The remedy:


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2006
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KarmaSutra said:
This is precisely the thinking I'm hoping to reverse. You mean to tell me that your "one and only true love" fantasy girl has no hidden past? If she's Mother Theresa incarnate I'll eat my hat but otherwise I and, it seems, other fellows who choose to fight (as you so eloquently stated ) fire with fire.

It's this defeatist thinking which promotes and even applaudes women for their vileness and vindictiveness. You must take your head out of your ass and see things as they truly are sir. Hear me loudly and clear:

We cannot run and hide and think this is strictly for revenge purposes. It's not. This is a deterrent to those Femi-nazis who try to bully men into submission.

Ok, I think this site will probably create a lot of interest and possibly money. Unless you get sued for slander, but I assume you're trying to work around that.

However, I do not see how this site is beneficial to DJs/Pick-up artists. Why would we want a deterrent for women to be promiscuous? Why would we want a deterrent for a girl to have a one night stand with us? Why would we want a deterrent for a girl to give us a blow job in the back of a taxi?

Honestly, we shouldn't have this us versus them mentality. We are not at war with women, we just want to bang them!

I've been reading Casanova's memoirs and have come to realize that one of the reason's he was so successful with women is because he always protected the virtue of his conquests. Everyone knew that Casanova was a womanizer but he never talked of the women he seduced. Because of this reputation, even more women where willing to BE seduced by him.

This website does the exact opposite, it destroys a woman's virtue, making it more difficult for US to seduce them.

I'm sure you're going ahead with this venture, so good luck, I hope you make a ton of dough, but don't think this is a contribution to the male gender.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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I was on one of those stupid "Don't date this d!ckhead" sites, and frankly, I was damn proud of it. I even told all the girls I dated that I was considered a d!ckhead by multiple women.

I mean, if I'm so well-loved that several women actually made the effort to put my picture up on a website and write 5 paragraphs about me, then I'm pretty proud.

In fact, after work tonight I might even see if I can find that site again!


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
ModernSavage said:
Ok, I think this site will probably create a lot of interest and possibly money. Unless you get sued for slander, but I assume you're trying to work around that.
I have money. It's not what's fueling the sites progression.

However, I do not see how this site is beneficial to DJs/Pick-up artists. Why would we want a deterrent for women to be promiscuous? Why would we want a deterrent for a girl to have a one night stand with us? Why would we want a deterrent for a girl to give us a blow job in the back of a taxi?

Honestly, we shouldn't have this us versus them mentality. We are not at war with women, we just want to bang them!

I've been reading Casanova's memoirs and have come to realize that one of the reason's he was so successful with women is because he always protected the virtue of his conquests. Everyone knew that Casanova was a womanizer but he never talked of the women he seduced. Because of this reputation, even more women where willing to BE seduced by him.

This website does the exact opposite, it destroys a woman's virtue, making it more difficult for US to seduce them.
If you meet a girl at a club and she passes all of your tests and falls for your seduction, you mean to say that you wouldn't want to know whether or not she has spread herpes or ripped guys off of thier money or property? It's not active practice for women to walk around with a current STD test is it?

Casanova lived and fvcked in an era where disease and dishonesty didn't have as much at stake as our generation.

Think about it.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
Hey Karma, wicked idea. I'm also web-knowledgable, so i fyou plan on expanding the site (lets say articles, forum moderation, php/css/db crap...)...please, please contact me :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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KarmaSutra said:
It's not active practice for women to walk around with a current STD test is it?
Well, if you read the link posted in here. you will find that infected people are often hesitant to tell their partners...especially ONS. With ONS, they often won't tell them and rationalize it as "he just wanted some azz" so who cares what happens to him?

And here, some dude actually had to get informed by her friend.

Look, if a girl is honest and has nothing bad to hide...she has nothing to worry about. But, if she is ridin' dirty and a pathological cheater...well, who's ultimate fault is that? Doesn't mean anyone HAS to expose her, but if they did, I couldn't blame him either. If a girl has an STD or whatever ok, but if she's covering it up and putting others at risk...that is a problem.

If you make this site, just model it after and put up some healthy disclaimers that these are all just unconfirmed rumors. Maybe this all will get girls behaving in a more ethical manner. I think that will benefit DJs, PUAs and all men alike.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2006
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KarmaSutra said:
If you meet a girl at a club and she passes all of your tests and falls for your seduction, you mean to say that you wouldn't want to know whether or not she has spread herpes or ripped guys off of thier money or property? It's not active practice for women to walk around with a current STD test is it?

Casanova lived and fvcked in an era where disease and dishonesty didn't have as much at stake as our generation.
So your saying that the purpose of this site is to prevent STDs?? Come on, lets be realistic here.

Lets say, I meet a nice girl who I'm interested in, we really hit it off and we are going to have sex. Do I worry about STDs? Yes, of course, but I'm not going be thinking "oh I need to check out some website to see if she has an STD background." This is just not practical. What is practical though, is using a condom. Sure condoms aren't 100% safe, but I gurantee they're a lot more reliable than having to check your website.

Regarding my Casanova example, I don't think you really understood my point. Perhaps go back and reread it. By the way, there were STDs in his time and he actually got several STDs during his lifetime, but that wasn't the point.

Lets face it, this website is no better than It's just a way for people's lives to be ruined.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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KarmaSutra said:
You must take your head out of your ass and see things as they truly are sir.
My appologies for questioning such a wise crusader as yourself :rolleyes:

As for the whole STD debate, how much would you trust this site? Most of the guys are just gona be pissed off douches who will say anything to slander an ex. If you want to avoid the basket cases then figure it out by talking to them and the people who know them.

Personally I will always trust my instincts about a girl more than an anonomous poster who has some sort of negative history with her.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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xomel said:
site doesnt work.
Here's a few posts just off the first page:
i was in a relationship for 6 yrs n my ex cheated on me n passed it on to me,,when she new she had it god i hate that b.......h
I got from a gf, I dated her 6 months before sex. she had it all that time and never told me.
I got it after roughly 2.5 yrs with my gf. She had tons of partners before me but had been tested numerous times and always came out clean. Around the time bumps started sprouting up on me, one of her pap's came back with abnormal cells and you know where it went from there. The partners she had before were less than desirable characters so I really should have trusted my instincts rather than the 'clear' tests from the doctor. I loved her enough to look past it and after about 4.5 years with her I found out she was cheating on me and not telling others that she had HPV - I don't know what hurt me worse; that she was cheating on me or that she did it knowing damn well that she was spreading it to others like the friggin Outbreak monkey.
i know how i got my hpv/gentail warts my ex was haveing sex with guys when i was at work so now iam going to be paying for her cheating for the rest of my life
I went to the health depart. for a complete std workup and was told that there is no hpv test for men.
My first wife 23 years ago gave me genital warts and I later realized that she had given me herpes.
The warts were easy to get rid of and have not returned. The herpes however still lingers.
If a man cannot be tested, then how does he know.
Does no warts mean no hpv
I dont have a cervix lol
I already have herpes,and warts can be treated and go away.
I just wanna know so I will not be responsible for spreading it.
I know exactly how I got HPV. I have been married for a number of years and just recently found out my wife was cheating on me. Because of that I now have HPV. Now she is gone, we are getting a divorce, and I am going to be living with this for the rest of my life. Yes I know I sound bitter and I don't know if I could ever knowingly sleep with someone again even if I told them I had this. I know how I felt when I found out and what this is doing to my life, so I don't think I could ruin another life by doing that.
I still remember the conversation.

I was about a year-and-a-half into my relationship with my girlfriend when I told her about a couple of small bumps I'd noticed around my groin. She started crying.

"Why are you crying?"
"Because I *gave* them to you!"
"You... you gave me genital warts?"
"Yes!!" (more sobbing)
"I wish you'd have told me. I spent the last couple hours thinking I had cancer or something. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I was afraid you wouldn't love me and that you'd leave me."
"Well, I'm not going to leave you. But I sure wish you had respected me enough to have given me the choice."
"I'm so sorry! Do you hate me?"
"No sweetheart, I don't hate you. But when we're on the topic, is there anything else you've been keeping from me? Like, were you once a man"
[laughs through tears]"No, that was it."
"Well, okay then. You stop crying. I'm going to go get us some icecream. Okay?"

And I've had it ever since.
^ WOW, what a f'n AFC PUZZY! She give him warts...and he rewards her with ice cream??? Krist... :crackup:


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
An update.

We're still trying to get the logistics and legalities of this thing to jive but the most pressing issue is the amount of money it's going to cost for the amount of bandwidth recommended by my guy. We're looking into generating advertising revenue to help offset costs.

This is still very much alive and at the front of my plate just taking longer than anticipated.
Mar 18, 2006
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Karma. let me just state that I am excited (in a non-sexual way :rolleyes:) about the roll-out of your exposing hors to the light of day!!!!! Do you need an deliverer of truth to write articles exposing the hor agenda?? I have 34 years experience of dealing with hors and I now them like, like, like, a pimp knows a hor!!!!!


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Last Man Standing said:
Karma. let me just state that I am excited (in a non-sexual way :rolleyes:) about the roll-out of your exposing hors to the light of day!!!!! Do you need an deliverer of truth to write articles exposing the hor agenda?? I have 34 years experience of dealing with hors and I now them like, like, like, a pimp knows a hor!!!!!
You crack me up :moon:

I'll let you know . . .