Is that why when I was using OLD more last summer, fall I was getting those post wall HB7 to 9s asking about my career and prodding me? I fudged up my profile a bit about my business and noticed they replied more and focused on career. You might recall that HB9.5 teacher last summer who was digging me,
texting my eyes off and drove 60 miles to meet me. Dinner going well UNTIL I told her I owned a small retail business and her attitude did a 360 on me and she immediately lost interest in me, even rolled her eyes and started looking like she wanted to leave. The waiter who was cool, and chatted for awhile before the date when she arrived even looked at me like WTF.
That tells me something right there. And she was a teacher at a very wealth private school probably making 100-115k a year. She drove a toyota I noticed BUT she had a travel addiction as well and complained about money constantly.
We have tons of post wall gold diggers here in Floriduh. Like cute 40 year olds hooking up with 65 year old men. It's sick. Until I get some muscle on me and able to go after pre wall women, granted I will have to look over 60 miles away, then I will have to use my business to attract women since post wall seem to focus more on career versus how much muscle you have.