To illustrate my point even further
@BeExcellent has told us the job titles of every guy she has been with! lol. We know very little about what these guys look like, but we know what type of work they do. She places importance on what they do. Even when she talks about her male family members she mentions job type.
Um no. Not job titles of every guy I've ever been with. Please. Dates are not the same as "been with!!"...which implies sexually. Nope. Misleading. And I HAVE explained what the "high status" dudes looked like...height, weight, body type, build, hair, etc. When people wanted me to give examples. Then I get shamed for showing off.
Ranger Mike has listed women out that he dates or sleeps with in a similar way. He notes what the women do, what they look like, and gives age and height/weight stats.
And those descriptions have always been for the purpose of helping the forum understand what high value men are (because that's what I date/LTR/etc). Which is LMS (Looks/Money/Status) + Game (aka social acumen.) So let's not grossly mis-characterize. My posts are around for the observing. So are Mike's.
What someone does sheds light/gives clues on who they are. It tells you something about how educated they are, whether they are business savvy or not, whether you have things in common, if they have discipline, if they possess intelligence, what they are interested in. Are the self oriented? Service oriented? Cause oriented? It shows you some of their character. To me character is of great importance.
And as a highly accomplished well off individual myself? You are dam straight I'm not going to go out with somebody who doesn't have the intellect or the life experience or character to interest me. I don't want to date a man who I think I know more than or who I think I have to lead, or somebody who doesn't have his act together AT LEAST to the degree I do. I don't care if the man looks likes George Clooney or Johnny Depp (both of whom are HOT in my book), a beautiful man who is not on my not on my level. And I won't entertain such a man. Why? I'm not after only sex, and sex appeal is not the whole enchilada.
I think Howie is flirting in his own way.