So do you generally advise that, if she isn't suggesting disabling apps Etc, She's Not That Into You, and treat it as such?
Essentially, if that conversation/ behavior hasn't happened, don't ever put your eggs in one basket?
I never suggest men to request exclusivity as it's weak behavior, given the adage "women are gatekeepers of sex, men are the gatekeepers of relationships." I find that if a woman is not pushing exclusivity in some fashion
by the end of Month Two, she is a bit damaged or has been in the dating market a little longer than my taste prefers.
To note, my and most men's (on this site) target audience are younger women so these women have less dating acumen/experience and tend to want to form LTRs quickly before their child-bearing expiration, so my view may not hold with women beyond this stage.
Also, important, men with options like dating and meeting random hot women so exclusivity is a compromise to that extent. Not to be misconstrued that there are no benefits to LTRing, but high-value men would prefer to string a relation along non-exclusively as long as possible even with a woman he would LTR with so he can get the best of both worlds: (1) Keeping the woman he desires long-term; and (2) meeting other hot women consistently. So exclusivity for high-value men becomes a compromise when he loses access to No 2 (assuming he is not a cheater).
That given, so the women will eventually request exclusivity either overtly or covertly. I prefer a covert request, as with such a request, I can dance around it. After all, she is not being direct, so I misunderstood, right?

But this is the slow spiral to the eventual overt request, and then, unfortunately, I will have to make a decision: Get exclusive or she will be gone. So I try to negotiate more:
Her: <Overt request for exclusivity>
Guru: What does exclusivity mean to you?
Her: Well that's a silly question.
Guru: Really? Does that mean you will disable all your dating apps, and drop all your male friends because that's what exclusivity means to me.
Her: That's a bit extreme ...
Guru: Well then, this may take some time to work out. Let's continue as we are for now, as long as we understand where this is going
Here I just bought myself a little time. If the girl is smart, she will push through this BS, and deliver the ultimatum. But when she does, she understands that she is surrendering all her options and male friends as part of the exclusivity package. You might argue that my requesting her to drop all her male friends is absurd, however, I chose long ago, not to LTR women with male friends for many different reasons that go beyond the scope of this thread. So she either is on board fully or she can get moving when the time comes.