Skip, do a search on this guy
He sounded just like you, he posted a lot of threads on strategies, but then you could trace back to where he (just a few days prior) was talking about how he wasn't getting any women.
Skip, I know you are bored at your desk job but for some reason, I don't believe you anymore on the fact that you are so successful with women. I am beginning to think you WISH you were so successful, and you want to gain acceptance through this forum to satisfy the need within.
If I post a thread on here talking about how I walked behind a chick and she just got all excited and we fvcked that night, that is what I call a field report. But when I post it here, I might get 20 replies, 15 guys don't believe me, 3 guys are inspired by it, and 2 guys think I am an azzhole. Now, only I know if the damn story is true or not, only I would know if the damn strategy I used will work or not, so for the 15 guys who don't believe me, why am I stressing out because they don't believe me? I mean, it's their loss for not trying out a new strategy or new insight that worked for me and could work for them. I am not called to "save sosuave's AFC's" I don't get a commission off this, so if guys don't wanna take a tip I used that worked seriously, THATS NOT MY PROBLEM. This is a forum to come and share ideas, that does not mean EVERYBODY WILL JUMP ON IT.
Skip, I think your tips are great....but YOUR credibility is off. I believe what you are saying is true, but I don't think YOU are being successful with it.
I think you are bored, with nothing to do, and that you WISH you were as successful as you hoped. So instead of putting more and more energy into your fulfillment, you continue to make threads so that you can become ACCEPTED. And the funny thing is, you might be doing this and NOT KNOWING YOU ARE DOING IT, which I think that's what's happening.
Do this skip, I know you are bored at work....but if you have all this free time to surf the web, read up on some articles on making money, building a better body, increasing your conversation skills, hell you like the chat rooms, go sarge in the chat rooms and pick up some women. Stop trying to gain acceptance through this forum. Fulfill your needs yourself by going out and getting what it is you want, then come here and share your "EXPERIENCES." Your real life ones, not the made up ones, because skip, you are not fooling me buddy, but actually, by lying to yourself you are hurting yourself.