on capital. This was a prime driver for the construction of American education. A ruling class with predictable people popping out of schools. Companies KNEW they could get the workers they desired to grow. Otherwise, if every person was an ENTREPRENEUR, then we'd all be competitors. Business would be VERY VERY different, but the forced education in America segregates, diversifies, divides, and numbs kids.

I'm such a conspiracy theorist in a sense, but if you do the research and REALLY think, you might see the rabbitt hole before and you'll back track before you hit the edge. I believe MARRIAGE has its place, and to me, that places GREATER value on it WHEN or IF the time comes, but ONLY IF IT DOES. I've met great girls, and I have one now, but we've had our ups and downs most certainly, and I've never hinted at marriage, because nobody is ready. People have to have understandings. Compromise. If you take her on, is she a LIABILITY or an ASSET for the rest of your life?



Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Great points A-Unit

A-Unit, thanks ... I still have to finish all your post, some excellent stuff.

One part that you wrote which really hit me is the part of guys (or gals for that matter) not EXAMINING marriage before they're in it, they just jump.

I call this the Pinball Theory of Life. You don't think, you're a pinball, you just bounce from one thing to another. Crappy job? I'll take it (bounce) because I haven't worked on my career or examined other jobs. Crappy girl? (Bounce) I'll take it because I'm an AFC and I can't do better because I've been rejected by women lately. Crappy place to live? (Bounce) I'll take it because I don't know any better. Now someone hit the flippers so I can keep bouncing around without any control of my life ...

My AFC friend with the b-tchy wife? He's been dying to cheat on her for years, I don't think he has yet. Before he had the kid, he asked me if he should have an affair. My response? No, don't do it ... instead, look at getting a divorce. You'd think I'd ask him to turn into a pumpkin.

He lives TWO BLOCKS from his parent's house (where he grew up) and said it would be difficult to get divorced because his wife jogs with his mom and hangs out with his parents. I kid you not ... now he's stuck in a lifeless, sexless marriage to a very mean, controlling beyotch because he didn't have the nads to get out of it. Freaking amazing.

I'm single and might be forever, who knows. If my only option was a wife similar to his, I'd opt for singlehood, no doubt. She even yells at him when I'm over visiting ... no sh-t. And if she was single, she couldn't buy a date if they were giving them out free downtown.

Great post A-Unit, I'll read more. Enjoy the perspective.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Originally posted by joekerr31
i dont think they changed their women, or turned their women into great wives, i think they were merely able to spot which women would make good wives because they understand that there are many kinds of women out there, many who aren't so great.
True for the most part, but there is also something to be said for setting the tone of a relationship early on and maintaining it throughout the time you are together.

If you GIVE a woman the chance to control you many of them WILL. Even those who would normally not be this way would automatcally assume a more controlling role in the relationship if the man refuses to step up to the plate.

Someone has to wear the pants.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by STR8UP

Someone has to wear the pants.

Sorry, couldn't help myself ... reminds me of The Simpsons when Homer says that and then adds, "And remember Marge, me wearing your underwear is strictly a comfort thing."


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Not Married and Not Divorce and not planning or wanting to marry any time soon.

Many of today's younger women have fantasize for years about getting married because society has glamorised the idea of marriage.

These women think that just because they are in love, everything that was broken in their life will magically be repaired. They are swept away with the thinking of a big wedding, honeymoon and walking around the mall with a cute baby so everyone would approach her and she wil be envious by other women watching.

The reality is that Big wedding and Honeymoon is expensive and that a baby requires 24hrs care! and lets not forget her W.i.f.e duties (Wash, Iron, Fvck etc... lol) When its time to change the dirty diapers and feed the baby at 4 O'clock in the morning, most of them end up snapping from their fantasies. Then they get bitter about how predictable and boring their life has become and instead of doing something about it, are blaming their husbands and giving them a hard time for no reason.

You really need to watch out for who you are marrying. Most men choose a woman that is nice to them, has looks and gives a good head. That is fine for an LTR but it is not good enough for marriage.

You need to see the girl for who she is and what is she currently doing in her life that could impact the marriage positively or negatively. A woman who doesn't cook or clean can not be a good wife because she is used for her mom doing it for her. All of the sudden there is no one to do it and she will expect you to do it. Watch out for those princesses type who love to shop and don't like to work because she will see you as her personal ATM machine, while you are at work making money while she is out there trying to spend it all.

Another thing to watch out for, does she have patience. If you have a chick that gets bored easily and needs to be a club rat in order to find some excitment in her life then she cannot possibly be a good mother to your child. Look for women who volunteer that go out of their way to help someone and are actually doing something then being self centred and selfish. Also look at the kind of family she came from. If it was a broken home then the its a bad thing. If she can't get along with her family or your family then its another bad sign because if she can't get along with them, what makes you think she will get along with you??



Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
I don't NEED to be a DJ if I marry this girl.
She is so f*cking obedient to me it isn't funny. If I tell her to jump she asks how high.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Married 9.5 years now. I have what some would call an ideal marriage. My wife has kept in shape to a fault, I have only one daughter by design and I don't plan on any more. The house I own now is one of 6 I've owned or we've owned together. She is supportive and devoted even insisting that I complete my degree and never 'allows' me to do anything. Rather I let her know what my plans are and she respects my decisions. She consults me for any purchase above $100 whether for herself or our daughter and I have the final say. I make slightly more money than my wife, but we both work. She balances my impulsiveness and I balance her impatience. She expects me to be a man and knows what I expect from her as a woman and a wife. We are both comfortable in our roles and play on the same team. She is not as educated as I am, but has a traditional wisdom that more than makes up for this.

In 9.5 years I have never had a fight with my wife that lasted more than an hour and we do not hold grudges or 'collect stamps' against each other.

My only complaint is the most common one - I want sex far more than she does and I don't get it as frequently as we used to before we got married. That said, my wife is still attractive enough for me to be frustrated by this in that I'd still want to hit it with her 3 times every day and go back for a 4th. I don't know many married men my age that can honestly make this claim.

I tapped about 45 women in my 20s when I was playing rockstar guitarist and she knows this. She doesn't ask for details and I don't ask about her sexual past because it honesly makes no difference at this stage. I know she wasn't a virgin when I met her and she knew I was a player then too, but we're mature enough to approach this as adults should and we move on to more important issues.

I've had guys tell me they wish they had what I've got, or ask me what my secret is. I've had to sit alone at bars waiting for guys to "get permission" to go out for a drink with me and tell me how lucky I am that my wife is 'cool'. I've had women call me a pig or a domineering chauvanist when my wife calls me on my cell to check if it would be OK for her to spend $95 on make up (I know that's a lot:rolleyes: ) or how I must be some borderline abuser for commanding my wife's respect. A lot of people think I'm anti-marriage from the points I argue here; I'm not anti-marriage, I'm anti-bad marriage and I know far too many people living out miserable lives becuase of their immature perspective of how marriage ought to be. But what it all boils down to is setting a frame for yourself and becoming comfortable in that frame together.

As I've said a million times the sexes were meant to be complimentary to each other, not adversarial. If you settle for, or convince yourself that anything less is desirable to cure what you fear will be a life time of loneliness, you are screwed for as long as your marriage lasts.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I've got stories that make you cringe

I have so many married AFC friends ... one guy, when he was first married spent every freaking waking moment with his wife and still does and I think spent only one weekend away his first seven years with her (had to go to a conference). He thinks that's also the right thing to do.

We're at a minor league baseball game, I know one of the pitchers and say, "Hey, let's go down and talk to him, he's not pitching today." My friend has to ask his freaking wife if he can go down there, she says yeah in a tone like, please get out of here for like five minutes, I'm tired of you.

Later, I say, hey let's go get a hot dog and a coke. He has to ask the wife. EVERY freaking move had to be approved ... or so he thought. Actually if he just DID those things, wifey probably wouldn't have objected, but he surrendered all power. Oh yeah, he's another guy that can't talk about ex-gf's.

It's really, really sick.

My married DJ friends say we're GOING to the concesssion stand, what do you want -- to their wives. I'm GOING down to the dugout to talk to this guy; we're GOING out to pizza after the game and so forth.

Honestly? My above story is tame compared to some other stuff. It's really, really sick. I'm wondering if some of my friends have any balls left.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Re: I've got stories that make you cringe

Originally posted by WestCoaster
I have so many married AFC friends ... one guy, when he was first married spent every freaking waking moment with his wife and still does and I think spent only one weekend away his first seven years with her (had to go to a conference). He thinks that's also the right thing to do.

We're at a minor league baseball game, I know one of the pitchers and say, "Hey, let's go down and talk to him, he's not pitching today." My friend has to ask his freaking wife if he can go down there, she says yeah in a tone like, please get out of here for like five minutes, I'm tired of you.

Later, I say, hey let's go get a hot dog and a coke. He has to ask the wife. EVERY freaking move had to be approved ... or so he thought. Actually if he just DID those things, wifey probably wouldn't have objected, but he surrendered all power. Oh yeah, he's another guy that can't talk about ex-gf's.

It's really, really sick.

My married DJ friends say we're GOING to the concesssion stand, what do you want -- to their wives. I'm GOING down to the dugout to talk to this guy; we're GOING out to pizza after the game and so forth.

Honestly? My above story is tame compared to some other stuff. It's really, really sick. I'm wondering if some of my friends have any balls left.

Westcoaster you sure give out alot of advice, but if YOU aren't careful YOU may be the one single, old, and alone. You think you know it all.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score

What are you talking about and how does this relate to the topic? You quoted my post ... how does your reply relate to the story? Was that a good story you read? Do you want to live a life like that?

WTF's your problem? Oh yeah, I have no sympathy for your DUI either since I had someone close to me die at the hands of a drunk driver.

Don't worry about me giving advice, worry about your f-cked up life ... thank God you didn't kill someone on the roads. I have ZERO respect for you in doing that, none whatsoever. You SHOULD be in jail.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
immaculate is either a troll, or he's in a really messed up stage in his life.

he's bashing the DJ way left right and center lately and grabbing a chic who will be his slave.

he's upset with you west because your post is making him question whether hes doing the right thing.

he's quiting the game, and settling for what he can get and he is angry that you are pointing out examples of guys whose lives are a mess right now because they did just that.

look immaculate, if you think the DJ way is bs, then its time to move on. go live your life with your girl and be happy.

the rest of us are here to discuss ideas and work on ourselves so that we can land the best woman possible and make the right choices with our relationships.

insulting West does absolutely nothing for anyone. if you can't reply in a non aggresive / emotional manner, its probably best not to reply.



Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by joekerr31
immaculate is either a troll, or he's in a really messed up stage in his life.

he's bashing the DJ way left right and center lately and grabbing a chic who will be his slave.

he's upset with you west because your post is making him question whether hes doing the right thing.

he's quiting the game, and settling for what he can get and he is angry that you are pointing out examples of guys whose lives are a mess right now because they did just that.

look immaculate, if you think the DJ way is bs, then its time to move on. go live your life with your girl and be happy.

the rest of us are here to discuss ideas and work on ourselves so that we can land the best woman possible and make the right choices with our relationships.

insulting West does absolutely nothing for anyone. if you can't reply in a non aggresive / emotional manner, its probably best not to reply.


I'm no troll guys... u think i'm making this **** up?

This is my life.

Maybe I should settle for this girl. She takes care of me.

I'm just messed up now man... I got this dui pending...

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
No easy answers

I'm divorced. DJism doesn't cover everything in marriage. If you get brain damage in a car accident, like my uncle, your wife is going to walk, at least 95% of the time. An overly generous definition of a DJ would have him as the pinnacle of male development in all areas personal relations, finance etc. I don't know of anyone who has it all. Such a man would be a superman.

Marriage is a tough deal. It will wear you down if you have kids. That's why its designed for 2, to spread the load.

Immaculate, in this country Supreme Court judges are caught DUI. So although it isn't good, smarter people than you have made the mistake. Also, I wouldn't be throwing away your girlfriend just because she likes to please you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

These women think that just because they are in love, everything that was broken in their life will magically be repaired. They are swept away with the thinking of a big wedding, honeymoon and walking around the mall with a cute baby so everyone would approach her and she wil be envious by other women watching.

DjDamage made a good point here.

Marriage and a baby and a career are expected to make up for the things they lack. To fill the emotional void.

Success in a career will give her the empowerment she has so long sought.

A marriage will give her the comfort, security, and control, and supposedly a lifelong partner who won't cheat, and "accept her 100% regardless of what she does"

And a baby will give her life meaning, something to do, responsibility, and direction.

These 3 perversions of the EGO are what lead to misguided marriage, because you forget WHY you got married.


That, if there's 1 mission statement is it. You get together with her, to assist her finding what it is she wants in life, and also learning from her perspective on life. And she gets with you to find out what you want in life, and give you what she can to achieve that.

Isn't that it? Is there any other BASIC reason?

If we divert from that aim, don't we have sort of misguided, emotionally dependent marriage?

Alot of women will say "to have a baby," but deep down, this doesn't behoove a man, BECAUSE first, he wants to know his wife will love him and be there, and that they can satisfy their needs together, AND then the babies. Divorces inevitably happen when the key players are feeling satisfied, not because of having kids or not having kids or bad kids.

And when the PIECES of the marriage are already broken, or deficient, she CERTAINLY won't find it in marriage. Oh, sure, when she has kids, or a new household, or a new dishwasher, she might feel TEMPORARILY boosted, but she'll need the NEXT big thing. It won't happen.

If she can't subsist on her own energy, out of her own happiness, and BRING happiness to the relationship, rather than REQUIRE the relationship to provide it FOR HER, then she will damage the relationship and suck you dry. Not in a good way. Alot of girls do this now. Which is why i say, the mold has been cast, and likely won't change, because she'd have to change her EMOTIONAL MOTIVATIONS, which is nearly nil gonna happen for a girl.


I realize a girl has a natural biological clock, BUT, a girl will only get slightly worse toward marriage, because not only does she has the law on her side, but your word in that church in front of her friends and family that you'd be there through thick and thin. The same applies for you, BUT, women are masters of emotional manipulation, which is something guys must avoid at all costs. Don't play that game. Ignore it. Get to the HEART of the matter.



Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Re: Re:

Originally posted by A-Unit
women are masters of emotional manipulation, which is something guys must avoid at all costs. Don't play that game. Ignore it. Get to the HEART of the matter.
I guess we can do better than just avoiding women's manipulations. I think we can simply avoid women who are highly skilled and very willing to do emotional manipulation.

If anyone simple avoid emotional manipulation and not women who do it, he may end up marriying a very manipulative gal and later on have tons of problem in his marriage, even if he is smart enought o avoid emotional manipulation all the time.

It is much much better to start with women who are not very prone to manipulate men. All of them do, ok, but those who do it a lot and enjoy it should not be considered at all.
Today a guy sees a manipulative cutie, fvcks her thinking it is all fine, it is all about sex, but later on they develop a LTR and he is in trouble due to his manipulative gf.
Just avoid this type of women even if they are HB9, HB10.. 11 or 12 :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Emotional Manipulation is a tactic of all women, knowingly or not-knowingly. I've had my own family spit it out.

"What, you don't care?"

They're based on a world of feeling and sense. They just don't see it the same way. As such, power of emotion can over-ride logic in most cases.

It's a matter of exposing the truth of the matter, and avoiding the propaganda. Some girls employ it strictly for their own aims, these are the 1's to avoid. That I can't say enough.

Girls will say things like...

"Have fun with your friends, evidently they're more important then me."

That 1 I've seen alot.

"You didn't call back after *I* hung up on you. You don't care."

The programs are there. I don't think any guy will ever find a girl who operates as they feel they should, or would be easy. The only tactic I know of to work best is, to become a better man, more capable of understanding the women in his life. As a logical being capable of retaining info and employing strategies as we see fit, men have a decided advantage of learning it, being emotionally detached, and then using it.

To me it's like the difference between being an Average investor and Being a Professional Investor. The Average Investor can't find the profit available. The Professinal Investor learns the crux of the deal that makes it mutually beneficial and profitable for both parties in ways they desire.



Don Juan
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Mistake by the Lake
I'm divorced. I was quite the AFC during our marriage, but then again, I was married to a horribly spoiled brat. The first LTR I was in after my marriage had a totally different dynamic. I was much less of a AFC (but still not a DJ), and the gf was headstrong, but there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for me; she was headstrong but obedient. We got along great (sadly, it ended due to her moving across the world).

The vast majority of my closest friends have all been happily married for several years and they exude stability. While none of the guys are AFCs, many of them are introverts (which is not the same thing). One of my friends is on his third wife, and this guy has plenty of game, but can't seem to hold down a marriage.

Yeah, it's odd that my own observances tend to go against current trends. I really don't know that many people who've been divorced.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
