The importance of height for men

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Because of dating apps.

Women rarely even knew how tall someone was, but with the arrival of dating apps, they get 'selection criteria' like 'How tall do you want your man to be?', so that changes from 'it would be nice if he's a bit taller' to 'has to be 6 feet or taller', because 6 is a sexy round number and 5'11 isn't.

Funny enough, men don't get a choice like that "Do you want your woman to have A, B, C, or D cup breasts?" "How fit does your woman have to be, thin - normal - a bit extra - curvy - overweight - obese?"

And how many times do obese women call themselves 'curvy'?

This is curvy, ladies:
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The dating apps used to have a feature to distinguish between various body types. Of course they took it away. You know all those horny men only want the women with the best bodies! Only thing I ever searched on was thin and athletic. There would be a few girls with great bodies(athletic) that would list themselves as "needs to lose a few pounds" to filter out some of the men.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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The dating apps used to have a feature to distinguish between various body types. Of course they took it away. You know all those horny men only want the women with the best bodies! Only thing I ever searched on was thin and athletic. There would be a few girls with great bodies(athletic) that would list themselves as "needs to lose a few pounds" to filter out some of the men.
The thing is, if you create options, you will have people choosing options. And then the people who are not fitting into that option get upset - why am I not chosen? - and start fabricating these theories that because many of these options had a height preference of 'being over six feet tall', someone who wasn't six feet tall would never ever score a match!!!!

Most of the 'dating app options' are not important when you talk to women in person with charm and panache. That is the most important reason for going out and engaging women in conversation. I'm not talking about any approach, I'm not for outcome dependent conversations, but just working on becoming the type of company that attracts other people, including women.

I'm no casanova, but when I'm at social events, I see people cross the whole floor to engage me in conversation. Some would say that they're attracted because I'm tall, but I'm tall in a country where pretty much everyone is tall. Others would focus on my eyepatch or the cat on my shoulder, but while that might draw attention, it doesn't explain why people want to remain in my company. It is not because I radiate 'success' or 'power' or 'wealth' or even 'status' because my societal status is not as high as my stature within the communities I contribute to. The thing is that people feel good when they are in my company.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Funny enough, men don't get a choice like that "Do you want your woman to have A, B, C, or D cup breasts?" "How fit does your woman have to be, thin - normal - a bit extra - curvy - overweight - obese?"
Heh, good comparison.


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
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Here's a story that happened one nite in a bar....I was with a group of friends. One of the guys in the group was tall, dark, and handsome, with a full head of hair. Probably 6'2". Big build, good shape. Most would probably consider him a Chad in the looks department. The girl pretty much leads the entire conversation and isn't getting anywhere. He add's very little to the conversation. I'm kind of embarassed that he is so lame, so I insert myself into the conversation because I know this girl is about to bail.

So me....5'10", bald head, regular size guy gets the conversation going. We end up talking by ourselves, and dancing. Later that night she invites me to her house and we end up having some hot sex.

This chic was fresh off a divorce and wanted dihked down good. But it was important that the guy had some conversation skills because she wanted some sort of a connection as most women do. My friend couldn't do that.

I ended up seeing this girl for a few months. Our relationship was all about going out and having sex. Great fun. We barely even communicated outside of when we were physically together. Super easy relationship.

The great thing about women, is once you start connecting with one, the physical attributes become less of an issue. I think its men that care what the opposite sex looks like more than women do.

Don't let your lack of height or whatever physcial deficiency keep you from having success. If you lack height, or hair, make up for that in other areas and you will be fine. Excuses are for LOSERS.

I've beat out guys that were much taller and better looking than me many times. My confidence, conversation skills, and the ability to connect with women will seal the deal for me most all the time. Its what I've always relied on.

I am going to address the height issue in another post...but I wanted to say something about baldness. My best friend...pretyy Alpha in every way (BJJ BB, nearly 6 feet tall, muscular) was hanging on desperately to the last remaining hairs on his head.

I convinced him to go completely clean shaven and it TREMENDOUSLY improved his results (picking up and seducing women). He looks much, much better now.


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
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OK...I have not read all the posts on this thread, but I will lay out the bottom line from an Evolutionary/Biological perspective. Height increases value for the simple reason that taller men are perceived as more able to provide a feeling of safety.

20k years ago a taller cave man was more likely to protect, hunt, and defend than a shorter/smaller man. However, there are some ways to compensate for this, at least to a degree. Primarily through bodybuilding, but also through martial arts.

If you are five 8...but a lean/jacked 190 lbs you are going to be percieved as more able to protect and defend, IE project a feeling of safety for women. Also...while not automatically obvious, a background in martial arts improve TREMENDOUSLY self confidence and that radiates.

I am (or was...I am shrinking in my old age) only five 10...but I have been bodybuilding for 49 years (competed but fell short of getting my pro card). I range from 220 to 230 lbs. I wrestled in high school and trained in MMA for 17 years. I have never been treated as a shorter man.

I was out w/ my best friend, a BJJ Black Belt. He is a little over 5 11, 220 lbs. The other night a 6 foot 3 guy was running his mouth. My friend casually turned to me and said "I am going to maul him." He turned and looked the guy right in the eyes w/out saying a word and the taller guy sensed the was about to get hurt badly, and shut up.

So there are ways to compensate for not being tall. One of the toughest guys I ever sparred with was a five 7 175 lb MMA pro (4 and 1). His cauliflower ears alone were enough to scare anyone off.


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
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The thing is, if you create options, you will have people choosing options. And then the people who are not fitting into that option get upset - why am I not chosen? - and start fabricating these theories that because many of these options had a height preference of 'being over six feet tall', someone who wasn't six feet tall would never ever score a match!!!!

Most of the 'dating app options' are not important when you talk to women in person with charm and panache. That is the most important reason for going out and engaging women in conversation. I'm not talking about any approach, I'm not for outcome dependent conversations, but just working on becoming the type of company that attracts other people, including women.

I'm no casanova, but when I'm at social events, I see people cross the whole floor to engage me in conversation. Some would say that they're attracted because I'm tall, but I'm tall in a country where pretty much everyone is tall. Others would focus on my eyepatch or the cat on my shoulder, but while that might draw attention, it doesn't explain why people want to remain in my company. It is not because I radiate 'success' or 'power' or 'wealth' or even 'status' because my societal status is not as high as my stature within the communities I contribute to. The thing is that people feel good when they are in my company. remind my of (I think) Mystery's notion of "Peacocking"


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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You're short. Which is your height?

I can confirm that being short is one thing, but being 164cm is another.
I'm not just putting gasoline on fire, but sharing my experience.
No one would tell me to not excel to other part of my life, but this is a hard truth you have to understand. The earlier the better.
I can see in a lot women eyes their attraction for me, but then when they come close to me, they feel turned off.
I asked several women directly and indirectly and the ones I ask directly told me that I'm not her kind of men, but I know that on the back they're saying it was my height.
Does this thing condition my life? Yes, for sure!
It prevents all the positive feedback a normal person need to grow and nurtrue his life and emotional wellbeing.
Living like this it's like playing a game in critical mode: I'm not saying you can't do it, but you never get the chance to ever try the beginner mode.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Thats basically what i said to him, but i need a way to drill it into a blackpilled mentality type of guys head that its not the end of everything
Make them watch their movies. Point out to them where their height becomes irrelevant.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I asked several women directly and indirectly and the ones I ask directly told me that I'm not her kind of men, but I know that on the back they're saying it was my height.
Never ask a woman, directly or indirectly, why they're (not) attracted to you. Either they are attracted, in case you don't have to expose your 'flaws', or they're not attracted, in which case you shouldn't date them.

While not comparable to your diminutive stature, I started going bald in my mid twenties and started shaving my head at twenty-eight, but do you think I cared if women would say they wouldn't want to date me because I don't have long flowing Fabio hair? If that is so important to them, they shouldn't even talk with me but just try to pick up some guy at a heavy metal concert.

You have to work with what you have. Don't draw attention to your lack of height. Become a Joe Pesci, where people respect you regardless of your height. Work on your charm and your verbal skills.

Ditch your insecurities. Grow some cojones. Women like it if you have the balls to not care about other people's opinions.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This is curvy, ladies:
I'm an old bastard, so I remember when people used to say "curvy", and that is what they meant. It was a good thing, not a bad thing. Of course, that was before the obesity epidemic. I remember when I started hearing that curvy had become a word for "fat". The first time I heard it, I was like "That's not what curvy means".


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I'm an old bastard, so I remember when people used to say "curvy", and that is what they meant. It was a good thing, not a bad thing. Of course, that was before the obesity epidemic. I remember when I started hearing that curvy had become a word for "fat". The first time I heard it, I was like "That's not what curvy means".
The huge amount of euphemisms for obese women is astounding, they come up with new ones every year.

I think if women want a man to state his exact height on a dating app, at least they should put their own height and weight in their profile. I can figure out how full those 'full-figured' women are.

Also, it's just for women to 'protect their feelings' but it's quite all right to call men just 'fat'. Any men who would describe themselves as 'plus size' or 'full figured' would become a laughing stock for deluding themselves.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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They don't teach this at school, and it's hard to find a mentor!
They should. Relationship advice and sex education should be taught to young people from age 12 on. The moment puberty hits, adults should help adolescents through that phase to help them become grounded and independent.

I can see the results of how I raised my children in my own daughter, who is 14 now. As her father, I'm her safe haven and we discuss a lot about relationship dynamics, as well as potential pitfalls that result in unhealthy practices and addiction. She can talk with me about everything (which is a shock to her schoolfriends who don't dare to share with their parents), because I told her about my childhood abuse and how I used to walk the wicked path, so she knows she cannot 'shock' me. No subject is off the table.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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Im 170 cm and girls give me IOis all day everywhere but I’m a real man and big in muscle. I’m the boss