OR/FR (outing report/field report): popping my walk-up "cherry"
Date: 9/10/04
A little late in posting, but here it is.
I've broken this OR/FR into parts to make it all easier for you to read.
Wow, what a weird night.
-Part 1: Cafe Iguana
Okay, so at about 11pm, i decide to drive 45 minutes to another county - Pembroke Pines, and go to Cafe Iguana. That's a club/bar/poolhall. I was really ****ing nervous, and had to be encouraged by the guys on the PUA chat.
So, following their advice, i drink a little before I go in. I see some girls I'd like to approach. Still don't have the guts yet. So I drink about 4 Parrot Bay & Cokes, and approach one, tap her on the shoulder, and nod over to the dance floor. She shakes her head as if to say "no thanks".
Feeling bad now, I drink two more Parrot Bay & Cokes, a Corona, and approach one more. Again, shot down the same exact way.
God, does those even count as "approaches"? Jesus, I am such a *****.
At this point (3am), I get badly discouraged, so I leave. Mind you, this took place in the span of 3 HOURS. Two girls in three hours. Damn that's pitiful.
-Part 2: HBPunk
Anyway, I'm so drunk right now that I don't think it's a good idea to drive. So I call up HBPunk, a really horny chick I met online a few months ago and then had phone sex with. She lives very far away, though... and she's 16 and is the singer for a punk rock band, and wants to drop out. So we get to talking, and I tell her to take off her light, get naked, and lay down. Then we have phone sex. Afterwards, she mentions she might be coming down to Pembroke Pines this week or next week. She says she'll call me, and we can maybe hookup. She's going to mail me a picture of herself first. She loves my voice, and says that I am amazing. We'll see where that goes.
-Part 3: HBFriend
So, after we finish up at about 5am, and I get a voicemail from HB8Friend(19). She is a friend of mine, but we ****ed last year. She keeps wanting to get high again, and I know she ends up ****ing when she's high (her choice, not taken advantage of). But I can't smoke because I have a lot of job interviews lining up soon, and I don't want to trade my livelihood for one night of *****. Turns out she was in the same county at a different club, and wanted to meet up - damn, about 5 hours too late.
Whatever. I call her back and she answers. We end up going to Miami Beach to watch the sunrise (she wanted to toke, but I said no) while I boogieboard in jeans. She tells me that she tells all of her friends about me, how I'm so ****ing great, not that I'm a "nice person", but really cool - good hearted, but really "interesting". She also says it's interesting how I zone in and out of her life (meaning I go months without calling her, then suddenly we start to hang out every other week, and so on). She says her current boyfriend was jealous of me, too, when she says that "oh man, I love Nocturnal". That, and although we share sex stories (and I don't get jealous, oddly enough), every time she's with a guy, she hesitates to tell me where she is if the guy can hear her, as if she were having an affair with me or something.
She asks about my ex - I just got out of a LTR3years - and I tell her about it. Side note: My exLTR3years and I watched HBFriend have sex in a hotel room with her boyfriend (one of my best friends at the time). I was down to ****, but my ex got a little weirded out. Anyway, so then HBFriend then starts describing her perfect guy, which sounds a lot like me, but it could be my loneliness adding meaning to her words. Is the trying to give me a
message here, or am I just misinterpreting? Maybe when I'm drunk I'll try something and use that as an excuse if she isn't into it. Or would that be AFC behavior? Maybe I should just go for a kiss and if she pulls away, I could just say I was curious. What do you guys think I should do? Let me know.
By the way, she was about to show me her bare ass, and show that even though it's gotten a little bigger (and REALLY nice - this chick has a hot body - tits are a bit small, though, and she's a little taller than me, but the entire package is VERY NICE), she claims still has no cellulite - but then people started showing up. Last time she did something like that, she wanted to show me her shaved *****, and then she grabbed my hair and pulled me into it. Damn, I've got to **** her again. Her first bf (my friend) was/is a natural, and all the other guys she dates end up being rich (although she doesn't know it at first usually... they just happen to be the ones who approach her), or sometimes PUAs who she ends up dumping, because they fall in love with her. Uh oh, sounds like Nocturnal is about to get one-itis. I can hear all of you now: "NO NOCTURNAL! TURN BACK! TURN BACK WHILE YOU STILL CAN!" We'll see where that goes.
I don't game this chick by the way. She's hot, I'd like to **** her a lot, but I see her as a "friend". Weird. Maybe I should reverse her own game on her and tell her about another "friend" who I'm so down with and we hang all the time, and that she's falling for me, and I think I'm going to fall for her. Maybe that will make her start to wonder more about me.
Anyway, I just got back from the beach, it's about 9:30am as I'm writing this. I'm going to go to sleep.
I'll update you all later.