BraddH said:
Now women are no longer weak? It is weird because I thought they were weak and submissive and can't live on this planet without the man's help. This is weird - it is all your own stupid nonsense - and you are contradicting it!
i am not contradicting anything.
i never said women are weak.
women can very easily be stupid - like you demonstrate it so beautifully.
women can very easily be dishonest - like you demonstrate it so beautifully.
women can very easily be dramatic - like you demonstrate it so beautifully.
women can very easily be arrogant - like you demonstrate it so beautifully.
also, vengeful, cruel, narcissistic, compliment beggars, etc. if nothing else, just look at the pics on their social networks, their "wise quotes", look at real life ones, look at their achievements in life. even those with shining carriers very rarely give back something original to society, or invent new things.
women just don't give a crap about anything but themselves (or sometimes, their children, which is also a form of self-love).
but weak? that is just nonsense. and insinuating something i personally never said, is also a sign of dishonesty.
of course,
THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS. those are the quality women. it has nothing to do with the number of dates she waits to sleep with you.
women like strong men, yes, but not because they are weak. it is because they are lazy, dependent, and generally like to see others do the dirty work.
should we (the men, not you, braddh) be angry towards women because of this? should we bitter and hateful? not at all. scorpions are venomous, and i can die from them. still, i keep several of them in a terrarium. am i angry at them? not really. just careful. and if i get stung, it is my fault. i assume this risk because i like them.
same with women. i like them, as friends, as sex objects, as cute human beings, etc. but if i refuse to see the risks associated with them, i would be on the same level as you. which is not my lifetime goal.
i really cannot see the point of women coming here on this forum and just plainly trolling and copy/pasting their delusions.
we really do not care what you think about us. because in the end of the day, whatever you all preach so loudly, you WILL end on the end of a man's peenis, and enjoying it.
the only people affected by these girly trolls are beginners, who come here to learn knowing nothing.
disclaimer: i am not saying there are no moron, scumbag, dishonest, manipulative men out there. but to filter them out, it is the women's duty. women who end up hurt because of deranged psychos, ask for it themselves. learn to filter.