I am in a similar situation as well. And mine was a long distance relationship too. After 5 months, she decided to go back to her abusive, violent ex husband. Yes she was divorced eight months ago. But it felt so natural that I had began to feel that we were in the beginning ıf something real. I hadn't felt like a transitional guy, rebound guy. Like your situation, Rod, I received the warning three weeks before the end: mixed feelings, hesitations... What was a very sincere relationship began to become different, detached day by day. The thing is that I am almost sure that she didn't take this decision by herself, but it was imposed on her by her family. My first thoughts were to fly to her country and support her, motivate her about the future.. But I quickly realized that it would be a mistake.. It's so hard to distance myself from our routines, our talks, her smile and caring attitude. If I believed that she left me on her freewill, I wouldn't think about her even for a second. But my problem is that I seriously think that she was manipulated into this choice.. I can't help but think that she will eventually realize her mistake and contact me again.. Did you have any development on your situation Rod?