The JustMan's Path from Virgin to Master DJ/PUA Approach Journal/Lay Report


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
I hate to bring bad news. But their is been much debate over good looks. To me I say, yes use your good looks but don't expect them to win every girl over. Use Dj skills. That will win just about every girl you meet over. Even girls of different race or girls who are a little taller then you will be chasing you.

1 more thing. About the internet thing. Becareful man. If I was you, I would stick with real life chicks then the internet. You never know, it could be some ugly chick posting a hot pic of her friend and pretending to be her.
Then you get girls who turn out to be too young.

I wish you good luck and use the journal tips I posted. :D


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
good job man. very inspirational and educational.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Hello, I made three approaches in an hour tonight and struck out all three times.

Approach #11

Starbucks- Hb who works there asked me what I want, and I asked her what her opinion was of the best drink there.
Hb: Blah blah
Me: Okay, I will have that.
Hb: 3 dollars.
Other chick who worked there: Something about purple contacts and eyeliner.
Me: Purple Contacts?
Hb: Yeah, I want purple contacts too match some kinda eyeliner or something like that...
Me & HB: Talked about cool contacts and how she is going to school to become a cosmologist.
Got coffee and sat down because line started to form behind me
To be continued...

Approach #12

I was drinking coffee and chick came to order hers. She was waiting and looking at paintings. 3 second rule... Got up and said "These are pretty cool paintings, huh?"
HB: Uh, yeah...
Me: So which one is your favorite?
HB: Pointed to one with orange and blue paint. "That one."
Me: When orange and blue go together they make your eyes kinda burn.
HB: Yeah... orange and blue compliment each other.
We talked about paintings and art.
HB: Uhhh, my coffee is uh, done and I have to get it.
Me: Are you drinking it here or taking it to go? You are welcome to drink with me for a while.
HB: I err have to uh run errands for my dad...
Me: Really? Well that's too bad... Do you have email?
HB: Uhhh, not really...
Me: Do you have a phone number?
HB: Well, uh, I err, uh do, but I uh, well, um can't...
Me: OK, nice to meet you.
She took OFF!!!!!

Approach #11 continued...

Went back to hb who worked there because line was gone.
Me: So you are going to be a cosmologist?
HB: Yeah
Me: Well, what kind of hairstyle would you suggest for my type of face.
HB: Turn around.
I did.
HB: Would you prefer a conservative or messy type of hairstyle?
Me and HB: Blah, blah, blah. She suggests growing my hair longer on top, but keeping it shorter on the side. Possibly a fauxhawk with blond highlights. I was actually considering that before she suggested it. Interesting...
I sat down to finish my coffe and came back and interupted the conversation between her and other chick who worked there.
Me: Thanks for the suggestion of coffee! It tasted great!
HB: Isn't it good to try something new?
Me: Yeah, do you have email so I can send you photos of me in my new stylish haircut?
HB: Uh... no. Actually I can't do anything electronically because my computer is broken.
Me: Well, do you have a phone number?
HB: Yeah. But we are not allowed to give those out. You can see me at my my hair school sometime!
Me: Well, see you later!

Approach #13

Went to Borders down the street. Seen a couple chicks in the astrology section. I approached the set in 3 seconds with one hb7 and one ab5.
Me: So you guys are into astrology huh?
HB: Yeah... a little bit.
Me: Wow, pretty cool. Are you guys like Nostradamus?
HB: Who is that?
Me: YOU don't know who Nostradamus is?
HB: No.
Me: He is just the most famous astrologer EVER. He was the guy who predicted the end of the world and other things through astrology!
HB: WOW! That is pretty cool!
Me: You are mocking me!
HB: No I'm NOT! I REALLY think that that is pretty COOL!
Me turning to AB: Now she can tell her friends she actually LEARNED something!
Giggles from the girls
Me: What do YOU know? You're just a blonde anyways...
More giggles...
I stop conversation do look at books for about twenty seconds...
Me: Hey do you do tarot cards?
HB: No, do you?
Me: Yeah... I try to do readings...
HB: That's cool! We are just learning how to do this stuff. My mom can. She looks about our age.
Me: WOW! YOU should introduce me!
Me: Just kidding! Why are you giggling so much?
HB: Because you are making me nervous!
Me: Anyways, do you want to learn about this stuff?
HB: Yeah.
Me: Well I can teach you! What is your email address?
HB: I don't have one...
Me: Okay, what is your phone number?
HB: I actually have a boyfriend. I don't think he would like me to give it to you... Would he AB?
AB: No...
Me: Well he probably wouldn't! Well, it was nice to meet you!
HB was laughing, with big pupils, mirroring me a little, obviously nervous as well (IOIs). A master DJ/PUA probably could have used a boyfriend destroyer to get past that, but I just took the loss and ejected...

Actually, getting rejected this evening felt REALLY GOOD! After each rejection I did not feel BAD at all. Instead, I was thinking about getting to my next approach. I actually felt good when thinking about the rejections because I realized I did not really care that much... I felt like Quagmire getting slapped by a chick and going ALLRIGHT! Giggity, Giggity, Goo! Next...
At the end Quagmire always finds SOME chick to take home because after getting rejected so much is going to eventually lead you to a yes and maybe a "YES! YES! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" ;) And THAT makes it ALL GOOD!

When I got home I got into a semifight with my Mom. I told her I struck out three times and it was all good! She told me she thinks I am coming on strong, and women do not want to be approached this day and age. She has always been dominating by the way... I asked her for any ALTERNATIVE advice to what I am following here... She could not give me ANY! If I did what she wanted I would be a virgin for the rest of my life! She always tells people about how I have never had a girlfriend either... She dominates my dad, my brother, and me, and that is probably why I learned to be a puzzy. We are a generation of boys being raised by women... I got in her face (first time I have lost it in FOREVER!) and told her she does not know what she is talking about, and I get MORE support from the people on this site than I do from her! THANKS GUYS!

However, I took the high road. A few minutes later after I put my foot down and demanded that we do not talk about my personal life anymore, I came back, didn't apologize like a puzzy, but instead put my arm around her and said, "You know what mom, I have one more thing to say. Lets not fight about this anymore... It's all good!" And walked out. (My inner game is helping me be more of a man in other areas of my life as well...)

My mom and I had a discussion on my change into a guy that actually pursues women. I have convinced her to support me now!
Last edited:


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
dam, your charm is pretty good, but the ladies don't seem to respond. Can we get we get some opinions from expert DJ's? I am no where near a DJ for now. . .. .

Maybe you should try the club/party/bar scene. At my school, alotta hook ups happen at parties. Find some wingmen too, but I know how hard that can be. All my friends are hardcore AFC's, they don't even wanna try.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
I want to go clubbin'. I am too young for bars. No one has EVER invited ME to a party. I have been too shy until recently... All my friends are AFCs too who don't wanna try, except Jason, who has little personality or looks around women, but he wants to be a DJ/PUA! I would like to have a wing that knows what he is doing! Amen to the idea of getting advice from master DJs!

Any Ohio DJs wanna be the JustMan's wing?


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Whats the party atmosphere like in ohio? At ucsb, theirs 'open parties' where anyone can walk in and have a good time. Basically, since 90% of the people live right next to campus, our town is mostly students to open parties are more common as opposed to other places where students are spread out. As someone whose been looking for good friends for the past 2 years, here's some stuff I picked up:

Move into the dorms, and make sure you move into the transfer's dorms
-Everyone there doesn't know anyone yet and their all eager to meet new people. Make sure you don't go into a continuing students dorm though, most of those people are antisocial. Also, don't try the freshmen dorms unless you're a freshmen, the age barrier is too great for us.

Join Clubs/Organizations
-some of the clubs we have at ucsb, people develop very close bonds. At might school, the most social clubs and ski and snow board clubs, and excursions(camping type club). I guess when you go on trips and stuff together, bonds form really fast. Check out the major clubs on your campus, see if people reach out to you, and its the type of clubs people develop friendships in.

-If theirs intramural or club sports where people practice alott, then thats a good place to develop friendships. See if theirs any places where people train in Judo/brazilian jujitsu/muy thai, and if people there train seriously and attend on a regular basis.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Busy today... Went to UC for orientation. I talked to a girl from my one class, but I am not really interested in her anyway... I always show up early, and the HBs arrive AFTER me and sit down away from me. I could of moved next to one, but that might have been pretty lame... I would have talked to a few after the orientation but all the advisors split people up in groups for the advising sessions. All the HBs were in all the groups except mine! I talked to a girl on the way to my car who gave me IOIs, but she was average and a little chubby.

I am thinking about taking dance lessons to meet HBs and to use in clubs where I can dance with HBs. I have never danced before! Would you DJ masters consider this a good idea?

I have to workout and do stuff at home today so I can't go sarging this evening.

I added mucho supermodels to my Myspace friends and added pictures of Jason and I in our peacocking gear. Any suggestions on our peacocking style? Do any of you DJs that HAVE actually scored off of Myspace have any suggestions for me for scoring the online HBs? I will still continue real life sarging, of course...

Thanks for all your help and support so far!


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Hey JustMan!

AWESOME job so far putting yourself out into the field and approaching!


On to your approaches... I get a vibe that your approaches seem weird and bizzare to these girls. You seem somewhat creepy. I betting it's because when you approach your body is facing them. You just go up to them and give them ALL OF YOUR ATTENTION.

Afterall, what did they do to deserve that attention?

From now on, when you are INITIALLY talking and approaching, DON'T GIVE THEM ALL OF YOUR ATTENTION. Position your body to make it look that you are about to leave. Your hips should be perpendicular to her hips.

You are on you way JustMan!


The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
All I can say is today must have been jailbait day at the mall! I talked to a few people in a few stores, making conversations with girls and guys.

Approach #14

I opened this one set of a guy and girls busting on her for her love of 80s hair metal. She told this guy she was with something about Skid Row. I was like wow, you like that eighties hair metal stuff!? I was quickly building rapport and had her laughing. Her, I, and the dude she was with were talking about rock concerts in Cincinnati. They told me they were 16 so I made a joke about how she was young and how they are letting babies just outta their diapers drive around now. She was laughing as her guy friend was dragging her out the door. I didn't follow because Uncle Justin doesn't need a lawsuit!

Approach #15

I asked this girl at Hot Topic about what she thinks would be the best belt to buy for me using the "woman's opinion" opener. She lit up and started helping me out! I was quickly building rapport with her talking about all kinds of stuff. I asked her age and she told me to guess. I said 18 and she told me I was way off. She told me she was 14!!!! I was like WOAH, she did not look 14! I was trying to eject but she kept the conversation flowing with all of these IOIs! She even started to tell me her personal problems about her being a foster kid now that she was separated from her abusive dad! I eventually made my escape saying I had to go, BUT I did get contact information for my 15 year old brother! I guess IF I couldn't pick her up for myself I might as well try to help my brother out. He doesn't get out at all- total gamer/keyboard jockey! He better shape up or he may become *****less like me! It's all good!

She did tell me that a lot of creepy guys try to hit on her because she looks like an adult. She said I wasn't like that though and she thught I was really cool! But I will try not to give them my full attention when I am approaching from now on. I will just act like I am making a passing comment when I open up the set, that way I know I won't come off as creepy!

I did talk to other people girls and guys at the mall this evening... but none of the other approaches had any real rapport so I am not counting them...

I have made accounts on Adultfriendfinder, Sexsearch, and Yahoo Personals to add to my Myspace and REAL LIFE sarging. Has anyone had any success with these online sites and if so, could you give me tips on how to get hbs from these sites? Gracias! Until next time...

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Me and Blackdragon got together today and approached at the mall. We made a ****load of approaches, but no closes. I opened well tonight but I was interupted a lot before I could make any rapport! But it was all good! I have been impressed recently by just how much more friendly and confident I have become around strangers. Unfortunately, all the girls I HAVE closed so far have flaked on me, but that is okay becuase I WILL BECOME A MASTER!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
You did most the apporaching.

I gotta work on getting out more. Also apporaching at the mall.
I have to say man, you can really get girls talking, but also maybe do some kino.
I can't wait to do more apporaching with ya. I gotta get out of this comfort zone. :D


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
Over Yonder
Holly crap're some kindof.....approaching machine thing.

Youre doing alot better than i was when i first involved myself with Don Juanism.

But you seriously need to do some work on your #-Close.

Good aditude towards the whole thing, by the way.


Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
The JustMan said:
Hello all. I am the Just Man. I am 20 years old, a virgin, and I have decided to become the greatest DJ of all time. It will be hard but I WILL ACCOMPLISH MY GOAL! I believe it is necessary to become a MASTER, because if I am going to invest time into this, then I better be GREAT not just good.... I will post my reports regularly. Please lend me your advice. I will listen and appreciate it.

My History: VIRGIN (did have one BJ from UG, but NO ORGASM!), had crushes, never talked to girls, was once so shy, with so much low self-esteem couldn\'t make eyecontact with ANYONE, including close friends and family. I thought I had bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, OCD, Post-Traumatic Stess Disorder and Depression. I walked like a hunchback because I was so down (staring at ground of course). I totally let myself go (didn\'t care...). But about a year ago I decided to change. I started working out, quit doing drugs, went to college (with a 3.9 at present), and decided to CHANGE MY LIFE. The ONLY ONE who can change anyone is thereself. NOW I AM IN CONTROL!

Anyone who thinks really good looking guys ALWAYS do well with the ladies are mistaken. People tell me I look like a model (I do, my pics on Hot or Not got 8.8 and 9.3) but I have never been laid. Beautiful women do not approach. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO. It is all good because NOW I WILL!

I started becoming more outgoing a few months ago, talking to people at school, stores, whatever.... And eyecontact is not a problem anymore. I can stare into a beautiful womens eyes forever, no problem.

This past couple months I have studied various seduction methods. I have read, listened to, and watched DVDs of Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo, Mystery, Style, Tyler Durden, Dr. Paul, Mike Pilinski, Derek Vitalio, Louis & Copeland, Gunwitch, David Shade, Cliff\'s List, and Maniac. I have also read posts on Fast Seduction and So Suave. I also have read THE DJ BIBLE. My education has improved immensely. Now I need experience and to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

About a week ago I started doing approaches. Here is where it begins.

Approach #1

Mall Movie Store- I started talking to this hb (I do not do numbers) who WORKED there asking about her favorite movies. We had some good conversation, I made some ****y & funny but eventually ejected because I was REAL green!

Approach #2 (Same day)

Mall Clothing Store- Saw a HB talking with her friend (****block). They separated. She was looking at some earings, and I told her to try a pair that I pointed to. I made some funny comments to her in the store. Her and her friend left and I said \"You are not even going to say goodbye?\" They laughed and said goodbye.

Approach #3 Last Friday

Went To Borders bookstore. Finally saw a blonde hb come in with older guy. I did not know if he was her dad or her DADDY! I waited for him and her to separate. Not using the 3 second rule for this one. I went over next to her in the travel section and used a situational opener. \"Boy, all these books on different countries makes me want to go on vacation.\" She laughed and agreed. She turned to me and started talking about going on a class trip to Spain. Her pupils were HUGE. She acted nervous and was laughing at everything I said. She was even playing with her hair! Unfortunately, she told me she was a junior in high school. Big red flag! Uncle Justin doesn\'t need a lawsuit! EJECT!

Approach #4 Saturday

Cousins Wedding Reception- Seen hb checking me out in my Walmart suit. Started blowing bubbles next to me. One hit me and I said, \"Hey where did you get the bubbles?\"
HB: Blah, blah
Me: That makes me mad! I want some bubbles!
HB: LOL Blah, blah
We talked her hb sister came by and I talked to her too! I had to eject because we were lining up for the reception. Later, I talked to these sisters again, finding out they were from Michigan, and my mom ejected me ruining a possible chance for a one night stand!

Approach #5 Saturday (STILL at wedding)

Approached drunk hb in cake line, asking \"Do you eat cake?\" She said yeah and IMMEDIATELY put her arm around me, starting kino on ME! We got cake and sat down. This chic was all over me, escalating kino before I knew what was going on! She would rub my back, talk REALLY close to me, and rub her face against mine! IOI GALORE! She even walked with me to get a beer, rubbing my back and touchin my ass! She poured MY BEER! She even asked me how many girls I have been with. I lied and told her a few ;). Was going well at a table by ourselves when her mom came along and ejected her. She was from Florida, so it would of HAD to be a one night stand! She was BEGGING her mother to let her stay!vvOh, so close! I did giver her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Approach #6 Monday

Borders again- Approached HB in magazine section looking at computer mags. Told her \"Geez, they have magazines on everything now!\" Opened up a conversation on how she was looking to by a computer. Somehow her having a daughter in COLLEGE came up and I decided not to close. She was hot but I DO HAVE STANDARDS! NEXT!

Approach #7 Monday

Mall again- Approached 2 semi-HBs in clothing store. Used \"Womens opinion\" opener on 2 belts I found. They seemed very glad to give me their opinion. Weren\'t as hot as I thought they were from afar. Next!

Approach #8 Monday

Still Mall- Seen a hb working at wig store all by herself READING! Approached and said something about the wigs being cool and how it would be funny to try them on. I also said something about Sean Connery in a toupee as James Bond. We talked for about 2 HOURS!!! I got her email address after about 5 minutes though... (she wouldn\'t give me her number) She seemed thrilled to have company, but talked about her ex-boyfriend a little and how she does not want to date for a while... I emailed her, maybe a flake, but next time I WILL NOT INVEST THAT MUCH TIME IN A PU!!!

Approach #9 Today

Best Buy electronics store- Decide to find a hb there. Found one who woked there in DVD section. She asked \"Do you need help looking for something?\" and, of course, I ran with that making jokes on her DVD cart, asking her opinions on movies, talking about her interest in Japan, and Art School. All in about 5 minutes this time! I got her email (wouldn\'t give me her number) and ejected!
It looks like you did good on the approaches.But your f*cken 20 years old still a virgin and you just started becoming a DJ after 20 years!Dude I know your past was torrible but being 20years old and still being a virgin go to a strip club or even pick a prostitute.Your a f*cken troll or a pathetic guy if your wondering why im calling you this I\'ll explain to you later,its 3:66AM and Im tired of being on the computer so i\'ll get some sleep.Tommorow ill explain why,good night!
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, what happened? You meet a few people through the internet, some Russian girl, and something else? Did that go anywhere? What's going on?

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Actually all the girls I have closed have flaked so far. It's all good! :) I have approached about 30+ girls sense me and Blackdragon got together. I have approached alone, with my wing Jason, and tonight with Jason and Blackdragon.

Tonight, we got blown off a few times by some rude ass girls, but we just laughed! One girl had attitude and Blackdragon pointed it out to her. One UG with HB told us to stop checking them out, *****ing at me, just being hateful. (We were not evben looking at her) I told her "I like you too!" And we walked away. These 2 guys at Walmart with three girls called us faggots as they walked by. I felt like stealing their girlfriends, the insecure bastards! I just smiled at them though! I have been working on building attraction and rapport to make the odds of them not flaking better.

As for my approaches, I use situational openers, canned openers, ****y funny, and just keep it fun and not serious. Girls have been approaching me too because of my PIMP ass belt buckle I got from Hot Topic. Peacocking works! I also pactice things on the girls I work with to find out what works. I am still green at this but I go out there. I will succeed, and when it rains, it pours! It's all GOOD! :) Give me some useful tips on cool openers/routines/****y funny and approach advice if you would like. I know- get the f-ing phone #. I have been closing/getting rejected. It takes time to get from 0 to 60. In a few months I believe I will be used to closing, because I am already getting used to cold approaches.
they went from scary to fun pretty quickly. I believe closing comes natural when you build up enough rapport. Every time I have done it so far it seemed to just come out of nowhere without a good phase shift or enough rapport. It has just been like: opener, ****y funny joke, ask questions about them, then I say "Do you have email? Yes? Write it down. What is your phone number? I have to go. Later!" I do not think I build enough attraction or build enough rapport. Catching a girl is like catching a fish. You first throw the bait, then you hook them, then you real them in slowly, then you got your fish. I just kinda throw out the bait then then reel the line as fast as I can before they are fully hooked. They get away every time. I need to do as Mystery does. Open, build attaction, build comfort (rapport), then close/seduce. If I am wrong please correct me. Thanks.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
That was funny man when that ugly girl got mad because we were checking out her friend. LoL
Having wing is tons of fun. You don't care if your rejected or if girls react nasty towards you. Too much fun.
You just laugh at girls who throw up bitc h shields. I gotta work on doing more talking I'm getting used to apporaching in the mall. ( gotta start closing )

You guys should see this justman. He apporaches pretty fast. Mad girls were looking at his belt.
1 girl was like dude that belt is awsome. And ketp talking about.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Hey, all three of us made approaches at Victoria's Secret! THATY takes some balls!

Canned openers we use:

Hey guys, I need a womans opinion. Who lies more, men or women?
Blah, blah
Who lies better, men or women?
Blah, blah
Het you guys look like powerpuff girls!

Hey I need to find some clothes for my sister. Can you help me? Jason used this a couple times.

Excuse me. I need a woman's opinion. What (clothes) look good on me/should I get/do you find attractive?

Blackdragon carries around a bottle of cologne and opens with that.

I also come up with ****y funny situational openers on the spot. Like the other day I asked a girl behind a jewelry counter full of watches if there were any watches here? She just laughed and laughed!

So what do you think about our openers?


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
The JustMan said:
Hey, all three of us made approaches at Victoria's Secret! THATY takes some balls!

Canned openers we use:

Hey guys, I need a womans opinion. Who lies more, men or women?
Blah, blah
Who lies better, men or women?
Blah, blah
Het you guys look like powerpuff girls!

Hey I need to find some clothes for my sister. Can you help me? Jason used this a couple times.

Excuse me. I need a woman's opinion. What (clothes) look good on me/should I get/do you find attractive?

Blackdragon carries around a bottle of cologne and opens with that.

I also come up with ****y funny situational openers on the spot. Like the other day I asked a girl behind a jewelry counter full of watches if there were any watches here? She just laughed and laughed!

So what do you think about our openers?
The watches one is genious. You can use it all sorts situatins too.