It seems to be the same 4 or 5 people everytime actually, and many agree with me if you look back through the thread. Ive given advice where I can on many other threads to new people, this particular thread is a bit more of a philosophical discussion though.( . )( . ) said:Just what the Western world needs. Another mewling mangina pretending the fictitious patweeearchy is real declaring his "equalness" to an already statistically overly depressed and overly medicated sex.![]()
Honestly, what are you even doing here? Every time you post you have like half a dozen fellas call your gyno nonsense out. You seem to be at odds with game. You most certainly don't help any of the newer members out with your continual stream of pozzed tripe so what are you actually doing here?
I dont see it at odds with game, I see it right in line with it. A DJ should be aloof, cool and just cruising through life working with what comes. He isnt dependent on women, he does his own thing and they see this and are attracted to him for it.
This is half of it, and the advice type posts along those lines (at heartiste for example, and some here) are beautifully, impeccably written. But then there is this huge ugliness and conflict in the manosphere, what comes across as a vitriolic hatred for the world and the society around us, specifically feminism, liberals, gays, etc. Any challenging viewpoint really is met with "you're a pvssy fem liberal".
To me this is a huge letdown, and I dont see how the kind of relaxed, open attitude of a DJ would mesh with this total lack of understanding and unwillingness to accept differences. It just doesnt add up. I think many people on the forums are simply frustrated men and they want an outlet to relieve their anger and failure with women, and that is very harmful to someone trying to get better with women. I cant imagine anyone who is that successful in life and with women displaying this level of intolerance toward other people.
This is the same point ive been making since the beginning. A true DJ should be embracing these changes (unprecedented level of access to women, less expectations for commitment, etc.), only a chump is going to sit around whining about the court system and that women are sluttier and working more.