Yes, you do in fact need to examine BOTH sides of the equation before you pass true judgement. Making up examples to prove your point is pure idiocy.
To be frank, I've never made mention of quantum mechanics in my posts. I am studying such things, but going back, I've never made mention of them. I have no ego investment in this. What I do have is a disdain for posters such as yourself who just "tag along" like a lapdog to more seasoned posters, fill their posts up, spin in some buzz words, and some off like an immature troll. We've crossed the threshhold between the original topic, and pure flaming now.
The "concepts" behind all the works and the Secret, which is in my opinion "Consciousness," are what matters. The consciousness of our universe. Of our planet. With 6 billion people, and ricorico professing LOA can't work because other people are so horrible and good people are oppressed, you only need to look at the state of mind of humanity. We throw off responsibility to genetics, childhood, emotional and chemical imbalances, the environment, religion, a higher power, but it never comes back to the individual. Individuals never see their responsibility in creating this world. Is that not seen amongst the works provided? Is it not known by you that we create this world, all 6 billion of us? And if we're pissed off about it, we have only need to look in a mirror?
I took a "concept" from The Secret, which happened to make more sense than pure religion has, and doesn't ask for sunday alms, or offerings, and yet contradict itself. The concept here, that I've positioned myself in supporting is personal responsibility and the will of the individual to create HIS world as he sees fit. Do you take issue with that? Go back. ALL my posts are related to that, probably back 3 years.
Today it's the Secret, Tomorrow's the Secret to Infinity or some other concept. If this post is about disproving The Secret by science, that's false imo, too. What was known science YESTERDAY, is no longer KNOWN SCIENCE today. Science is only presently known opinion. It isn't THAT concrete. There are some laws which explain our universe, and there are other's that are, or have been, turned over.
As someone who understands the tendency of people to CLING to something as their crutch, I've never been 100% into one thing, because I understand something will override or maybe contradict these concepts. BUT, they are a step in the right direction. So many people want to point blame elsewhere. Fundamentalists, poverty, health, wealth, weather, life, and never think..."Do we as a species make this world this way? What if we tried, as a group, to make this world in some better vision?" While LOA, or just wishing or praying at your nearest church can't save people in Africa, certainly a GROUP of people, and the whole humanity COULD. But Consciousness is fractured and broken. For the most part we link that to psychological or genetic problems. Is it? We think we've evolved and yet we commit the same atrocities we did as a species, just with greater rapidity and stealth?
I care not for keeping this post going, but at every turn I've either, not communicated effectively, had my words twisted, OR, been misunderstood totally. I care not for convincing you, as this is our world, and our realities are separate, as are our beliefs. Obviously. People say...well "If it's so great it this, this, and this!" But not all people WANT that. Not all people are aware or CARE about atrocities the world around, as ricorico noted. Not all people believe the war is good, or bad. If they did, people would help in changing things. They'd act.
And lastly, the concepts behind the Secret aren't just Quantum Mechanics. They're bodies of work dating back 100 years, and even several centuries. Different religious texts say much the same as the secret does, minus the science the secret attempts to use. The field of "Chaos and Chaos Theory" is relatively new in comparison to all other fields. It's value has become obvious and practical, and is drawing the attention of scholars the world around. However, it doesn't have the track record that other Science Fields have. Should it be discounted because it's new?
I really don't care what anyone believes, because no one cares what I believe. It's your reality, do what you will. Perhaps some viewers saw a different science in The Secret than I did. My point since the get-go was...this isn't new science, just packaged better. And...having not read or watched any of it...well, just confirmed my waste of time on this topic.
Good day to everyone,