I know you like to divorce humanistic and moralistic variables as much as possible from your blog and I understand why. I would like you to explain this point:
there would be a contingent of moral absolutists (Matt King for example) who would declare that it's men, by virtue of their great moral self-awareness and thus responsibility, who need to enforce controls over the socially destructive nature of hypergamy. Ironically this moral impetus is yet one more control itself to ensure hypergamy works to the benefit of those who subscribe to their moral absolutism.
I understand you say that hypergamy doesn't care about moral imperatives but how would the attempt of men to enforce controls over it (which I'm not sure is entirely possible) backfire on those men?
I see a contradiction when you say on one hand that positive masculinity is lacking in society; that men are the natural leaders of society and to a large extent have abdicated their position of leadership; and it should just be obvious anyways (though I don't think you have said this) that it is better to be alpha than beta; but on the other hand you say that men should not attempt to enforce controls (ie, deal with) the more negative points of hypergamy.
That argument is a non sequitor because there are other analogous process that humans have been able to harness and "deal with" for their own gain, like evolution. We became so good at managing evolution scientists had to develop a name for human directed evolution called artificial selection.
It is impossible to be both a leader and to be passive. Men are either leaders or they are not. There are only two sexes and so this is an instances where the premise is entirely mutually exclusive. Male leaders manipulated their economies, politics, government, administrative bodies, and all other factors of their lives to their advantage. But for some reason it will backfire if they attempt to manipulate their sexuality to their advantage? I don't see that it works that way.
I make no contention that hypergamy exists and that its identification is uncomfortable. I also make no contention that it is a non directed force, ie, it doesn't give a sh*t about anything, including how you feel or what you think. However, I also believe emphatically that one of the principle reasons why men have such a hard time managing women today, seemingly so much more so than in the past - it may have something to do with the relatively drastic pace of female emancipation economically, socially, sexually, and politically - but those are all threads in a much bigger tapestry.
If I refuse to do good work and a real requisite for getting a job is doing good work, then I will never get a job as long as that standard is applied.
One of the most commonly said maxims on this website is:
Never be afraid to walk away.
People do not have to keep repeating things that are commonly practiced or understood unless they are funny, and I don't see the punchline in that statement. The repetition inherent in its discussion indicates that
it is not being applied.
And why should this be? Why should a man never be afraid to walk away?
That maxim indirectly proves the requirement that men not only should exert a standard of acceptable behavior over women, but if the maxim is a true command, it implies they
Go back to my job example. Hypergamy may drive a woman towards all sorts of socially destructive behavior, but if men were to in large numbers exert a standard against women that such socially destructive behavior was unacceptable, and would therefore deny these women not only relationships but
also their sexuality and attention, women would have no choice but to accept the standard of man. What else would they do? If hypergamy is a result of evolutionary forces, it would have to change because no matter how much a woman's brain thinks she wants attention, it thinks she wants to survive and replicate infinitely more.
As I think about it, the entire PUA movement could be construed as a reaction to the standard women are currently exerting against men. Mystery and the rest of the guys who invented it were not reformers, they were Pickup Artists, and they just wanted to get laid. So they didn't try and change the system, they just looked for a competitive advantage within the preexisting system.
Does it sound like they're reacting against a female standard of expectation when they develop strategies to combat b*tch shields and manage LMR? Neg hits, freeze outs, canned lines, and especially peacocking... they are reactions.
Do you really think that in our evolutionary past, any alpha would go around in a magician's hat, leather pants, platform shoes, with ridiculous earrings and other jewelry? Does that f*cking sound like a man to you??? If someone out there doesn't know what mystery and some of these PUA guys look like, look them up!
Between the removal of positive masculinity from society due to feminism and the progressive inundation of society with distraction devices like the X-box, men have largely abdicated their role in society as leaders and have concurrently stopped exerting a standard of expectation over women. Quite honestly, if real masculinity were restored to society, I think the standard of expectation problem would take care of itself because in my view, one of the reasons women are acting so socially destructive is because it is what hypergamy would dictate they do absent plentiful levels of masculinity.
If the PUA's were right about anything, they were right about the fact that these female standards of expectation are screening mechanisms used to weed out betas. That's essentially what the good genes theory asserts - how can a female be certain that her prospective suitor is being honest with her? She has to develop methods to check. These screening methods would still exist to some point if masculinity suddenly flooded society, but they would change, according to hypergamy; it would not become a question of whether or not a man was a man, but more a question of how much more of a man is he than this other guy. Perhaps they would ultimately manifest themselves the same way, I don't know.
But anyways, that isn't the point. But I should have made my point sufficiently by now. And it's time to get back to work.