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The Journey - My road to becoming a PUA


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
OR/FR (outing report/field report): popping my walk-up "cherry"
Date: 9/10/04

A little late in posting, but here it is.

I've broken this OR/FR into parts to make it all easier for you to read.

Wow, what a weird night.

-Part 1: Cafe Iguana
Okay, so at about 11pm, i decide to drive 45 minutes to another county - Pembroke Pines, and go to Cafe Iguana. That's a club/bar/poolhall. I was really ****ing nervous, and had to be encouraged by the guys on the PUA chat.

So, following their advice, i drink a little before I go in. I see some girls I'd like to approach. Still don't have the guts yet. So I drink about 4 Parrot Bay & Cokes, and approach one, tap her on the shoulder, and nod over to the dance floor. She shakes her head as if to say "no thanks".

Feeling bad now, I drink two more Parrot Bay & Cokes, a Corona, and approach one more. Again, shot down the same exact way.

God, does those even count as "approaches"? Jesus, I am such a *****.

At this point (3am), I get badly discouraged, so I leave. Mind you, this took place in the span of 3 HOURS. Two girls in three hours. Damn that's pitiful.

-Part 2: HBPunk
Anyway, I'm so drunk right now that I don't think it's a good idea to drive. So I call up HBPunk, a really horny chick I met online a few months ago and then had phone sex with. She lives very far away, though... and she's 16 and is the singer for a punk rock band, and wants to drop out. So we get to talking, and I tell her to take off her light, get naked, and lay down. Then we have phone sex. Afterwards, she mentions she might be coming down to Pembroke Pines this week or next week. She says she'll call me, and we can maybe hookup. She's going to mail me a picture of herself first. She loves my voice, and says that I am amazing. We'll see where that goes.

-Part 3: HBFriend
So, after we finish up at about 5am, and I get a voicemail from HB8Friend(19). She is a friend of mine, but we ****ed last year. She keeps wanting to get high again, and I know she ends up ****ing when she's high (her choice, not taken advantage of). But I can't smoke because I have a lot of job interviews lining up soon, and I don't want to trade my livelihood for one night of *****. Turns out she was in the same county at a different club, and wanted to meet up - damn, about 5 hours too late.

Whatever. I call her back and she answers. We end up going to Miami Beach to watch the sunrise (she wanted to toke, but I said no) while I boogieboard in jeans. She tells me that she tells all of her friends about me, how I'm so ****ing great, not that I'm a "nice person", but really cool - good hearted, but really "interesting". She also says it's interesting how I zone in and out of her life (meaning I go months without calling her, then suddenly we start to hang out every other week, and so on). She says her current boyfriend was jealous of me, too, when she says that "oh man, I love Nocturnal". That, and although we share sex stories (and I don't get jealous, oddly enough), every time she's with a guy, she hesitates to tell me where she is if the guy can hear her, as if she were having an affair with me or something.

She asks about my ex - I just got out of a LTR3years - and I tell her about it. Side note: My exLTR3years and I watched HBFriend have sex in a hotel room with her boyfriend (one of my best friends at the time). I was down to ****, but my ex got a little weirded out. Anyway, so then HBFriend then starts describing her perfect guy, which sounds a lot like me, but it could be my loneliness adding meaning to her words. Is the trying to give me a message here, or am I just misinterpreting? Maybe when I'm drunk I'll try something and use that as an excuse if she isn't into it. Or would that be AFC behavior? Maybe I should just go for a kiss and if she pulls away, I could just say I was curious. What do you guys think I should do? Let me know.

By the way, she was about to show me her bare ass, and show that even though it's gotten a little bigger (and REALLY nice - this chick has a hot body - tits are a bit small, though, and she's a little taller than me, but the entire package is VERY NICE), she claims still has no cellulite - but then people started showing up. Last time she did something like that, she wanted to show me her shaved *****, and then she grabbed my hair and pulled me into it. Damn, I've got to **** her again. Her first bf (my friend) was/is a natural, and all the other guys she dates end up being rich (although she doesn't know it at first usually... they just happen to be the ones who approach her), or sometimes PUAs who she ends up dumping, because they fall in love with her. Uh oh, sounds like Nocturnal is about to get one-itis. I can hear all of you now: "NO NOCTURNAL! TURN BACK! TURN BACK WHILE YOU STILL CAN!" We'll see where that goes.

I don't game this chick by the way. She's hot, I'd like to **** her a lot, but I see her as a "friend". Weird. Maybe I should reverse her own game on her and tell her about another "friend" who I'm so down with and we hang all the time, and that she's falling for me, and I think I'm going to fall for her. Maybe that will make her start to wonder more about me.

Anyway, I just got back from the beach, it's about 9:30am as I'm writing this. I'm going to go to sleep.

I'll update you all later.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
OR/FR: Another Miserable Failure
Date: 9/18/04

I've broken this OR/FR into parts to make it all easier for you to read.

This sucks.

-Part 1: Pembroke Lakes Mall
I go to the Mall at about 8pm, to try and establish some eye contact and maybe say Hi and have a short conversation with some girls. After about 45 minutes, I leave. I got no eye contact, and the only girl who bothered to look at me and say Hi was a clerk in Pacific Sunwear. What a failure. Am I really that ugly? At this point I'm not discouraged, I just decided that to get eye contact I should maybe get an interesting T-shirt or something that will draw attention.

-Part 2: Walgreens
My eyes are pretty red from the contacts, so I drive to a Walgreens to buy some eyedrops. In front of me in the line, there is a blond HBugly. WTF is an HBugly, you might ask. An HBugly is a woman who by all standards could have been or probably WAS hot 10 years ago, but the alcohol and/or sun exposure and/or drugs has caught up with her. Anyway, I figure what the hell - I point to a tiger tattoo on her shoulder and say "Does that mean anything?" She turns to me and says "What do you mean?" And I mention how most tattoos to people have a special meaning. And she says kind of, that she knows where she was and who gave it to her, but that's all. We fluff about candy for a minute, pay for our stuff, and leave. I think I am better when I don't go out to specifically pick up a woman. The last time I picked up a woman (although I never closed any of them) was hanging out at a Barnes & Noble. Hey, Barnes & Noble - what a good idea. So I head over there.

-Part 3: Barnes & Noble
I am in Barnes & Noble for 1 hour. I do nothing until 55 minutes into being there. I am hovering near some girl in the Philosophy section, and about to ask her what she's reading, and then some guy shows up. I say "**** this" and I leave. At this point I am getting really discouraged. Plus, the places I was going to go are now closed. So I head on over to a 24-hour Wal-Mart in Cooper City. I am determined to stay there until I get at least one PU.

-Part 4: Wal-Mart
I left after an hour. I walked around, got eye-contact with one HB7 and forgot to say Hi. I justified it because she was with her little brother (or son?). OMG, I am scared of a girl's little brother. I am such a wussy. I now realize why I haven't been able to sleep the past few nights. It's not that I'm lonely, it's that I'm worse at the game than I thought I was. I always had my neighbor to ****, but with her it was part luck and part her being a slut - and nothing to do with my PU skills. Unfortunately, she moved. I am discouraged at this point, so I go to the gas station to get gas and head home.

-Part 5: Mirror-Image?
At the gas station, this small hispanic guy, probably early 20's, approaches me and says "Hey man, I'm not gonna rob you or anything, but could you give me a ride to Hiatus Road? I'll give you $10 - It's just down the street, and my boy ditched me..." etc. I tell him to keep his money, he disagrees, so I say fine. In the car, we make some small talk, and I have a pen in my hand at all times, and keep an eye on any stab openings, just in case. But I drop him off at this pool hall, and then he actually invites me to play with him. I say sure (it's not like I've been doing anything else). He buys me a pitcher of beer and goes over and talks to two complete strangers, this black man and his Hispanic GF/wife. We play them pool, and this guy has them laughing and eating **** with him. And here I am, all alone, can't make a ****ing move towards a girl. Fate is ironic.

So I leave, he gives me his number, I get his, and he calls me on the way home and tells me to call him tomorrow. I am using this guy as a social ticket, and I'm sure he's using me as a ride or something. Apparently he can get into big name clubs at South Beach because he's friends with certain bouncers - as friendly as he is, I don't doubt it.

I am very discouraged and feel emasculated. At least writing these Field Reports makes me feel somewhat better, and gives me a glimmer of hope that I'm make slow and eventual progress. I'm disappointed with myself, though, so I'm going to go workout at Porky's (a 24-hr gym), and make progress in at least ONE area of my life tonight.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
FR: Workplace Game
Date: 9/20/04

-Part 1: On needing a reason to talk to a girl
I work in a Barnes & Noble. This is great for meeting women, because they have to come up to me for help, so it's almost like THEY approached me, so that part of the equation is gone, and so is my anxiety.

Yet, when I attempt to approach women outside of this, I feel that I need to have a reason why I go up and talk to them. As Shark would say, I need to have an "excuse". Anyone have any advice on how to counter feeling this way? It's not as easy for me to just think a different way... I have to have a justified reason to my self. I need to fill in these blanks:

I see an HB I want to approach. I don't get nervous, this is because I know I can approach the HB because _________. Whether or not she's not into me, __________.

(I had typed "rejected" instead of "not into me", but changed it. She's not actually rejecting me, she's just not into me, correct?)

-Part 2: HBFalcon
Anyway... one of the customers I help is HBFalcon8. Falcon because her last name is falcon, and she LOOKS like a falcon: graceful and severe at the same time. Not a *****y face, not a sweet face, and with some mischief hidden in her eyes. She is giving me IOI's or she naturally has that face, where a guy can think a girl is giving him IOI's. Whatever. After learning her last name, I tell her:

Me: Your name suits you.
HBFalcon: My name zoots-su?
Me: No, your name SUITS YOU.
HBFalcon: Oh whoops. (smiles, stares at me)
Me: (laughs at her) WHAT did you think I said?
HBFalcon: (smiles) I dunno. Some weird language thing.
Me: Riiiiight. No, I meant you look like your name. You look like a falcon.
HBFalcon: (eyes widen with curiousity) Really? Why?
Me: I don't know, there's just something about you. Something... almost evil.
HBFalcon: (laughs... God she looks ****ing beautiful) Yeah well, maybe. I've had kind of a rough day.
Me: Yeah. (packs her stuff in her bag, hands it to her) Alright well, see you evil one.
HBFalcon: (smiles, leaves)

NOOO!!!! I could have picked up on "I've had a bad day" and continued conversation, but I didn't. Why?
1) My boss was 10 feet away from me.
2) There was a line (I was the cashier)
3) Didn't think about it.

Crap. Oh well, maybe I'll see her again (as usually happens with the girls I used to meet), maybe I won't. Then who knows.

-Part 3: My discovery of "The Scrutinizing Look"
I had read somewhere last night about the scrutinizing look you should give women. To quote: "the type of look that a painter looks at his canvas when he steps back to 'scrutinize' his finished masterpiece" or something like that. Stuck with me a bit.

Today, I did it quite by accident to one girl, and she smiled. She's walking towards the exit, I'm at the cash registers, and we make eye contact for a second. I think she is someone I know, but I can't tell, so I 'scrutinize' her (squint my eyes just a bit, but focus more at what your watching) and she smiles at me while she is walking out. I couldn't tell if she was a HB5 or a HB7. That's why I was trying to focus.

Hmmm... lesson learned, quite by accident.

Not bad, not good. I think it's better for me to BE a PUA/DJ instead of going out at nights or on weekends trying to ACT like one for a mission. Maybe this attitude, the constantly being ON, will help my game improve much faster.

"Don't hate the player, don't hate the game. Go **** yourself instead, and leave me alone."


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
FR/PR: Daily Practice
Date: 9/22/04

The PR I have is called a Practice Report. Practice means that I'm not going out specifically to meet women, I just test out the openers when I'm at work, school, etc. Of course, at work I am limited a bit, since I don't want to get accused of sexual harrassment. As Gunwitch (I think) pointed out to me, you can't get good at driving if you drive one day a week. You have to drive every day, at least a little bit. The same with women. So, I've become nearly obsessive about where and how I can approach women - the answer is everywhere and the how's are on this board and others.

Here goes...

-Part 1: Getting the "Look"
I initiate eye contact with a girl I knew from Miami-Dade Community College. I used to always see her in the gym. We recognize each other, but I do the whole scrutinize her with my eyes thing, and squint. This gets a smile, so I decide to lock this look onto my face when I'm around women.

-Part 2: I pop my approach "cherry"
I hover around this one HB, waiting around for everyone else to leave, because I am terrified of people overhearing me. Then I remember Sharks words - "Are you afraid people will know that you **** chicks?" I finally grab my sack, and due to some realizations on my part last night (mentioned at the end of this FR/PR, as well as the previous encouragement from other forum members, I approach her.

"Hey! (She turns around)
I need a female opinion on something. Who cheats more, guys or girls?"
I follow up with:
"Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend?" (She wanted to but didn't)
"Has a guy ever cheated on you?" (No, not that she knows of)
"Not to be too graphic here, but you know a **** is shaped the way it is to pull out other guy's sperm... and some sperm are meant to kill other sperm?" (LOL Maybe that was pushing it, but **** it, she didn't seem to mind)
We get into a brief conversation, and I notice as I become more comfortable with her, the less attractive she becomes to me (or the less power her attractiveness has over me). Weird. After a while, she has to go to the cafe to study, and I say, alright well thanks.

YAY! I count this as my first actual approach.

-Part 3: Confidence affects my automatic behavior
My ego is boosted and I am slightly more confident because I had the balls to approach a girl. Thus, when I'm ringing up a woman at the cashiers, the following takes place. She is a B, not a HB. I look at her eyes, and without intending to "approach" her, I say:
"Wow, are those your real eyes?"
"They're beautiful." (I said this slowly, and looking straight into her eyes. I wasn't even TRYING to do that. It came about naturally as a result of a confidence boost from my first approach. Normally I would have said something more neutral, like "yeah they're kind of nice")
"Thank you."- She smiles shyly and leaves.

-Part 4: Hesistation and it's results
I see this girl I want to approach, but I am waiting for her to get out of line. I end up assisting her in looking for a book. Then I bust the opener, but it wasn't really "opening" her. We get into a brief conversation, but it stalls when the details get a little deeper (how she cheated on her bf, and he cheated on her) and I don't want to run the risk of offending someone while on the job - otherwise I would have tried to find out her whole life story.
I need to come up with some neutral topics to prolong the conversation, yet keep her interested in the conversation and enjoying herself, any ideas?

-Part 5: Sticking to my guns
I nearly make an excuse to not approach this one cute little skater chick, and there are people like 5 feet away from her, checking out other books. I am afraid they might hear me. BUT, I man up, and open her, maybe talking a little too fast, and say "Hey, I need a female opinion. Who cheats more, guys or girls?" She replies "Um... no hablo ingles" Then, in halting English she says "Maybe I understand if you speak slow." I repeat the question and she says "Guys." I feel a little discouraged because I don't want to try so hard to open if she can barely understand me. So I say thanks, and leave. I walk away and then think, maybe this could be a learning experience, so I turn around and go up to her and say "Okay, why?" She shrugs, and doesn't answer. I am done with this one. I say thanks and leave.

-Part 6: Discovery of a good compliment
Later on, my boss, who is sexy as hell, and we always have C&F banter, accuses me of slacking. I say "You're the funniest woman I've ever met."

And she says "Thank you! No one's ever said that to me before." I think it had a good effect, and that type of compliment I can use on any woman

(when the time is right) and they will feel great.

-Part 7: Cute story/joke to tell girls.
"Girls pee in the beach. You can tell because they are all tightly wound up as they're walking into the water, and as soon as they get in, they get this relaxed look on their face and they sigh - this is when they pee." My cousin told me this, although in a funnier way, with body language and gestures, and when I told this to some co-workers they busted out laughing and said, it's so true! I think this is a good one for young chicks in the 18-25 age range. Older might get offended by it.

So, my score is: 2 approaches. I need about at least 23 more, or however many it takes for me to be comfortable approaching anywhere. I need to find a wider array of openers, though.

What drove me to do this:

I looked back on the time of when I was a freshman in high school. I saw the drumline and was like oh wow, they are good, I don't think I'll ever be able to drum THAT fast. I got put playing the xylophones, which was a cool experience, but I was downtrodden a lot whenever I used to see the drumline play, while I was stuck playing the geeky ass xylophone. I practiced that year like a maniac. If I had to write with my right hand, I'd
practice my left hand. If I took a ****, I would take a practice pad and drumsticks and practice. I'd practice while watching TV. During classes I would practice. During lunch I would practice. While waiting for a ride I'd practice. I'd even practice AFTER practice. It was my obsession. When I could, I got some of the other drummers to work with me. Sometimes I just went to watch them play and tried to learn by ear. I went to websites and learned some exercises, and practiced some more. I loved it. By my sophomore year, I was really good at drumming. I made the drumline that year (and became one of the best players there), and everyone was like wow, and happy for me. After I became a bad-ass, I had the option to do Drum Corps for Boston Crusaders - not the best in the country, but a very good drumline. Drum Corps is like a professional marching band, and even the worst players there blow away really good players. I even started teaching drumming for a while. Here's where this is relevant.

I parallel this to becoming a PUA/DJ. I beceme great at things when I get obsessed and commit myself to it. So instead of my previous scientific approach of going to a club, or a county away once a weekend, I am trying to do it every chance I get. If I'm not on the field, I'll be theorizing. Of course, I have to balance this with college courses, too, but damn this is a much better approach. Okay, so instead of studying like I'm supposed to
now, I'll do like I did in high school and look for some more openers.

This is ****ing great.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
FR/PR: Another try at sarging
Date: 9/23/04

I was using the Opinion opener today, since that's all I've had. I'm trying to make this automatic, and without the slightest hesitation, because I still pause before I appraoch a girl. I'm doing this at work, so I can't always follow the 3s rule (I might be with a customer), so I just open as soon as I get a chance. Also, this is the main content of my interaction with the girls, no number exchanges, no names. I'm just getting myself to be able to approach like it's nothing.

-Part 1: My first 2 set
I see these two girls with this one average guy. I go up to them later, and as I'm about to open, the guy leaves. I was looking forward to seeing how a guy in the group would react to me opening his friends. Anyway, ask the question, get an answer, say bye. This doesn't sound like much, but read my second FR in the bootcamp ("another miserable failure") and you'll see that for me, it's a mission itself just to become comfortable approaching girls.

-Part 2: HBmarried & HBspanish
Open a chick, and then I see a rock the size of Texas on her finger. Anyway, I'm not closing yet, just opening. I open another chick, and I run into the same problem as yesterday. She doesn't speak much english, so I have to explain the word cheat to her. I follow my own advice from yesterday, and actually stick to my guns this time, following up with the "Why?" or "What makes you think that?" and "Have you ever cheated, has a guy ever cheated on you?" thing.

At this point I start to wonder about a few things.
- I should increase kino upon first meeting.
- I need to come up with a transition or be able to follow up with more stuff

I almost didn't approach these girls for some reason. Although the fear was't tangible, I decided that I was just making excuses, which is a more subtle way in which fear can sabotage you. Since starting to open girls, I've discovered that I'm suddenly less inhibited, and that my C&F remarks around people I know have improved.

-Part 3: HBBlonde & HBbigtits
This one was a little harder for me because I was severely attracted to her, and it made me hesitant. She was kind of stand-offish. After asking the question, I didn't follow up much, and I ejected quickly. When she was leaving the store, and I was there, she pretended not to notice me.

I hesistated a lot with HBbigtits, and had two false attempts. Eventually I grabbed my sack and just did it. With her I was able to prolong after the initial opener by asking "What are you studying?" since she had a book in front of her. I ejected sooner than I could have, touching her arm and saying she procrastinated. On her way out, she smiled and waved at me.

Unfortuantely, I hesistated later on and missed an awesome 2-set. ****.

-Part 4: HBcolorguard & HBtonedbody

I opened this girl. After the initial opener, I prolonged the conversation by commenting on the shirt she was wearing, which represented her school. She is a senior in high school, and reminds me very much of HBFriend, and I discovered she was on the color guard. Since I actually knew what color guard was, we got into a conversation about who she knew and stuff. Unfortunately, I didn't elicit values on that stuff. I should have asked why she liked it so much, what was the best parts, etc. If I was closing I could have said "Hey when's your next practice/football game, I'll come see you." Or is that an AFC thing to do (come watch a girl during practice, and I have no interaction with her - never mind, I answered my own question)?

At this point I came up with a good idea for initiating some kino - the palm reading gimmick. I could intro this by saying "OMG, you know what your hands are saying about you right now? Gimme your hand for a second, (grab it, slow and calm, trace lines with fingertip)..." Hmmm.. maybe next time.

I opened HBtonedbody and she seemed kind of on her guard. She was playing with her hair, though, but wouldn't face me directly. I kept turning away from her to see the effect of me pulling back/turning away, and it had a medium effect, but nothing to piss my pants about. We ended up having another conversation about male./female roles, and I just was so annoyed with her body language towards me that I told her I had to get back to work.

I used to do a lot of things to impress people I know. In fact, that was one of my first motivations for becoming a PUA/DJ. Now I'm just doing it for myself, since I masturbate much less (2-3 times a day to 2-3 times in 3 days). I didn't even care when my co-workers would stare and ogle the HBtonedbody when she walked by. This is great. And I don't have to brag to anyone anymore... I can just do that here, and actually get useful feedback or flamed (which will keep me aware of when to draw the line).

Holy crap, that's 7 approaches in 8 hours (Hey, I'm at work, too). And the 2-set at the beginning counts as 1 approach. Wow, this is not much, but compare this to my first two FR's.

So I'm up to 9 approaches so far. Yay.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
FR: Short report, for once
Date: 9/26/04

HB 6.5
Ah, she had on tight red pants, a slinky black top, and a PINK bookbag... wtf. Anyway open her with the only one I have, opinion on who cheats more. Want to see how far I get when I just improv it, so..

I take a look at the book in her hand and reach over and pluck it. I say, ooh why are you reading this? She closes off to me, and pretends to look for another book on the shelf, just so she can kind of turn away from me while she's answering. So I just say thanks and eject.

Ah well, no hard feelings towards her. She is a small but important part in the process of my self-improvement.

Thanks rejection chick.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and

missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. "
--Michael Jordan

FR/FU: Relapse
Date: 9/30/04

I had planned to go to Walmart/Walgreens tonight to do some massive sarging. But the guy I spoke to about the Miami LAIR calls me up after I get out of class, and we decide to meet up to get to know the group.

-Part 1: Meeting Greg and Miguel
I meet them at TGI Fridays restaurant across from UM. The girls passing by are ****ing hot, and pay us no attention - would be a great place to sarge once I get good enough. HBFriend's ex used to work there, and the guy was a natural DJ... unfortunately he's now celibate as he's mad at the world for contracting herpes (even though he wore a condom... he went down on some girl). ANYWAY...

I meet Miguel. He seems normal enough. He's ALMOST below average looking. But from what Greg told me later, he's pretty good, due to:
1) He doesn't care, and it shows in his body language and demeanor
2) He's picky
3) He's very social, so talking to a girl is no different than talking to a guy for him

Then Greg shows up. OMG, what a nerd. His shirt is tucked in tight, and his jeans are about an inch too short, showing his white socks over his black shoes. Yikes. The first thought that runs through my head is "****, I hope these guys don't screw up my game..."
...Oh, the ironies of life.

After we eat and chat, Miguel decides to call it a night, and Greg comes up with the idea of sarging at Coconut Grove. I'm reluctant, but I eventually agree.

-Part 2: The Grove
OMFG, there are SO MANY fine chicks here. All over the place, like ants.

As we're walking, Greg tries to stop a 2set by walking backward and saying "Have you ever had a perfect moment..." They look at him, and keep walking. I'm thinking "Damn, what a ****ing lame-ass."
Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder pipes up "It's more than you're doing, *****."

Greg tries to get me to approach so many girls, but I back out on all of them. He's correcting my body language by separating my hands when I cross them in front of me, and telling me to slow down my drinking - I look nervous. At this point I am nervous because I'm afraid someone might see him touching me and assume I'm gay. Dammit, why can't I get rid of that **** already!!!

Later, in the final bar we go to, he opens another chick in a 2set while I sit and watch a few feet away. I use the tactic of pretending to be on my cell phone - wow, how WBAFC of me. They are chatting, she's smiling and enjoying the attention, and then he comes back to me. She wasn't that hot, but he still did it like nothing, just to show me. I develop a new respect for this guy.

In clubs, I feel out of place - all the guys there are taller, more muscular, and more manly-looking than me. Christ, my balls just dropped a few weeks ago (no, literally, they used to be kind of close to my body, now I look like a ****ing Rottweiler... bow down to my massive, swinging sack).

Eventually I get up the nerve to do an approach Greg suggested. I go up to a 3set, and tell them that my friend over there thinks HB6 is really cute, but is a bit shy... would it be alright if he came and talked to you? She has a boyfriend, so I eject. I realize I could have stayed and rolled with it, but my massive, swinging sack didn't feel so massive nor loose at the moment. I walk around trying to gather the courage to approach another set.

Then, right as we're about to leave, I make one last desperate attempt. I open up a 5set (or a 3set and a 2set sitting next to each other) with my canned opinion opener. They answer then I get the cold shoulder while I'm trying to follow up.

Then I ask the couple next to me, who cheats more guys or girls. The guy looks at me and says, "ME".

There, I did my horrible club approach, so I leave. On the way out, this 2set is coming towards me and Greg. I say the same opener, they completely ****ing ignore me... I even reach out and touch one girl's arm and say HEY

To save face, I turn to the two guys next to me and ask them that. They look at me like I'm a ****ing freak and blow me off. Without thinking, I blurt out "Alright, well **** you then." And turn around. I don't think they heard me, or else I would have gotten in a fight.

It's time for Greg to go home, so we get ready to leave. I am steaming at myself for *****ing out like that. So I vow to go to Walmart and complete my original plan anyway, although it's late and I'm severely sleep deprived.

-Part 3: Walmart
I drive to Walmart, and when I park, I just lean back for a few minutes. I open my eyes, and 45 minutes have passed, and I'm ****ing disoriented, and have no idea where I am - oh yeah, Walmart. My stubborn ass walks in there at 3:15am on a Thursday night, expecting to find people to approach. It's completely empty. Maybe one customer in the entire store... oh no, wait, he works here, too.

I say **** this, I buy a caffeine drink and leave, I come here and write this FR as I hang my head in shame.

-Part 4: Reflections
That opinion opener sucks. It was great for popping my cherry but now I need to move on.
Me: Hey, sucky opener.
Sucky opener: Yeah? !
Sucky opener: *cries*

I need to be more social in general. I'm going to have to shift gears here and start talking to everyone like the world is my house, and it's my birthday.

My inner game needs a lot of work. 'Nuff said.


P.S. Believe me guys, I'm as disappointed (or more) in this Field Report as you are.

P.P.S. On the bright side, HBFriend still doesn't respond to my advances, although we're comfortable resting our hands on each others parts (my **** and her ass). She wants me to take her to Miami Velvet - she's single now, and really wants to go. Miami Velvet, by the way, is a swinger's club.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
ONE – 1/15
2005 started out very different from 2004 for me. On December 23rd, I dumped Debbie. After three years of fight, arguments, and lots of attraction, I decided to let her go, so I could become who I want to be, not who she wanted me to be. I also started out the year with a new job - substitute teaching for Elementary schools, after a two year stint at Barnes & Noble. The second weekend of January, I had a workshop with Robert, aka Nightlife. This was a workshop on picking up women, using mainly body language. Although I am no PUA at this writing, I made more progress in that workshop than I've ever made with all of my studying. I spent that weekend with Rob, Javi, and TC on the Grove and South Beach. On the second and third nights, I ended with one set that was really into me, but on both occasions I got AMOG'ed.

It's 3:30 AM on Saturday now, I just came back from Downtown Miami, a place called the Pawn Shop. It was a fun club, and I think 18+ - I've gotta go back sometime. I started the night by opening a group of semi-gothic girls, who weren't really that attractive. I didn't get any attraction or rapport with them. Some girl grabbed my hand when I was walking around the club, and I didn't take advantage of it. A few really pretty ones gave me extended eye contact, and I didn't take advantage of it. I got eye contact from a UG, and I didn't take advantage of it. At the very end of the night, though, about an hour ago, I got extended eye contact from this one blond, and I took advantage of it. I HAD to do something, so I went up really close and said in her ear, "You're adorable, what's your name?" "Abby!" "I'm going to dance, wanna come with me?" "I have to go with my friends." She said this with a smile, and I knew she was glad I approached her, but that was it. That's exactly how I should have approached those other girls - direct, and romantic. Oh, and before that, I was outside with TC, and I asked this 2-set if there's anyplace around here that's fun, and the cuter one said "My house!" but her friend dragged her away. Oh well.

Maybe that's a role I can play well at some clubs - the romantic hero. That would probably work really well with anyone giving me extended eye contact. I know I'm going to start getting a LOT of IOI's, because I'm working out, and growing my hair, and getting REALLY attractive. So that is going to make things about ten times easier. Anyway, tomorrow I am going to sarge Aventura Mall with some other guys and I might sarge at a Latin Festival tomorrow with Jose.

I wish I could take a workshop with both Nightlife AND BadBoy... but maybe another program or workshop isn't what I need. Let me work on what I've learned so far, and go as far as I can with that before shelling out any more money - I already owe Rob $325.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
TWO – 1/21
Alright, so I didn’t go out last time, but I did just go out tonight. I met up with Pavel, Juan and Fabio tonight, and went down to a place called “The District”. It was alright, the music was too mainstream alternative ****, and I couldn’t get into it. I did approach like 7-8 sets, and one went okay, but it wasn’t really MY set, I was more like a wing.

So here are some notes for myself. Remember to stay calm even when I am really hyped up. I was ****ing crazy tonight, because I had gotten hyped up in my car, plus as a way to keep myself warm. But that didn’t help any sarges at all. It almost like I only actually sarged like -5 sets, and just talked to some other people at random. I saw Alan and Aury there, so that was kind of cool.

So, in a short, bulleted list:
• Approach like a MAN, not like a boy or a teen. Like a young, sexy MAN. In fact, from now on, act more like a man. Subbing those classes is good practice. The real test will be subbing high schools – you can only control them if you are manly.
• USE THE ****ING BODY LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES. If you are talking to the chick(s) lean the **** back, or lay on the ****ing floor. I did that tonight once, and one girl ****ing turned around, and offered me her hand and just commented “That is really smooth.” And I don’t think she was being sarcastic.
• Slow down your speech. You’re rambling.
• Do some more spontaneous conversation exercises.
• That club sucked, anyway… the music sucked, the bouncer kind of ****ed up my state when he pulled me down from the couch that I was standing on, and the people there were kind of boring, and not really that attractive. I was just doing it to do it.

Hey you know what, at least I had very little anxiety. But still, don’t turn this into something childish, just because you’re having fun with it. Be a ****ing MAN, dammit. Alright, well I’ll probably try somewhere else tomorrow, and maybe Saturday after the comedy club. I just gotta remember to apply what I learned tonight.

So if I were to count, I've done about 25 sets since the new year, and gotten 2 good ones, and 4 okay ones. It's not that the others were bad, it's just that I didn't do what I knew, because I don't have it down pat yet.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
THREE – 1/22
I am laughing my ass off right now…

So I head over to South Beach after my workout, thinking I might just sarge by myself, whatever… it was a little intimidating to go alone, but then that’s why I was going to do it anyways. But I call up Javi and it turns out that he, Greg, Miguel, Fabio, and this guy named Robert is there at the Delano. So I just meet up with them.

So for my quasi-warmup I go up to a lone wolf who is photographing the pool, and I ask her why she’s doing that. She says in heavy accent… “Oh, no thanks” and moves away. Now at first I thought, whatever, she just didn’t understand me. Looking at it now, she understood perfectly well what I was doing... my body language spoke way louder than my words. I should approach more girls who don't speak English, and then see how that goes, just by my body language. Smile

Then came the 2-set of the night. Javi sees this nice 2-set over by the bar. He gets this mischievous smile on his face, and says he’s going to go AMOG the other guys. So he manages to get them away from one girl, and the Greg goes in while he’s engaging them. On of the guys knows what’s up so he goes back to the other girl that Greg isn’t talking to.

So then he grabs a seat and they start talking, yada yada yada. The other guy goes away, and the girl comes and joins her friend. Now Greg is getting good rapport with both of them, and they are both leaning into him.

But hey, I don’t think he wants them BOTH, so I go in with the line Javi used with me a few weeks ago, asking if this guy is bugging you, and then just joking about it. So I sit down, and I start talking to the blonde, while Greg is talking to the brunette.

But Greg, like an *******, keeps re-engaging the blonde, and I’m like what the ****? Why is this guy AMOGing me? And at this point I am ****ing tired of people AMOGing me. Especially running a threesome routine like "Best Friends"... what the **** you greedy bastard!

So I start interrupting him while he’s talking, and finally I start getting the blonde’s full attention, and I’m getting good rapport and IOI’s. Greg leaves to go somewhere, and then the brunette leaves after we take a group picture with me and the 2-set, then just one of me and the blonde, and I hear her say “Let’s go.” My stupid ass starts freaking out and not wanting to look like an ******* if they both get up, so I eject, and tell the blonde I gotta dip. Dumbass… I might have been able to #-close…

Greg, the ****er, goes back in, talks for a while, and gets both their #’s. The brunette’s boyfriend was there, anyway, but the blonde was available, and very pretty.

Then I find out later that the blonde was Greg’s target, and he was getting pissed at me, like what the **** are you doing, and kept re-engaging her on purpose. I thought his target was the brunette, since he was sitting closer to her. Ooops. At this point we both start cracking up, because we were hating on each other really bad, like thinking “damn this guy’s a ****ing *******”, and the like.

Another problem with tonight is that I was FREEZING… it was 60 degrees and so I had to work to not tremble, or clench my jaw… which was really ****ing hard. It’s hard to come across as alpha when you are ****ing shivering… but whatever, I managed to keep most of it down. Even the blonde’s hands were freezing, when I had felt them.

So now I just need to make sure I’m warm, and learn to isolate and close. Most girls don’t know how to pick up, and they desperately want to be picked up… so it’s up to the guys like me to lead them through the pickup, and tell them how it’s going to be.

Oh, and I also used the theory about the Improv class, finding a thread they were interested in, and staying on it as long as possible. That helped a bunch, because I have a tendency to jump from topic to topic.

Routines I used: none… just that one canned opener, which is sort of situational.  I’ll see how I do tomorrow night after the Improv comedy club. I’m going to have some new stories for sets, since I’ll be seeing Damon Wayans live, so I will definitely be taking mental notes on how he transitions from one funny story to another.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
FOUR – 1/25
It’s Monday night/Tuesday morning, and I’m supposed to be studying and then taking an online quiz. Instead, I’m checking messages and perusing the message boards for pickup tips. I am somewhat obsessed now… the week feels like nothing more than a way to pass the time between sarging. I really want to go back to South Beach this weekend and pickup a bunch of chicks.

Jesus, it’s like how drumming was for me – once I start getting better at something, I get almost obsessed about it. It’s fun to do, and it’s a ton of fun to improve… I gotta make some time during the week to do this stuff. Hm… maybe on Wednesday I’ll go to the Barnes & Noble over by Dadeland and see what I can find over there. Okay, so Wednesdays are definitely a day I can do... Tuesdays, too! So let’s see my new sarging schedule:
Tuesday afternoons: Barnes & Noble, Borders, UM or MDCC
Wednesday afternoons: Barnes & Noble, Borders, UM or MDCC
Thursday nights?: If I’m not working on Friday morning, hit up either South Beach or the Grove.
Friday nights: South Beach, the Grove, or Riverfront
Saturday nights: South Beach, the Grove, or Riverfront

Hmmm, after a while, I should also start practicing my AMOG tactics. Never too soon to learn that, either. Maybe it will be safer to do that when I’m with the guys. How do I AMOG a guy bigger than me? I don’t know now, but I’ll learn.

See, now this is nothing more than a skill set for me, a game almost. And I tend to get competitive, so I hope I don’t become a **** to other LAIR members without realizing it. I just hope that I don’t end up viewing all chicks as nothing more than a part of the game. Most, yeah, but I’d like to eventually have a good relationship, where she’s not an experiment for me, but someone I can appreciate… but not now, now I just wanna have FUN!

By the way, after I got out of the Improv, everything was dead. And I didn’t learn anything new. He just confirmed what I learned on the message board… once you find a thread your audience likes, stick with it!

Also, as a mental note to myself… I’ve started becoming way too focused on ALWAYS sitting alpha and taking up lots of space, even when sometimes it’s more comfortable to sit up straight or even lean onto the table. Remember, it’s about being COMFORTABLE, not about faking alpha body language… I think.

I hope I find some good sets tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
FIVE – 1/30
Damn I am anxious to get back out there to improve my pickup skill. Friday I didn’t do **** cuz of the weather, and last night I hung out with Jace. We went to the beach early on in the day, and dove in even though the water must have been 40 degrees. Freezing! Then we decided we’d drive back to my house naked from the waist down.

We were holding hands and we started making out a little, but her mom called and wanted her to hang out with her cousins. So instead of getting drunk and possibly ending up ****ing, I had to drive her home. Then tomorrow she had to go to some event, and the day after, a photoshoot. I kept making fun that she was going to end up in a diarrhea or herpes commercial. So we hung out with her cousins and her sister at Flippers for a little while.

She is so cool. If I hadn’t known her for about 10 years, I’d probably be infatuated with her, but seeing as we basically grew up together, it’s a weird relationship. It’s not a **** buddy relationship, it’s not like neighbors, it’s not like friends. I don’t know what the **** it is, but it’s fun. Too bad she moved like 3 hours away from me. Oh well. I’ll drive up there in a few weeks maybe and sleep over one weekend. Hopefully her boyfriend doesn’t shoot me if I kiss her.

As far as next weekend, Andy’s coming down from New York with his bartender friend. I will try to practice my PU skills with her, and if not, go sarging at whatever clubs we go to. I REALLY want to get back into the field. I know I only have to do a handful more approaches before I starting closing and finally getting it down. I actually already have it down, I just haven’t trained myself to do it automatically. Kind of like developing muscle memory or something, but for your whole body. One of the things I recently read was to move with my whole body when I am walking as a way of having powerful body language. I should apply that to when I do anything. Engage myself fully in whatever I’m doing, whether it’s mental or physical.

I’m starting to miss Debbie, probably from lack of sex. I keep thinking of the fun times we had, but all I have to do is listen to how miserable on my voice journal I was, and I back off. To be honest, I haven’t even really missed her that much. Wow, and to think I was going to marry her. That would have sucked. Not just for me, but for her – to be with someone who you suspect doesn’t love you the way you want.

One of my sticking points right now is finding balance. I don’t want PU to be my entire life, but I don’t know if it will be effective if it’s a switch that I turn on or off. I want it to be natural. Of course, I won’t care when I’m ****ing a target that I picked up at a nightclub or one weekend on South Beach, but what about girls that I have class with? Or that I work with? Those are some beautiful girls, and I have no idea how to attract them. C&F doesn’t work that well, trying to get rapport makes them my friend, and I can’t really approach them once they know me. I can, and I do, but it lacks the sexual tension created by sarging at a nightclub or on the street. How do I attract someone that has already been acquainted with me – even though I’m not technically their “friend” yet?

To be honest, bad girls are not that cool in my book. Jace is enough of a bad girl for me, and that doesn’t even turn me on. All it serves as is good stories for bragging like “Oh I dated a bad girl” or something. But I LIKE nice girls, especially if they have a hidden wild side. That’s my ideal. Someone who’s wild, but only with me. God, that was like Debbie. Well, maybe someone with her drive, without the whole “I have to change you into what I wished my Dad would have been like” subconscious motive.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
SIX – 1/31
I have to go to class in about 15 minutes. I’ve taken care of my looks, although I’m not peacocked right now. I’m just dressed well enough, since I’ve decided I’m tired of not playing on the supreme sarging grounds – my college campus, and the surrounding areas.

I sit in class with alpha BL, also since it’s comfortable, and I don’t get opened by HB’s jumping into my arms and saying “**** me right here, right now!” So I’ve decided I’ve actually *gasp* got to sarge, put some ****in effort into this.

Tonight I have to drive up to Pines, so if I see any lone wolves or a set, I’ll go for it. If not, I’ll hit up the Barnes & Noble on Pines Blvd, and see if there are any sets there. Oh no, someone might see me, or might recognize me in the future… big ****. I’ve been too worried about that before, and as Shark said, “Are you afraid that people will know you **** THE HOT CHICKS?” Actually he said “vill” instead of “will”, sounding a little like Count Dracula for a second, but aside from that, it’s a good question.

I’ll let you ****ers know how it goes.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
SEVEN – 2/1
****! Rookie mistakes – I HATE THEM.

Yesterday, instead of sarging I ended up getting into a long ass conversation and getting the number of a former coworker who had a crush on me but didn’t want to do anything since I had a girlfriend at the time. She says I remind her of her ex-husband, and has told me a lot of things about her sex life, such as she’s almost “obsessed with sex.” So I’ll see where that goes, but it might already be too late, but whatever.

Today I go back to Barnes & Noble, looking for a lone wolf. I see one sitting down reading, so I open her with “hey what are you reading?” and we get into basically a one-sided conversation… me asking her open-ended questions, her giving the shortest possible answers – maybe I just wasn’t asking the right questions – EVEN THOUGH she was smiling and giving me good eye contact. So I say **** it and I eject, and I start talking to one of my friends that still works there. She’s listening in to our conversation since she’s only like 3 feet away, and then re-engages me. So I say **** it and go back in, again it’s the same type of ****… I find out she’s in town until Saturday, and going back to Vermont, and I’m trying to think of where to lead the conversation next, but what comes flying out of my mouth is “Do you wanna go out?” WHAT THE **** WAS THAT!!! I nearly kick myself, but she’s still staying in the set, even though she says “no it’s alright”, and smiling and starts opening up a little more… but I just say, “Alright, well have fun in Miami,” and basically finish up so she take the hint to leave. Not as bad as jumping 5 feet to kiss her like Grasshopper, but still – where the **** did that line come from? I’m not disappointed because I didn’t close her, I’m disappointed cause I ****ed it up with that dumbass line. Whatever, she would have probably been a flake anyway, there was some attraction there, but getting the rapport was a little hard with her.

One thing I’ve been experimenting with is MySpace, seeing if I can pull any chicks on there by being basically the “romance hero” part of myself that I like playing. I told one girl “You’re a very pretty girl, I like you.” And now she’s instant messaged me… I wonder where that might go.

Dammit, I still can’t believe I said that. Should I have stories to tell as a back up when the girl is like this, or just take it as it’s gonna be flaky since she’s not really that into me? I might just tell her some stories… and then how do I bridge from attraction to rapport? Or do they do that? On the beach on the weekends, it seems a little bit easier to get rapport with them, while here it’s a little different.

Any suggestions?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
EIGHT – 2/2
Life is funny. Yesterday I had attraction, but struggled to get rapport. Today I got lots of rapport with little attraction. At least, no OVERT attraction.

I go in to Barnes & Noble just to see if there’s any sets I like. The very last set I see is upstairs and studying all alone on the floor in the corner. Without any hesitation whatsoever, I walk over to the section and look at the shelf for about 2 seconds before I say “What are you studying?” Blah blah blah we get into a conversation, I’m doing alpha BL, although not the extreme BL such as laying down in the middle of the floor, but regular, like just sitting back with one knee up.

I noticed what’s good for rapport is for me not to pretend I’m interested in what they’re saying, but to actually BE interested. Yesterday, I wasn’t interested in most of the **** that girl was talking about, I was faking it to see if I could get into her pants eventually. So today, I actually found a topic that was important to this girl, but that was also interesting to me – psychology of children. When I would stall with a question, she would engage me and ask ME stuff, like where do I go to school, what do I do, etc. but nothing really interesting. After a 30 minute conversation which felt like only 10 minutes, I decided to go, since I had **** to do, but I couldn’t feel enough attraction to transition smoothly into a # close.

Can’t wait until this weekend, I just gotta remember to adapt to the energy levels in the club or wherever I hit up.

Nightlife, guys? Any suggestions on why I didn’t get overt attraction? Or is it less overt during the day? Yesterday was a lot of attraction, no comfort. Today was like ****ing comfort-fest 2000. Still on my way, though.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
ELEVEN – 2/13
Okay I just came back from South Beach with Greg and Miguel. And here’s what I have to report… absolutely nothing. It was my first night out sarging, being in a good mood, having fun, and all that stuff since about three weeks ago. But this weather is cold as ****, and all the free places were boring. Granted I hesitated on 1 or 2 sets in the Delano, but whatever. I opened another chick at Greg’s suggestion, but it turns out she was a prostitute – she said “sorry honey I’m a working girl”. Oh well. Then I opened a 2-set at Greg’s urging, but they weren’t that attractive, and we got distracted by the guys across the street acting like idiots. But for the few seconds we were talking the more attractive one (although still a 0 on my 0-1 scale) was starting to open up and smile and show IOI’s.

HOWEVER, I’m STILL glad I actually went back out tonight. For all the ****ty weather (too cold for me to completely enjoy myself), and the majority of the places being ****farms, at least I got back out there again. I don’t care about the outcome, and that’s the important part for now. I’m just out there to approach sets and get into conversations… for me, that is enough – FOR NOW. That alone gives me a high that lasts the rest of the week, so I need to keep doing it. Weird, I'm addicted to the feeling of calmness that sarging gives me.

I keep thinking that I should take another workshop as the answer to my frustrations, but I think that is me just giving up… a way to procrastinate so I don’t feel any pressure. But who’s pressuring me? No one. I just need to GET OUT IN THE FIELD, and sarge as much as I want to, and have fun the whole time.

I learned/thought of a few things tonight:
- I enjoy sarging with Lair buddies more. Plus, for some reason it makes me care less, I’ll approach almost any set that my Lair buddies tell me to. For day game, however, I am fine sarging by myself. Maybe it’s because I actually have more FUN with the guys which makes me approach better since I’m having fun.
- I wonder if the prostitutes would know some good openers for a guy to use on a girl. They should know some easy lines. I’ve gotta ask the next few that I come across. No pun intended.
- I might decide to sarge on high school campuses – Braddock, Sunset, or Varela, using direct and ****y & funny. Yeah they’re a little young, but I don’t care… I’m still attracted to the 17 & 18 year olds. 15 & 16 may be a little too young for me, though… but hey I should learn to deal with all levels of females, because I may have to deal with a 20 year old who acts like she’s in high school. So... high school. Maybe night school for the “badder” girls, meaning more likely to want to ****. After school might be just rife with nice girls, so I may try that, too. So the lowest age I’ll **** is 17, as long as she looks older, like most of these girls do. Who knows, maybe if I get into an extremely short STR, I could re-do senior prom the way I WANTED it to be… dancing with one of the hottest girls there, then taking her to the hotel and ****ing her brains out. 

There was nothing at Barnes & Noble or Borders, though. Hmm… maybe I’ll try tomorrow. After all, this is Valentines weekend… there are BOUND to be some lonely chicks who are easy lays… but whatever, no pressure on myself, the outcome doesn’t matter. Next week Saturday, however, is SARGE FEST FEBRUARY 2005! I’m gonna be hitting up at least one mall, one bookstore, one college campus, one bar, and one club. Hopefully the weather will be much nicer.

In any case, I’m meeting up with Magdelena from myspace on the 23rd at the dog park… she sounds hot on the phone, but has yet to send me her picture. She better not be a fattie or an UG. I doubt she’s a fattie, since she plays soccer, and does climbing and stuff… but hopefully her face isn’t ****ed up. She is AWESOME at ****y & funny… if I play my cards right I could **** her. Actually, if she plays her cards right, she could **** me. Jenna, however, is being a flake. So, I blocked her IM, and gave her number for a friend to hold on for me – I deleted it from my phone, and if I ever need it back, I’ll ask him. But I’ll wait until SHE contacts me (over the phone, no more of this online bull****) - even me turning the frame around on her doesn't help her flakiness. Then there’s Christy, who wants to talk to me, and she’s cute… but has a boyfriend… I’ll see where that goes. And Chelsea, who says she likes me, but she might be a fatty, but I can’t tell for sure from her picture. That, and she has a boyfriend, too.

What the **** is it with these chicks with boyfriends who keep sending me e-mails, saying I like you, or hey lets talk sometime? Vega said "hahahah they're opening you direct" and some are opening me indirect (like Magdelena - she opened me by busting on my profile with some sarcasm, and then after 2 conversations, giving me her phone number... plus her ex was kind of like me, and you know what they say about girls being attracted to the same type, even if she thinks she's doing someone new).

In about 2 weeks I might drive up to Jace’s place and sleep over. I wonder if I’ll feel like ****ing her – that’s OBVIOUSLY a sure thing, but I think I’ll have to be aloof and distant, until she just ****ing attacks me, like the attention/validation ***** she is. Katerina is in Orlando… she’s 31, thinks I’m sexy, and wanted to know if I’m single. So after Jace I might just drive an hour more and give this woman some ****, if she looks good enough… but first I should get her on the phone. These are a lot of MAYBE’S so I don’t know if I’ll actually get to **** them soon, but I don’t care… I’ll be up to my neck in ***** soon enough.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by alphawolfx
ONE – 1/15
2005 started out very different from 2004 for me. On December 23rd, I dumped Debbie. After three years of fight, arguments, and lots of attraction, I decided to let her go, so I could become who I want to be, not who she wanted me to be. I also started out the year with a new job - substitute teaching for Elementary schools, after a two year stint at Barnes & Noble. The second weekend of January, I had a workshop with Robert, aka Nightlife. This was a workshop on picking up women, using mainly body language. Although I am no PUA at this writing, I made more progress in that workshop than I've ever made with all of my studying. I spent that weekend with Rob, Javi, and TC on the Grove and South Beach. On the second and third nights, I ended with one set that was really into me, but on both occasions I got AMOG'ed.

It's 3:30 AM on Saturday now, I just came back from Downtown Miami, a place called the Pawn Shop. It was a fun club, and I think 18+ - I've gotta go back sometime. I started the night by opening a group of semi-gothic girls, who weren't really that attractive. I didn't get any attraction or rapport with them. Some girl grabbed my hand when I was walking around the club, and I didn't take advantage of it. A few really pretty ones gave me extended eye contact, and I didn't take advantage of it. I got eye contact from a UG, and I didn't take advantage of it. At the very end of the night, though, about an hour ago, I got extended eye contact from this one blond, and I took advantage of it. I HAD to do something, so I went up really close and said in her ear, "You're adorable, what's your name?" "Abby!" "I'm going to dance, wanna come with me?" "I have to go with my friends." She said this with a smile, and I knew she was glad I approached her, but that was it. That's exactly how I should have approached those other girls - direct, and romantic. Oh, and before that, I was outside with TC, and I asked this 2-set if there's anyplace around here that's fun, and the cuter one said "My house!" but her friend dragged her away. Oh well.

Maybe that's a role I can play well at some clubs - the romantic hero. That would probably work really well with anyone giving me extended eye contact. I know I'm going to start getting a LOT of IOI's, because I'm working out, and growing my hair, and getting REALLY attractive. So that is going to make things about ten times easier. Anyway, tomorrow I am going to sarge Aventura Mall with some other guys and I might sarge at a Latin Festival tomorrow with Jose.

I wish I could take a workshop with both Nightlife AND BadBoy... but maybe another program or workshop isn't what I need. Let me work on what I've learned so far, and go as far as I can with that before shelling out any more money - I already owe Rob $325.
Hey, Rob is from Badboycoaching.com . Some of their testimonials say that after one of the workshops you never need another one again? And it also says a alot of good stuff. Good enough to make me think you should know what you need to do already. But I guess you're struggling (sorry, I have not read these posts but if I'm wrong, correct me), so does that mean the workshop didn't help you completely? Let me know on this because I think some time in the future I want to take it. Thanks.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
that workshop helped me TREMENDOUSLY

however, not completely... i was in a very f.ucked up state when i took that workshop

i had just broken up with my gf 2 weeks prior, and had been drinking and feeling like s.hit for 2 days...

read my testimonial on his website under alphawolf/t.l. for what went down

yea i still need to work on it, but whatever i need help with, rob is usually available to personally help me when i call his cell phone or e-mail him

like i said, i'm no PUA yet, but i'm getting lots of IOI's from the sets I open when I'm having a good time... i just need to remember to close