azanon said:
RT - looks like we need your help here. (some of?) these guys want a new excuse for going for lower quality women. I know this fits into one of your lessons, but I forgot which.
Well, this may come as a shock for you, but I don't entirely disagree with this observation. Strictly, from a behavior-to-reward practicality, COLOSSUS is really pointing out the obvious - exceptionally attractive women are more often rewarded and reinforced by unsolicited attention from both genders. In this instance he's referring to how it affects men's prospects of a long term commitment with a woman, but bear in mind that attention IS currency for women's social constructs as well as for their own personal affirmation.
Have a skim back through my thread
Compensation. In a similar fashion, less physically attractive women (and therefore less attention generating women) are prompted to compensate for this deficiency by cultivating other aspects of themselves in order to compete with more attractive females. There are a whole host of compensation mechanics women will use in order to remain competitive. From the physical (breast enhancement, hair color, style of dress) to the psychological, to social contrivances, the order is to stay a step ahead of a (imagined or real) physically superior and sexually available female.
This then is of course aided by the fact that more physically desirable women are less inclined, prompted or motivated to entertain the efforts necessary to develop the character attributes less attractive women have had, by necessity, to develop. Attention is the coin of the realm in Girl-World and the HB9 has never had cause to develop novel ideas in order generate what comes to her by default. Being flirtatious, dressing provocatively, showing outward signs of sexual availability, are all she's had to cultivate in herself. Similarly, very attractive men (the naturals) are often some of the biggest AFCs you'll ever know because they have had little cause to consider the mechanics of their own attraction. They know the TV works and they like it, who cares HOW it works, right?
So it comes as no surprise that less attractive women will have a higher preponderance of, and occasion to develop, character traits that are meant to offset physical deficiencies. The HB7 who could stand to lose 15lbs. may be an excellent conversationalist, or seems like a good mother candidate, but understand, she HAS to be. Overweight women will often be the most sexually adventurous; they HAVE to be in order to secure long term provisioning. It's not that an HB5 and an HB9 have any more or less a natural capacity to be more intellectually stimulating or are more or less capable of developing their characters - it's that each have had differing conditions and reinforcements that led them to develop into who they are.
Now, all that said, we come back once again to that nebulous prize, the "quality woman". While I will agree that there are in fact contributing conditions that make more attractive women less likely to hold desirable character qualities, this doesn't make them
intrinsically less desirable. Lets face facts for a moment; most guys (even attractive guys) are intimidated by an HB9. We come up with our own set of social contrivances ("she's outta my league") in order to compensate with an inability to get after what we really want (a hot piece of ass). It's an ego insulation - when you lower your expectations you can always come out a winner. Just as some guys construct a "preference" for fat women, for single mothers, for underage girls, or any other
Buffer he can come up with that staves off or lessens the impact of personal rejection, so too is it in writing off exceptionally attractive women. So we "develop" preferences for HB 6-7s because, in all honesty, they're easier to engage, and fraught with less potential for rejection. And if they do reject you; hey she wasn't all that good looking anyway, right?
I think we have an externalized ideal of what a "Quality Woman" should be. We can build some list of esoteric attributes she should have, but honestly this is equally as pollyanna as women with extensive laundry lists for the men who'd meet their own criteria. The externalized ideal is what a lot of poster go on about here on SS. The difficulty with this proposal is that our internalized idea of "Quality", only in rare exceptions, never matches the external. Most men are far more likely to consider an HB9 who's unbelievable in bed as "Quality" in spite of any character flaws. The woman who DOESN'T reject them becomes a "force-fit quality woman."
There's a common proverb we like to laugh at: You can't make a 'ho a housewife. However you are far more likely to make a 'ho a housewife than a housewife become a 'ho. Ideally we'd love our future wife to be a great mother, refined, gracious, intellectual, appreciative and of course ƒuck us like rabid porn star 4 nights a week. We all want a slut, we just want her to be
our slut. Most men, even experienced DJs (and often PUAs) don't know how to make very attractive women respond to them sustainably.
It's no secret that the most attractive women are oft the most insecure and attention-dependent. It's also no secret that the successful guy will be the one who can get the HB9 to qualify to him. Some guys can do this in the short term and get sex with that HB, but sustaining it is what confounds most guys. So that hottie starts to become flawed, "low quality", when in fact the guy is simply falling back into old AFC mental schemas and self-defeating. However, for the Man with enough confidence, who's unafraid of mastering a dominant, positively masculine role, his HB 9 can become his housewife if she's motivated and inspired to do so.
It is far easier to encourage and mold social skills and desirable character traits for a
properly motivated HB9 than it is to work up to better physical /sexual standards for an HB 6-7 who's internalized her self-worth based on who she already is after years of compensating and competition anxiety. In other words, you're more likely to offend the HB 6 by suggesting she get to the gym, than you are to offend the HB 9 by suggesting she read a newspaper or book.