The JustMan's Path from Virgin to Master DJ/PUA Approach Journal/Lay Report

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Tonight I went out with Blackdragon and Jason again. We all decided to at least try to close once. I got this Hbs AIM. Jason got anothers Myspace. Blackdragon went for a close but she rejected him, but hey, atleast he went for it! Props to all of us!

My Approach:

I tried to approach this HB by the sunglasses but she walked away when I opened. Jason then approached this HB brunette asking her if she liked a particular hat on him. He made a comment on a UPS hat she was wearing. I now tried to approach her by jumping in as I said, "Hey, That UPS hat is AWESOME!"
HB: Thanks!
Me: Where did you get that? I want one?
HB: I have a friend who works at UPS get it for me!
Me: Dude, could you get me one?
HB: Uh, I would but I don't know you!
Us: Blah, Blah
Me: Hey, if I give you my email address would you email me when you get me a hat?
Her: Alright
Me: (Wrote down my name and email address) Hey, could you give me a way to get a hold of you?
HB: (Told me her name and wrote down her AIM. She got a call during the close but blew the person off to close me. Smiled, said bye, and walked off.)
This all took place while Blackdragon, Jason, the female cashier, and a HB I approached just a few minutes before were watching. The cashier and HB were smiling at the exchange.

We approached many other times today as well, single, and group approaches. Jason and I tried to bum some gummy bears off 2 HBs one time. I got 2 cards and put 2 different colognes on them at Victoria's Secret. I then walked around the mall asking women which they prefer more in a blind smell test. They overwhelmingly chose Sexy for Him over Sexy for Him 2!

I called this chick tonight that my mom set me up with from work. She is hot in her picture and SHE wanted to meet ME because she thought I was cute in my picture! I set up a coffee date for tomorrow at Starbucks! Wish me luck!

Thanks bros! And remember... ITS ALL GOOD! :)

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Went out with the chick I set up a date with. She was a HB7. We met up at Starbucks this evening. I ordered a coffee before she got there. She met me as I was leaving the counter. She then bought her own coffee. We sat down on the couch and talked for about an hour. She was really shy so I had to carry most of the conversation. I mostly told her stories about wild, funny, and crazy **** me and my friends do. I used kino and touched her on the arm and shoulder quite a few times. She never really opened up that much so I did not kiss her or anything. She got a call from her friend when I was in the bathroom, and said she was going to meet up with her friend for dinner. I told her that I might meet up with my friend too and we walked out together. She gave me her cell phone number before she left so I could call her on that. I only had her home phone number in the first place. This was the first official date and the first blind date I have ever been on. I have no idea if this went well or not because I have never been on a date before. As for IOIs she was stroking her hair a lot, fidgeting with her jewelry and stuff, did not pull away when I touched her, made strong eye contact, and gave me her cell phone number without me asking. Any advice on dates would be most appreciated!

Tomorrow Jason and I plan to go to a strip club and pick up strippers. We are reading Mystery to get the dynamics down of negging and DHV for dealing with the stippers. We plan to sit in the back of the club and have fun talking to the crowd without paying any money to the stippers and negging DHV to any that approach us. Any help here would be most appreciated!

We also plan to sarge around this weekend till next Tuesday looking for fireworks events to sarge in the crowds.

Thanks bros! And remember...ITS ALL GOOD! :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
damn, I can actually see you slowly progressing. You're good w/ conversations your closing needs work. If you ever in NY let me know so I could wing w/ you.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Jason and I were at a strip club this evening. We did not approach any strippers because they usually approach the men in the club for lap dances. We sat in the back and faced toward each other, not toward the stage like every other guy there, to show disinterest to the strippers. We peacocked and people complimented us on our gear. Whenever the waitress or a stripper would approach us we would always try to show disinterest and neg hit while simultaneously try to DHV. We would always gear the conversation away from the lap dance invite to something neutral and fun. We used Mystery's hair and fingernail negs on a few strippers. We would say that we charged 30 dollars a lap dance everytime the strippers would ask for a dance (reframe). I got much kino intiating from the strippers. We are not allowed to touch the strippers but that did not stop them from touching me. I got IOIs like the kino, leaning in, eye contact, hair touching, and giggling. They also complimented me on my belt buckle. The thing is I believe much of it may fake as the strippers are professionals and master saleswomen who manipulate men with fake IOIs to get them to pay for lap dances. Fortunately, Jason and I have become too smart to pay for something as ridiculous as a lap dance! Any advice for picking up strippers would be much appreciated.

Thanks bros! And remember...ITS ALL GOOD! :)


Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
The JustMan said:
Hey I need to find some clothes for my sister.
LOL. at Victoria's Secret? that is awesome. disturbing, but awesome. i thought about doing that but saying "my mom" or "my grandma"

i once approached a chick in a lingerie isle at tjmaxx, and she was on the phone while looking at panties. i was more nervous than i had ever been before. i stuttered, and i guess she thought it was cute, cause she ended her call and gave me her number but never called her because it was more about just doing it. good times, i love doing stuff like that just for the fun factor.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
The JustMan said:
Great idea! Add supermodels to get mass social proof! Excellent!

It seems like you are trying too hard. It is obvious that you don't even talk to these girls on your myspace (supermodels) but you still put them on your top friends list. It screams try-hard and wanna-be pimpin'.

Delete the supermodels that you NEVER talk to, and replace them with NORMAL girls. Get some cute girls on your top friends. Some HOT NORMAL girls. That is how you get social proof. NOT by just having porn-stars on your myspace.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
If anyone wants to read about my apporaches come here. You will hear about me in the apporach journal.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Blackdragon and I went to the mall today. I was really not feeling it today. I have been lethargic/in a pissy mood the last few days. I made some approaches by myself and with him. We had a few conversations with some chicks. This one set of chicks even seemed to follow us. Actually a few sets of chicks might have been stalking us. I was WAY to out of it to close. I STILL have yet to get dates from any girls I close. All the girls flake. I believe it is because I close without building much attraction or rapport. I need to lengthen my approaches to accomplish this. I will go out again tomorrow to practice more. Practice makes perfect!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
My first club experince

After me and my wingman did some apporaching in the mall and the mall was going to close so we went to my house for a bit. We got directions for where the club was. Me and my wingman were nevours as fu ck. We walk in the club, I have to say all those fears just disappered. The club is like this, it has 3 sections.

First section is a cowboy place where people do these redeos dances or w/e you call them. It has a mechaince bull you can ride with a mat around it. You have to pay $5.00 to ride the damn thing. And sign this paper so if you get hurt you can't sue. W/e :rolleyes:

Second section has a place where people do breakdancing. Pretty cool Sh it.

Third Section is the best, it's where people grind, dance , and have fun.

We got to the club at around 10:00pm. It wasn't much people and quickly made friends with this 1 guy and girl. Turns out they are just friends ( later the girl tells they used to go out ). Me and my wingman leave the 2 and go and apporach some girls.
Me and my wingman go to the 3 section and see a bride ( who just got married ) having some kind of party. She apporaches my wingman and wants his belt. ( he has a belt that moves and says stuff it gets alot of attention, he gets tons of comments on it ).

I know the bride will be drunk as fu ck by the end of the night.

We head to the cowboy section.
We apporach a hb8.5 and hb7. My wingman opens them, and we talk. Next thing we know the hb8.5 wants us to dance ( in the cowboy dance section ) so we dance and the girls laugh at us. After that more talk then the hb8.5 wants us to go on the mechaince bull. I quickly get the vibe that this hb8.5 is a attention who re / control freak. Me and wingman leave. :nono:

The guy ( who is actually a natural ) comes and talk again and he gets on the mechaine bull 2 times. My wingman pays and gets on then the hb8.5 and her friend comes and watchs. They get a good laugh when my wingman falls off and the girls talk to us and wants me to do it. I go to pay to find out I'm little broke ( I should have bought more money ). The natural gives me $5.00 and I ride the mechaince bull and fall off. The hb8.5 and hb 7 really likes what we did and starts talking to us. Me personally I don't like the hb8.5, too controling.:mad:

My wingman and natural chats up the 2 girls so I leave to look around. I head to the 2nd section of the club and more people came in but not yet crowded. I head back to wingman and stop to 2 girls. I chat them up.

Me: Why aren't yall dancing ?
1 girl: We just got here
2 girl: I'm little tired

They walk off, I laugh and go to wingman. Me and the wingman get tired of the controling / attention wh ore hb8.5 and leave again. We find natural's girl sitting alone. I go to her. And ask her why isn't she dancing. She said she has no one to dance with and I tell her I will dance with her. My wingman comes along.
We dance and I do a little spin the girl says she likes it. I talk to the girl while we dance, my wing man dances but in a goofly way that has people laughing at him. I couldn't get the girl grind with me so I made up excuse to leave and grab my wingman. ( due to him being a goof ball )

To wrap it up:
We did some more apporaches only to say hello to bi tch shields.
I was very very social, apporaching guys at the club is just too easy. Alot of girls shaking their ass ( hell yeah ). :up:
And me and my wingman made friends very quickly.
Some girls did apporach us. A fat chick apporached me asking where the bathroom was.
No girls asked us to buy them a drink. ( thank god )

I have tons of fun and can't wait to go clubbing again. :rockon:


Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, look at all the ejections.:kick:

HA! Model my ass!

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Blackdragon and I sarged at the mall then at a club last night. It was my first time at a club and I actually had a blast! The sarges did not land in a close though.

At the mall I did several approaches. A couple of them were just the usual passing approaches. I had 3 or 4 coversational approaches. This one I made with a girl who was working at Abercrombie and Fitch. She was an asian HB8. We were getting into rapport after I messed with her for a few minutes building attraction. I used bait like "I would be your friend if you would buy me a pair of pants!" and "I have a cool job!"
Her: What?
Me: Guess
Her: I don't know
Me: It is so cool
Her: Than what do you do?
Me: I can't explain it
Her: Ok
Me: But it is awesome!
Her: Than what is it you do?
Me: I cant tell you
We then went into a conversation about values. We talked about validation and input from loved ones. What they meant and why they were different. This guy that worked there then called her over and ****blocked before I could close. Later, I went back and she wasn't there so I tried to game these other girls. Same dude told us to buy something or leave! What a douchebag!

I had this other conversation with a blonde chick at a girls clothing store about these pimpass ties. I was joking with her and she did not get my humor. I nexted her!

I had a conversation with a Black HB8 at a clothing store who also worked there. We talked about style and she complimented me on me sense and said I looked better than Michael Jackson! WTF? Anyways we conversed from there and sure enough I was ****blocked by customers before I could close.

There were a few other approaches not worth mentioning. A couple girls recognized us from going there before!

Club Sarging:
We went to a club and met this guy and chick at the door. They would become our friends for the rest of the evening. We went in before 10 so it was empty. The county bar was the only place that really had people in it and they were mostly old! Anyways I walked around and started to say hello to people. I wanted to build my rep as a friendly guy. We were hanging out talking to the dude and the chick with him when I spotted a 2set. Me and Blackdragon approached. They told us they were professional tap dancers and would dance for the right song. We made a deal with them. We would bust our asses doing line dancing if they would do there stuff. We did. They then started telling us to tell the Dj to play a specific song to dance to. I did, fair enough I thought. Then the one chick told me to ride the mechanical bull. I then realized she was a control freak and I was playing into her frame. I told her no, you do it. She refused. Her and her friend would refuse to buy into my frame. I decided to next them.

A few minutes later I did ride the bull for the first time ever. It was fun. The girls than both approached me and started gaming me. I think they thought I did it for them. I used my ****y funny and negs showing that I was the prize. Then the dude with the chick from the door came without his chick. I introduced them. He started gaming the demanding HB8 blonde. She told him to get on his knees for some reason. He did. He kissed her ass for the rest of the night. (He bought her a flower, got the DJ to play a song for them to dance to, she gave him her number, and he got a kiss. Too much work for me!) I ejected with Blackdragon because I could sense that these chicks were high maintenence.

We found the chick the dude WAS with and started dancing with her. I danced with her and grinded with her a few times. People were laugh at me because I cannot dance at all. I was going wild! I loved it! I would rather be a fool than a wallflower! This chick would later disappear before I could get her number. I think she just felt like bailing on the dude!

The bride of a bachelorette party approached me about my belt and put a flower necklace on me. Other chicks that I was not really interested in approached me about my belt. I approached a lot of chicks causually.

Blackdragon met a girl he knew with some friends. I ended up dancing/grinding with this girl and one of her friends. The girl was a 7 and her friend was a 6 so I was not really interested.

I approached a 3set by myself. They asked me for a dollar for a drink. I told them to buy me a drink. i also told them that there would be a lot of guys around there that would love to get them a drink but not me. I ejected. Later I met the same group agian and called the HB8.5 over to me. She was tripping over all the stools to get to me. It was funny. She told me she entered the butt contest. She told me to root for her. I told her I would for a dollar. I never did... I left before the contest. I would have tried to close her if I could find her. I think falling over stools may be an IOI.

I met my friend from work there. He followed me around for the rest of the night. His wife was out of town so he was out partying. I seen 2 HBs 9+ checking me out. This asian was one right where I met my friend. She was in the middle of 2 guys. I said a few words to her like alright!, and other light thins of that nature, but I did not want to screw up with a set of guys. I was going to approach her but saw her talking to these guys so I backed off. Same thing happened with a HB 9+ blonde. I seen her checking out my belt. I approached the group and asked if they were having fun!? She said yeah and that she liked my belt. One of the guys surrounding her just kind of grunted in my direction. I definately need to know how to deal with AMOGS.

Most of the guys there were not much competition. About 90% of them were just wallflowering losers with beers at there chests like stone statues. Many girls were actually dancing with other girls. I think my first club experience went well. I actually LOVED it! No closes or makeouts, but a few grinds/dances. I will definately go again. I was too tired to stay till closing. Next time, I WILL BE PIMP! That is it for today! Later!


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
"Went To Borders bookstore. Finally saw a blonde hb come in with older guy. I did not know if he was her dad or her DADDY! I waited for him and her to separate. Not using the 3 second rule for this one. I went over next to her in the travel section and used a situational opener. "Boy, all these books on different countries makes me want to go on vacation." She laughed and agreed. She turned to me and started talking about going on a class trip to Spain. Her pupils were HUGE. She acted nervous and was laughing at everything I said. She was even playing with her hair! Unfortunately, she told me she was a junior in high school. Big red flag! Uncle Justin doesn't need a lawsuit! EJECT!"

please tell me you dont live in canada because I happen to know a girl thats going to Spain and fits some of those descriptions

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Jason and I went to the mall today. A few casual approaches. No big whoop. I swear people who work there are beginning to know who we are. The women workers all seem to remember who we are. I know, scary!

We also went to a festival. There were mass crowds. Hbs everywhere. There were so many hbs I did not know where to start. It was intense. It was like we were packed like sardines. How do you sarge in a place like that? Hbs everywhere and always on the move! Anyways Jason and I were doing our crappy white guy dances to a Beatles cover band. This drunkass guy joined us and we were totally dancing like crap! Later Jason and I danced to country music on a PA system. A HB8 joined us and started dancing with me. We were bumping and having a good time! People were throwing money at Jason and me. Some people laughed at us, others heckled, many rooted, a couple people joined us. All the cops ended up coming to watch us as well. We drew our own crowd. I got people to join my reality. It was great!

Also there was this HB8 with the band. She started talking to me about my belt so I approached the group. She was all over me and was beating Jason with a broken drumstick. She was drunk though and all over the band members as well. We ejected because I did not want to deal with a drunk chick.

As always many people approached me about my pimpass belt. It always says "It's all good! :)" As I programmed it too. The belt rings true! Peace.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
The JustMan. I am so impressed with your progress. I haven't read everyone of your posts so I am not sure if you are no longer a virgin, but I would have to say that your skill of starting a conversation and closing a girl is amazing. Keep it up man!

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Went to the festival with my friend Sean today. He seemed out of it so I had to take him back home. (He only lives down the street.) Met Jason there later. I figured out how to get chicks to approach me. I have my cool belt on first of all. I walk around with a smile. And when I walk, I walk with a half dancing, confident, pimplike swagger. All the chicks look! Many approach me and ask about my belt. A group of chicks even waived me over because they thought I was cute (only 15 though). Danced by myself to a live band. People were looking at me but I was vibing. Chicks would dance with me. I had a couple chicks who would stroll by every once in a while and dance/grind with me! I got a bead necklace and tshirt from the band. I had an epiphany this weekend. If you go out to have fun, and you go around vibing your fun, positive mood, than you will attract chicks. I did it, and it worked. Too bad all the girls were underage, but hey, I had fun. It's all good! 18+ chicks like to have fun too. All I need is to project my attitude/reality/vibe with them and they will become attracted too!

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Went to the mall with Blackdragon. It was dead. Talked to chicks that worked there. Chick with purple hair remembers me looking at the fadora hats before. This chick at this other store recoginized me from last week. She is a hb. She was flirting with me. She asked me if I was gay. I poked her in the head because we had a psychic link because she said I should get alligator leather shoes like crocidile Dundee. She was pretty interesting. If she remembers me the next time I vome back I will build rapport, elicit her values, make sure she meets my standards/qualify, and, if she does, number close her.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Well guys, I am done posting on this board. It has been fun but it is time to move on. Next time I come back I shall not be a student but a teacher. I will continue going out there to meet women, and I will be successful! Thanks to the guys who supported me, and I hope I have inspired some of you to go out. I am truly having the time of my life! Here is where I am coming from so you guys can take this to heart, and be inspired, to help see where I am going. And how IT IS POSSIBLE for ANYONE to change no matter WHO they are or WHERE they came from. This is my last message which I left in another thread.

When I was 16 I hung around all the stoners too. I was a punk ass troublemaker, and I am glad I shifted out of that mentality. The point I am trying to make is that many girls were attracted to me at that age because I looked the way I wanted, (long bleached hair, ears pierced, grass stained shoes, tight ripped jeans, band t-shirts, Simpsons shirts, loud colorful overshirts, many homemade bead necklaces on at once, porkchop sideburns, etc.) and I did what I wanted (I just did crazy neurotic ****, one time I approached every chick at lunch and asked if they masturbated, I would jump out into the hall and pretend to do convultions, I would sing in the middle of class, make fun of the hot chicks, etc.). I did not know it at the time but these chicks were sending me mad IOIs. Too bad I had no self-esteem. Hot, preppy chicks would approach me and grab my ass, chicks asked me out (my self-esteem was so low I thought they were just fvcking with me), and one time this really hot chick literally walked up to me and told me she wanted to have sex with me in gym class. My neurotic mind would not accept this which lead to no pvssy despite my natural tendencies. I later dropped out and fell further. I went into a deep, dark, lonely depression which I filled with pot and alcohol. After I decided to go "straight" a couple of years ago I decided to go into more of a withdrawn, conservative look/attitude. This was to cover up my insecurities and trick people into believing I had it all together. In the last couple of years I have succeeded in college (3.9+ GPA and looking for a law school), got in shape (started year 2 of my workout journal this week), and decided to rebuild my personality, becoming confident, self-loving, and successful with friendships and women. Over a month ago I started doing cold approaches. My confidence has skyrocketed. I go out all the time now without worrying what anybody thinks. I love myself and that is all that matters. I am not out to score with many women as I can. Men who do this are insecure and just trying to fill their void with pvssy instead of pot, drugs, beer, gambling, or what they really need- self-love. I want to eventually find a girl who I vibe with and compliments me. She has to meet my standards, and yes, I have HIGH standards! My clothing style and personality has strangly changed back to what it was like in High School, but a little polished and more mature. I express my neurotic side- I sing at work, dance when I walk in public, ask girls weird questions, and I am beginning to dress again in a more unique, liberal, punk-but-not style. Women have been responding to me quite better, and now I am beginning to be confident to know that beautiful women can be genuinely interested in me. As long as they meet my other standards they are in! :) JustMan out!