If a guy feels compelled to spy on her and/ or demand her passwords for social media and all this nonsense then she’s not the girl for you, if that’s how she is making you feel, like there is a reason why you need to play it that way with her. If that’s the baseline of the relationship then you will always be wondering and spying and doubting and all this negative energy stuff which will drain you and erode the relationship eventually. Why waste your time and emotions in that way.
If she warrants that kind of snooping then just have her as a plate where no one expects nor owes anything to the other one.
People don’t really don’t f**king change regardless of frame, game, leadership whatever. If she’s not trustworthy now, deleting people from her FB isn’t going to make her so. Complying because of a threat isn’t going to make her so, being a leader isn’t going to make her so, dread game isn’t going to make her so. It’s who she is, I don’t get why some guys here waste time with women that they don’t trust, trying to frame them into being trustworthy.
Time better spend finding someone they can trust. And if the attitude is ‘well, no woman can be trusted’, then don’t get into a relationship with any lol. Just do casual dating no strings attached.
Some of you make it much more of a headache then it has to be.