Some Insight.
The mind tends to find "reasons" then chop away at them. Many times, we'll find a big enough 'why' such as our bodies, and chop it down as to why we don't deserve it. If your self-image/self-worth is off, then you'll cut on 'why' you shouldn't be fit, or date girls you want, or have money you want.
Poor people have the biggest 'why' of all beings present, and even numerous handouts, access to a library, yet achieve relatively little with regards to societal gains.
Whenever you find a good reason, it can very possibly be cut back on. Not needing a reason is the purity of doing it. Odd, right?
I enjoy golf the MOST, when I have no reason to play. NOW, that's pure love. Of all the things I decide to do with that time, I play golf. Now isn't that purity of the moment?
But, when you're seeking some external gain like impression a boss, competing to one-up someone, or gambling, the purity of the game is lost. Sure it's fun, but are you playing for the sake of the game or some ego-trip to make you feel good?
This gets to the heart of women, and approaching. Are you approaching her for some ego trip, or for the purity of who she is and you are? NOW that's power. Do you need to say...
...i approached because...
You looked good, I have no reason, which is the best reason, because of all the ladies, I could meet, I took a moment to come meet you and find out how you are as a person. If you have a compelling reason, it can be rooted in 'insecure' circumstances. Granted, we are creatures seeking constant equilibrium. Most people try to reach a plateau, and once they get there, stay there. They create routines. Comfort circles. Habits. These lead to outcomes...
It's almost spiritual when you rise above the 'why'. I've read much on success being about obligation and the stories of a mother who have lifted a large cars when their child was trapped underneath it, how if you have a big enough reason, you can do anything. The same was communicated to be in 'Greatest Salesman.' And it is true. My big why would be: it's life, you're here to do the best you can. Jim Rohn would say the same...Do the best you can, for you. Even if no money is involved, doing anything less than your best ONLY HURTS you. It develops weak traits. It ENABLES you to cop out when you don't feel like doing something.
What happens when the WHY is gone? When your rise up? What does Trump do now? He's at the top. Is his why to stay there so he does ever more grandiose projects to retain his top billing as a grand promoter? Perhaps. There is a spiritual, almost unseen motivation...when you pop the lid off why, you can go to great heights.
Why do you want to master women and life? Because it's for all whom desire it, because it brings MORE LIFE. When you see a business, it starts out that you want to provide a valuable service that is much needed and will make you money that you are good at. In time, it evolves to where YOU and IT are part of a greater system. The business has impacts all over the globe, from economic, financial, to social, and psychological. It's not a separate entity; and your driving force is integrated. They WHY becomes greater than YOU, OR, I, OR the COMPANY. Its mission is grand and large. It has a focus, an identity. It's concentrated like a laser-guided missile.
The mind tends to find "reasons" then chop away at them. Many times, we'll find a big enough 'why' such as our bodies, and chop it down as to why we don't deserve it. If your self-image/self-worth is off, then you'll cut on 'why' you shouldn't be fit, or date girls you want, or have money you want.
Poor people have the biggest 'why' of all beings present, and even numerous handouts, access to a library, yet achieve relatively little with regards to societal gains.
Whenever you find a good reason, it can very possibly be cut back on. Not needing a reason is the purity of doing it. Odd, right?
I enjoy golf the MOST, when I have no reason to play. NOW, that's pure love. Of all the things I decide to do with that time, I play golf. Now isn't that purity of the moment?
But, when you're seeking some external gain like impression a boss, competing to one-up someone, or gambling, the purity of the game is lost. Sure it's fun, but are you playing for the sake of the game or some ego-trip to make you feel good?
This gets to the heart of women, and approaching. Are you approaching her for some ego trip, or for the purity of who she is and you are? NOW that's power. Do you need to say...
...i approached because...
You looked good, I have no reason, which is the best reason, because of all the ladies, I could meet, I took a moment to come meet you and find out how you are as a person. If you have a compelling reason, it can be rooted in 'insecure' circumstances. Granted, we are creatures seeking constant equilibrium. Most people try to reach a plateau, and once they get there, stay there. They create routines. Comfort circles. Habits. These lead to outcomes...
It's almost spiritual when you rise above the 'why'. I've read much on success being about obligation and the stories of a mother who have lifted a large cars when their child was trapped underneath it, how if you have a big enough reason, you can do anything. The same was communicated to be in 'Greatest Salesman.' And it is true. My big why would be: it's life, you're here to do the best you can. Jim Rohn would say the same...Do the best you can, for you. Even if no money is involved, doing anything less than your best ONLY HURTS you. It develops weak traits. It ENABLES you to cop out when you don't feel like doing something.
What happens when the WHY is gone? When your rise up? What does Trump do now? He's at the top. Is his why to stay there so he does ever more grandiose projects to retain his top billing as a grand promoter? Perhaps. There is a spiritual, almost unseen motivation...when you pop the lid off why, you can go to great heights.
Why do you want to master women and life? Because it's for all whom desire it, because it brings MORE LIFE. When you see a business, it starts out that you want to provide a valuable service that is much needed and will make you money that you are good at. In time, it evolves to where YOU and IT are part of a greater system. The business has impacts all over the globe, from economic, financial, to social, and psychological. It's not a separate entity; and your driving force is integrated. They WHY becomes greater than YOU, OR, I, OR the COMPANY. Its mission is grand and large. It has a focus, an identity. It's concentrated like a laser-guided missile.