Upon waking, I generally check the boards for any interesting topics of discussion or posts that I have insight on. As of late, though, I have become incredibly dismayed at the degradation of topics and posts. Not that we all don't have concerns, issues, or worries, but that it seems too many guys have TOO many issues, worries, or anxieties over life, women, dating, and sex.
Why, guys?
Apart from the fact that there will be minor setbacks (which you should appreciate now, not loathe), it makes no sense to see that a truly great piece of work (i.e the Dj Bible and other books available at amazon.com) goes relatively unused, unnoticed, and unreferenced.
Moreover, what guy wants a manual to life? Yes, a manual. I would HATE it, if someone popped up and said:
"Here's all the answer to life, you'll never have a question about women, and it will be so easy to make money, lay chicks, build a better body, OH, and by the way, you can play XBOX and watch football too while getting head."
If we had nothing to strive for we'd become bored, complacent, dolts. By having lack, we can appreciate abundance. By having winter, we can sow the seeds of wealth and prosperity for the spring, summer, and harvest in the fall. You see, each moment IS NECESSARY to reach the next.
I didn't know how to tie this in, but now I do.
Do you know why Tony Little became a pro-bodybuilder, and then subsequently began doing Home Shopping? No, not because he was a weird toolbag with a ponytail. Because when he was younger, he was picked on for his size. His apparent LACK of size lead him to balance that out by adding size. Many of the poorest people in our country became quite wealthy because it was this IMBALANCE that drove them to seek BALANCE.
You see, the SELF-IMAGE seems to always see itself as ONE WAY even if it achieves its desired goal. If you're fat, you kind of always see yourself, or at least feel you're that, and almost never go back. How many girls, or guys, were chubby, finally dropped the weight and are not workout freaks? I know quite a few in HS that are not in near perfect shape, and went through remarkable transformations.
In Think and Grow Rich, Hill talks about his son, who despite his glaring deafness, finds a way to use it as AN ASSET for his success. It motivates him to become better, and usually it occurs in the area were you are deficient. If you never SAW YOURSELF as lacking in one area, odds are, you'd never try to improve. If you felt your body was getting you the chicks you desire, and you weren't really from a health-conscience family, would you workout so diligently?
DO not forsake these setbacks. They are normal, and regular. They are life, offering you the feedback and guidance and course-correction we cannot offer here on the boards. Far too many of you are not living as if you're dying, because we are, one second, one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year, at a time.
A manual on life does not exist. A manual on women, do no exist. The guys who are good with women, are good with women because it's no different to them than ANY other part of their life. It's treated no differently, than how they operate daily.
I would like of many of you, those who can, to begin relying on yourselves more, interally, asking of yourself:
"What makes sense right now?"
"What can I do?"
I'd say 95% of the posts here, perhaps including mine, are unnecessary. Why?
Because they indicate such an extreme level of NEED, that the negative energy conotated in the post just vibrates out and kills any chance you have. You see, if you're EXTERNALIZING the post as a negative energy such as...
"Help me get X, Y, Z"
"I messed up SKILL 1a4, help!"
Inside you've already ACTUALIZED the feeling. Now, with the posting, its external, and physical reality. Case-in-point...know how you're told to write goals?
Well, stating your problem on paper, on the boards, awaiting the answer, and battling the responses, is A LONG PROGRESSION over 1 woman/1 situation. That's time you could use to work on a solution, constructively, and not DESTRUCTIVELY try to FIGURE out something with no answer. That's time you could be reading the Bible, or a book on women, or working out. Just as you write down goals so they're concrete, so too do writing down negative posts, give evidence of what's truly going on inside. For it to come to fruitition, you must make it tangible, physical reality. Believe me, boys, I used to do it, too. Over at a little board called Askmen.com, most members were perpetually bitter. It never HELPED me get better, the vast amount of weak people fed off each other, like some parasitic website, and everyone felt good so long as they went they there and knew other people to be having the SAME bad situations. But in what way is that good for your life? Dwelling on the same crap...mingling with negative people...?
Discard it. You don't need it.
impracticality by virtue of thinking of things in their ideal form rather than as they really are
The "DJ Way" is just 1 way. It's not an ideal way. There's no evidence to state any guy OUT there so idealized here is a "DJ", and no way to prove or disprove such a theory. A true man ascribes to NO preconceived party.
Chris Rock put it best when he said, politics is stupid, because when you make up your mind before you hear the issue, now you're just ignorant.
Ascribing to any particular party that predisposes itself to an idea, BEFORE it here's the question, is akin to ANSWERING a test before it's even passed out. It's almost like a subtle form of bigotry and mass generalization. Such thinking is contaminating the mind. NOW, this isn't to say the principles aren't awesome, especially for noobs, BUT....
...don't rebel cry that "I'm a DJ, so Screw women!" "Fvck them all, they're sisters, they screw men over." Are we going to be the bigger sex and say...
"Forget what women do, we're men, we do what we do. If we want to love 1 woman, we can. If we want to love many women, we will. If we want to date around the world we will. If we want to respect some women, we will."
Many of you tout the value of the site and the bible, but what did you do yesterday, or over the weekend? Did you workout? Read a book? Visit any family members? Study for classes? Meet any new girls?
A 1% improvement in 1 area of your life, for 100 days is a 100% improvement across the boards. A 100% improvement in 1 year is awesome, imagine in 100 days??
The purpose of most post was a post of concern, for those who would pay heed to it. Some will, some won't, so what, someone's waiting. I only posted what I felt because I see what's happening. Not only does 'needy overly emotional, troubling posts have the following effects':
*Causes you manifest THAT negative energy because now you've taken the time to write it down, think about it, await the response and debate it.
*Its contributed nothing to the boards.
*It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as you get what it is you think about.
*It's parasitic, as it causes others to unleash their slew of shyt and give in.
*It shows you have not internalized the strengths of the "man/dj" mindset.
And because you post here, do no let the 'dj cry' become the all consuming rebel yell that dictates your course of action BEFORE you've considered one. I know some of you are teetering on major improvements RIGHT now and will cross that chasm, but its an internal battle you wage and it CAN BE WON.
Why, guys?
Apart from the fact that there will be minor setbacks (which you should appreciate now, not loathe), it makes no sense to see that a truly great piece of work (i.e the Dj Bible and other books available at amazon.com) goes relatively unused, unnoticed, and unreferenced.
Moreover, what guy wants a manual to life? Yes, a manual. I would HATE it, if someone popped up and said:
"Here's all the answer to life, you'll never have a question about women, and it will be so easy to make money, lay chicks, build a better body, OH, and by the way, you can play XBOX and watch football too while getting head."
If we had nothing to strive for we'd become bored, complacent, dolts. By having lack, we can appreciate abundance. By having winter, we can sow the seeds of wealth and prosperity for the spring, summer, and harvest in the fall. You see, each moment IS NECESSARY to reach the next.
I didn't know how to tie this in, but now I do.
Do you know why Tony Little became a pro-bodybuilder, and then subsequently began doing Home Shopping? No, not because he was a weird toolbag with a ponytail. Because when he was younger, he was picked on for his size. His apparent LACK of size lead him to balance that out by adding size. Many of the poorest people in our country became quite wealthy because it was this IMBALANCE that drove them to seek BALANCE.
You see, the SELF-IMAGE seems to always see itself as ONE WAY even if it achieves its desired goal. If you're fat, you kind of always see yourself, or at least feel you're that, and almost never go back. How many girls, or guys, were chubby, finally dropped the weight and are not workout freaks? I know quite a few in HS that are not in near perfect shape, and went through remarkable transformations.
In Think and Grow Rich, Hill talks about his son, who despite his glaring deafness, finds a way to use it as AN ASSET for his success. It motivates him to become better, and usually it occurs in the area were you are deficient. If you never SAW YOURSELF as lacking in one area, odds are, you'd never try to improve. If you felt your body was getting you the chicks you desire, and you weren't really from a health-conscience family, would you workout so diligently?
DO not forsake these setbacks. They are normal, and regular. They are life, offering you the feedback and guidance and course-correction we cannot offer here on the boards. Far too many of you are not living as if you're dying, because we are, one second, one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year, at a time.
A manual on life does not exist. A manual on women, do no exist. The guys who are good with women, are good with women because it's no different to them than ANY other part of their life. It's treated no differently, than how they operate daily.
I would like of many of you, those who can, to begin relying on yourselves more, interally, asking of yourself:
"What makes sense right now?"
"What can I do?"
I'd say 95% of the posts here, perhaps including mine, are unnecessary. Why?
Because they indicate such an extreme level of NEED, that the negative energy conotated in the post just vibrates out and kills any chance you have. You see, if you're EXTERNALIZING the post as a negative energy such as...
"Help me get X, Y, Z"
"I messed up SKILL 1a4, help!"
Inside you've already ACTUALIZED the feeling. Now, with the posting, its external, and physical reality. Case-in-point...know how you're told to write goals?
Well, stating your problem on paper, on the boards, awaiting the answer, and battling the responses, is A LONG PROGRESSION over 1 woman/1 situation. That's time you could use to work on a solution, constructively, and not DESTRUCTIVELY try to FIGURE out something with no answer. That's time you could be reading the Bible, or a book on women, or working out. Just as you write down goals so they're concrete, so too do writing down negative posts, give evidence of what's truly going on inside. For it to come to fruitition, you must make it tangible, physical reality. Believe me, boys, I used to do it, too. Over at a little board called Askmen.com, most members were perpetually bitter. It never HELPED me get better, the vast amount of weak people fed off each other, like some parasitic website, and everyone felt good so long as they went they there and knew other people to be having the SAME bad situations. But in what way is that good for your life? Dwelling on the same crap...mingling with negative people...?
Discard it. You don't need it.
impracticality by virtue of thinking of things in their ideal form rather than as they really are
The "DJ Way" is just 1 way. It's not an ideal way. There's no evidence to state any guy OUT there so idealized here is a "DJ", and no way to prove or disprove such a theory. A true man ascribes to NO preconceived party.
Chris Rock put it best when he said, politics is stupid, because when you make up your mind before you hear the issue, now you're just ignorant.
Ascribing to any particular party that predisposes itself to an idea, BEFORE it here's the question, is akin to ANSWERING a test before it's even passed out. It's almost like a subtle form of bigotry and mass generalization. Such thinking is contaminating the mind. NOW, this isn't to say the principles aren't awesome, especially for noobs, BUT....
...don't rebel cry that "I'm a DJ, so Screw women!" "Fvck them all, they're sisters, they screw men over." Are we going to be the bigger sex and say...
"Forget what women do, we're men, we do what we do. If we want to love 1 woman, we can. If we want to love many women, we will. If we want to date around the world we will. If we want to respect some women, we will."
Many of you tout the value of the site and the bible, but what did you do yesterday, or over the weekend? Did you workout? Read a book? Visit any family members? Study for classes? Meet any new girls?
A 1% improvement in 1 area of your life, for 100 days is a 100% improvement across the boards. A 100% improvement in 1 year is awesome, imagine in 100 days??
The purpose of most post was a post of concern, for those who would pay heed to it. Some will, some won't, so what, someone's waiting. I only posted what I felt because I see what's happening. Not only does 'needy overly emotional, troubling posts have the following effects':
*Causes you manifest THAT negative energy because now you've taken the time to write it down, think about it, await the response and debate it.
*Its contributed nothing to the boards.
*It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as you get what it is you think about.
*It's parasitic, as it causes others to unleash their slew of shyt and give in.
*It shows you have not internalized the strengths of the "man/dj" mindset.
And because you post here, do no let the 'dj cry' become the all consuming rebel yell that dictates your course of action BEFORE you've considered one. I know some of you are teetering on major improvements RIGHT now and will cross that chasm, but its an internal battle you wage and it CAN BE WON.