slowgold said:
I can scream from the rooftops how I know what I want and I got it. I can insist that rudeness doesn't "work" for me, etc. etc. etc. I probably won't be believed.
This is the problem I have with getting advice from women. You all invariably end up telling me how to game YOU. How to get in your pants. Even if you're 30-something sociology PhDs who are in the upper 5% of the population for intellect and bookishness, you still think you give better advice than a guy who has been with many, many women. Its all about YOU. If a girl doesnt respond to what you respond to, well, she probably just isnt a quality woman, right?
Also, I distrust your motivation. Giving advice to men is a chance for you to exercise pvssy power by saying... well, a guy who wants to fvck ME would have to do THIS.... its like vicariously "selecting" us or making us jump through hoops even while no relationship is taking place. You tell us what hoops YOU would have us jump through. Gee thanks Misses!!
Lets be honest. You broads dont give a FVCK about me. You regard my search for sexual satisfaction as something mildly amusing perhaps, only half legitimate, and if I criticize you or vent my frustrations against the female sex, a war begins. The moment I cross you I become a mysoginist, a bitter crazy person, locked alone in my room for 13 years with a keyboard and monitor...
Rollo and the other guys understand me because they've been there.
They sympathize. Were so alike that we barely have to explain ourselves to each other most times.
I dont want to have to pull my punchs and use sweet words, balance every generalization so it doesnt offend you, and leave every discussion with your sex coming off as "alright, but for a few bad apples." Your sex does all kinds of crazy messed up sh1t, throws pvssy
for the stupidest reasons to undeserving people, and generally wreaks havoc wherever it isnt held in check by male strength.
Lastly, you engender a following of virtual sweethearts on our board who try to appear like they're cool with you, like some virtual soiree is going on or something. Say little cute flirty sh1t with you or talk about how we all really want the same thing, pretend you are virtually playing footsie or some dumb sh1t. Watch if I say something too critical, another male poster will use it to prove that I'm just not as cool and laid back as he is, woo-hoo. Yoko Ono all over again. Even the *virtual* scent of pvssy divides us and pits us against one another like Agamemnon and Achilles fighting over Briseus.
When I was reading the archives the other female posters really got on my nerves... the women who make it to these boards are inevitably above average intelligence, have had rocky relationships, and see through relationship dynamics (often). Not sure I want to be advised on how to spit game from the 10% of the female population that can see through it.
Thats just my 75 cents.